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Dominic Leighton

Matlock, Derbyshire

Favorite Games:
  • Fable
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Xenoblade Chronicles

418 games reviewed
76.5 average score
80 median score
70.9% of games recommended

Dominic Leighton's Reviews

Having written for TheSixthAxis for the past four years, in 2015 Dom became the Reviews Editor, which has led to a great deal of reviewing, and indeed, editing. He always roots for the underdog, hence why some of his favourite consoles include the Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast and Nintendo Wii U. He also had an Atari Jaguar, but even he had to draw a line somewhere.
Oct 18, 2017

Like its Hyrulean brethren, Fire Emblem Warriors is a joyous action packed romp through hordes of faceless enemies in the company of some well-loved characters and all the trappings of a Fire Emblem game. It's not going to convince anyone who's unsure about the well-worn Warriors template, and it's far from being a technical showcase for the Switch, but it is raw, unadulterated fun packed with bags of fan service.

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It may not be the most action packed in the series thus far, it's certainly one of the most memorable.

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The Lego Ninjago Movie Game does a great job of bringing the full film experience to your console and wrapping it up with the next step in Lego gameplay . It's fantastic to see a return to the style of the Lego Movie Videogame, as opposed to the Lego Batman Movie's half-accurate Lego Dimensions pack, but it's bittersweet when all of that good work is somewhat undone by last-gen technical flaws which have somehow found their way back in.

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Oct 3, 2017

Forza Motorsport 7 continues the series' march towards motoring perfection, and graphically there is simply nothing close to touching it. What's even more remarkable is that it looks so good before we see the boost the Xbox One X will bring to both the visuals and the performance. There are some downsides to that fidelity, and on a standard Xbox One the load times suck a chunk of the fun from the experience, while the game's internal economy also looks likely to cause problems further down the line. Having said that, this is still a masterpiece of racing software, and undoubtedly it's set to become what its rivals in the genre will be judged against.

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WRC 7 isn't perhaps the most exciting racing game out there, but while it lacks some of the drama of Codemasters' offerings, this is still a well put together and technically sound rally game. It's also another positive step forwards for the series, which shows that there is absolutely the potential there to turn in something special.

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Sep 18, 2017

With an expanded roster that only improves on an already great lineup, fantastic gameplay, and an increased range of challenges and modes, Pokkén Tournament DX is true fighting game gold.

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Sep 12, 2017

In some ways Everybody's Golf has been well worth the wait. This is still the same gentle and appealing brand of arcade golf that fans have come to know and love, and it's easy to get caught up in the sheer fun of it all. However, once you venture online you'll discover that the game is currently deeply unbalanced, with micro-transactions and mobile-esque grinding sapping any sense of competition from proceedings, while asking players to reach for their wallets in order to gain an advantage. In a game that's supposed to be all about the golfing fun, Sony have categorically found a way to put you firmly in the rough.

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8 / 10 - Knack 2
Sep 5, 2017

Knack 2 is a bright and breezy action romp that keeps up its breathless pace throughout its runtime. Its well-trodden gameplay beats are far from revolutionary, but it is undoubtedly accomplished, and redeems much of what the first game managed to somehow get so wrong. A surprise and a somewhat guilty delight.

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9 / 10 - Madden NFL 18
Aug 30, 2017

Madden 18 is yet another triumph for the series, and this year's big success story is the game's Longshot narrative. It seems incongruous to be talking about heartfelt, well-acted storytelling in a Madden game, yet it's a perfect fit, hanging some drama off EA's rock-solid mechanics and fantastic visuals.

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The storytelling sags a little in the middle, but just when you think you know where everything is heading, a little change of direction – and plenty of space brawling – brings things back around. Bring on episode four.

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Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth sets a fantastic tone, and does an admirable job of capturing the era, setting and the characters of this iconic piece of fiction. It's a shame that at various points the game puts you off, whether through multiple loading screens, obtuse exploration, or a few other technical distractions. That being said, I can't wait to see how Book Two unfolds, and can only hope Daedalic find a way for the gameplay to match the presentation.

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9 / 10 - Sine Mora EX
Aug 9, 2017

Tough, expansive, and boasting a surprisingly mature narrative, Sine Mora EX is a remaster done right. Offering native 4K visuals – if you've got the right kit – tons of content and rock-solid gameplay, side-scrolling shooters simply don't get much better than this.

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Aug 7, 2017

As special as it was ten years ago, Patapon Remastered is a glorious example of when art, music and gameplay coalesce into something far more intoxicating than its sum parts would have you expect.

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Jul 24, 2017

Cars 3: Driven to Win is a fun and eclectic racer, and one that boasts plenty of content that'll keep fans of the films happy for many hours, especially younger gamers who may well overlook some of the flaws. It's a shame then that the game's poor performance, lack of polish and often unfair difficulty level make it that much harder to recommend to anyone else.

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Jul 20, 2017

Valkyria Revolution's biggest crime is that it is utterly dull. The tonal changes to the narrative, and to the combat system, are completely pointless, and not only do a disservice to the Valkyria name, they render it meaningless. Such are the differences between the two titles I don't understand why they bothered to sully the series' fantastic reputation with this release.

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Though I remember having a huge amount of fun with XII when it came out, it's always been Final Fantasy X that was ‘my' Final Fantasy game growing up. However, having replayed them both again in remastered form, it's clearly XII which comes away the winner. A wonderful remaster with welcome enhancements, it's remarkable just how fresh, fun and involving Final Fantasy XII feels over a decade later, with elements that still feel modern in a franchise well known for hanging onto the past.

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Jun 29, 2017

The release of Stormblood only cements what some players have known for a very long time; Final Fantasy XIV is a phenomenal MMORPG. The structural changes to combat and PvP, as well as the two new classes, introduce plenty for both veterans and newcomers to sink their teeth into, while the emotionally charged central campaign is easily amongst the best the franchise has offered in years.

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Jun 27, 2017

The Golf Club 2 improves on the original in every way, and most importantly it plays a fantastic game of golf. It's a shame then that there are still some technical hiccups, as they do take some of the sheen away from it, but I don't doubt that HB Studios will continue to improve on what has clearly been a labour of love, and one which shows that sports game development isn't solely in the realms of the biggest publishers.

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There are still plenty of reasons to tune in to Telltale's Guardians, but this is a B-side rather than a hit single.

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8 / 10 - Arms
Jun 7, 2017

Bringing motion controls back with a bang, ARMS can feel surprisingly retro, yet it also fits in perfectly with Nintendo's modern twist on gaming and the Switch. ARMS exhibits Nintendo's flair for game design to its fullest, confidently taking a well-known genre and injecting it with colour and character to craft something that's inimitably their own.

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