Jason Fanelli
_________________________ “Warriors All-Stars has the elements for greatness, it simply didn't magic them together enough to truly be “all-star” material.
Gigantic is off to a good start, but it'll need a little variety in the future if it wants me to stick around.
It's not a perfect adventure, and there will be some frustrating moments, but I'm ready to hear more of the song that this game brings.
Taking these Agents out on missions starts out fun, but quickly goes repetitive.
The Long Dark is a tense and harrowing experience both in Story and Survival modes.
This was a fun little jaunt down memory lane, but it's really nothing more than another Namco collection in new digs.
Serial Cleaner shines like a freshly mopped floor in its challenge and 70s aesthetic, but basic gameplay elements suffer in the process.
For the most part the Yooka-Laylee has succeeded in meeting expectations, though a few specters from that bygone era decided to make the journey too.
Ghost Recon: Wildlands is exactly what Ubisoft's storied shooter franchise needed to be reinvigorated.
Berserk and The Band of the Hawk is a button masher’s dream, but it doesn't bring much new to the Warriors template beyond putting players in Guts' shoes for action.
With Horizon Zero Dawn, Guerrilla Games crafted a beautiful open world filled with life, both mechanical and human, and crammed full of things to do.
I might not have known what was going on -- frankly I still don’t -- but Gravity Rush 2 is still a good time even for a new guy like me.
The Last Guardian is an interesting and frustrating game that can't decide if it wants to be modern or retro, and that constant argument brings the entire experience down a notch.
Final Fantasy XV is an ideal experience for a new age of the franchise, and I'm looking forward to diving back in to see what I missed the first time.
The soul of what makes Pokemon fun and exciting is thankfully still intact, Sun and Moon just give it a new sense of style.
Some specters from the previous game still exist, particularly in combat and a bit in driving, but Watch Dogs 2 improves on the original game in every way that counts.
While WWE 2K17 can be a ton of fun, a few specters of its past keep it from being a flawless experience.
While there are glimmers of hope throughout the adventure, the majority of ReCore is neither remarkable nor technically sound.
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice has some bumps along the road, but there's a twisting and thrilling story worth the occasional struggle.
I didn't think AoT fit well into Omega Force style of game, but I'm happy to say that playing the game has proven me wrong... for the most part.