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Casey Scheld

Alameda, CA

603 games reviewed
56.5 average score
60 median score
30.4% of games recommended

Casey Scheld's Reviews

Managing Editor / Social Media Director at Gamers Heroes | Lover of running, bad movies, 80s music, and drinking too much coffee
8 / 10 - Cloudbuilt
Apr 8, 2014

Despite cribbing notes from a number of gaming vets, Cloudbuilt manages to be its own beast. Its debut effort is a love letter to fans of all things stylish, those of us who live for perfect ranks, achievements, and the top of the leaderboards.

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Mar 28, 2014

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is a terrible disappointment. The heart and soul that made Ninja Gaiden so popular has been sucked out, leaving a shallow husk of a game. It’s best not to mess with Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z — it’s already been zombified.

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This short length of Ground Zeroes is definitely a downside, but consider this: would this style of gameplay hold up after 20 hours? It might be too soon to tell, but the structure seems like a radical departure from what made Metal Gear Metal Gear. Action purists will no doubt love its combat-centric gameplay, but those looking to wax nostalgic with a MGS title from 2014 best tread with caution.

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