Jamie Frier

6 games reviewed
80.0 average score
80 median score
66.7% of games recommended
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8 / 10 - Destiny
Oct 8, 2014

Nothing like it has been done on console before, and we have to respect Bungie – and Activision – for that.

9 / 10 - Wasteland 2
Oct 8, 2014

Brilliant stuff.

7 / 10 - The Sims 4
Oct 8, 2014

In many ways The Sims 4 is a beginning, its core foundation of functions playing their parts beautifully. But in others it feels like a step back, like a set of systems designed around future expansion in mind and not providing the necessary wealth of options from the start. Though The Sims 4 does so much to widen its berth, diehard fans will likely be looking to moor up somewhere else entirely.

7 / 10 - Transistor
Jun 16, 2014

Just like the technical artifice in which it's set, though, it never quite feels like home.

Jun 6, 2014

Super Time Force is a quirky mix of good, old-fashioned shooting fun, blended with more than a pinch of thinking power – but it proves to be a perfect combination.

9 / 10 - Watch Dogs
Jun 5, 2014

2014 will have better games, stronger ideas and more visually impressive spectacles, but none of this stops Watch Dogs from being another very fine offering from Ubisoft Montreal, a studio that has a commitment to both quality and narrative that should always be admired.