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Casey Scheld

Alameda, CA

603 games reviewed
56.5 average score
60 median score
30.4% of games recommended

Casey Scheld's Reviews

Managing Editor / Social Media Director at Gamers Heroes | Lover of running, bad movies, 80s music, and drinking too much coffee
65 / 100 - Near DEADLine
Dec 10, 2020

Near DEADLine's twitch-based action is an acquired taste, but those that can get used to its loose controls can find a short-but-sweet time waster that puts the pressure on.

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50 / 100 - skelets
Dec 7, 2020

The bite-sized action of skelets is good for a brief visit, but the lack of variety kills its chances for any sort of long term appeal. Skeletons with shotguns is the stuff dreams are made of, but the end product is far less interesting.

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40 / 100 - Shotgun Witch
Dec 4, 2020

The combination of shotguns and witches should make for a grand ol' time, but the arena-based action of Shotgun Witch fails to impress with its lack of variety and short length.

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Move over, Eminem: The Whiteboyz Wit Attitude are here to steal the show. The gameplay might be overly basic, but their sheer style and humor gives these two some serious clout.

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70 / 100 - Lost Potato
Nov 20, 2020

Lost Potato is simple by design, but that also proves to be one of its greatest strengths. This bite-sized roguelike might not make waves in the space, but it has the fundamentals down and is perfect for small play sessions.

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Nov 15, 2020

Streets of Kamurocho pays great honor to both the Streets of Rage and Yakuza series of games. Though there is not much to this package, those weaned on beat-em-ups old and new will enjoy their brief jaunt in Tokyo.

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30 / 100 - Ball at Work
Nov 6, 2020

Ball at Work completely misses the ball by messing up its physics engine. As a result, it can be hard to do the most basic of tasks, making it broken at a fundamental level and an easy pass.

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Nov 1, 2020

FOOTSIES Rollback Edition might not look the part, but the simplistic presentation hides some serious depth. Those looking to master the basics or need a refresher on the fundamentals will enjoy throwing down in this FGC-approved title.

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Oct 29, 2020

Interstate Drifter 1999 might not have a lot of content, but it does have a lot of heart. Drifting along in its retro world takes some getting used to, but mastering its slippery controls leads to an experience rarely seen in this day and age.

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60 / 100 - Virtual Cottage
Oct 26, 2020

Virtual Cottage has got the lo-fi beats and the atmosphere, but the song selection and number of options is somewhat lacking. Those that don't mind tunes on repeat will dig its track selection, but it just doesn't have the same impact as the infamous YouTube live stream.

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50 / 100 - Isles of Limbo
Oct 23, 2020

Isles of Limbo is over before it even begins, offering a basic experience that doesn't do anything to stand out.

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Oct 18, 2020

Those who know even the most basic of anime tropes will be well acquainted with all the major beats of Tyrania. This visual novel is as basic as they come, and the lack of polish makes it an easy pass.

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Oct 13, 2020

The narrative of The Night Fisherman sets the stage for something great, but the short length and illusion of choice lacks the follow-through to really make an impact.

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40 / 100 - Tank Battle
Oct 5, 2020

Tank Battle pays tribute to Namco's 80s classic Battle City, but it simply doesn't have the underpinnings that made that title such a classic long ago.

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30 / 100 - Analog Party Sim
Oct 2, 2020

Analog Party Sim fails to be the life of the party, feeling more like a chore than a blowout bash. The short length of each playthrough and the constant attention guests require proves to be an annoyance, rather than a jolly get together.

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Random humor has its place in media, but A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing fails to captivate its audience by shotgunning the bizarre and seeing what sticks.

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75 / 100 - Tinker Racers
Sep 25, 2020

Tinker Racers pint-sized racers put the pressure on with its elimination-based gameplay. Though this title favors crazy drifting over tight controls, those who can get a grip on its mechanics will have fun trouncing the competition.

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Sep 21, 2020

The stylish outrun aesthetics simply aren't enough to hide the lack of polish in Cybershock: Future Parkour. The mechanics of this title have been done better elsewhere, and those who have played titles like Mirror's Edge will be disappointed with its overall rigidity.

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80 / 100 - The Supper
Sep 18, 2020

Much like a fine meal, The Supper leaves players craving more when all is said and done. Though it feels more like an appetizer than a full course, what is present here hits all the right notes for the point-and-click genre.

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25 / 100 - KillSteel
Sep 14, 2020

Demolition derbies with weapons should be a raucous affair, but the lack of personality and poor physics make KillSteel feel more like a pretender than a contender in the space.

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