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Casey Scheld

Alameda, CA

603 games reviewed
56.5 average score
60 median score
30.4% of games recommended

Casey Scheld's Reviews

Managing Editor / Social Media Director at Gamers Heroes | Lover of running, bad movies, 80s music, and drinking too much coffee
50 / 100 - Land of Screens
Feb 16, 2022

Land of Screens is far too one-note for its own good, repeatedly hammering the message that screens are pure evil. Its heart is in the right place, but its execution leaves something to be desired.

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Feb 11, 2022

Pack your bags for South Town - KOF is back. The deep and stylish gameplay that put the series on the map is back and better than ever, and the inclusion of rollback netcode ensures this dream match never ends.

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50 / 100 - SHINORUBI
Jan 31, 2022

SHINORUBI’s widescreen vantage point is certainly unique to the world of shoot-’em-ups, but this title proves there’s a good reason for that. Its lack of personality and cluttered playfield make this a hard pass for even the most hardcore shmup fan.

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75 / 100 - Pupperazzi
Jan 23, 2022

The idyllic, low-stakes world of Pupperazzi is one that budding photographers can easily be lost in. The laundry list of objectives can weigh on even the most devout pupper lover, but it is still worth a go for those looking for a breather.

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40 / 100 - Speed Mazing
Jan 23, 2022

Speed Mazing and its overly basic nature makes this a tough game to suggest for those looking for multiplayer mayhem. Its overly simplistic control scheme and its lack of options means that players will be tired of this game faster than it takes to finish a single round.

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80 / 100 - Windjammers 2
Jan 20, 2022

Windjammers 2 is a worthy successor to the disc flying action of the Neo-Geo classic. While it is a bit light on modes, its core action has enough variety to be the next big competitive hit.

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Jan 16, 2022

Buck Up and Drive! is a vanity racer that focuses more on spectacle than depth. While we appreciate the nature of a car that can grind rails, there are a number of questionable design choices that cheapen the experience.

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Jan 16, 2022

The battle between light and darkness never looked so good in GRAND CROSS: ReNOVATION. The Sun Blade mechanic is a much-needed breath of fresh air in the shmup space, one hardcore fans will enjoy mastering.

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40 / 100 - UNPLUGGED
Jan 9, 2022

Unplugged blatantly copies One Finger Death Punch’s tried-and-true formula, but fails to jot down what made that indie darling so great. With simplistic gameplay and game-breaking bugs, this title is a pretender more than a contender.

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Jan 2, 2022

Methodical puzzle games and frenzied roguelikes sound like apples and oranges, but Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon makes a delicious smoothie out of the two genres suitable for all tastes.

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70 / 100 - fishy
Jan 2, 2022

The core elements of fishy are sound, but this visual novel is far too short for its own good. Finding one’s confidence makes for a great tale, but players just don’t have enough time to connect in this aquatic world.

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Dec 19, 2021

The arcade roots of Clockwork Aquario are proudly on display - for better or worse. While it proves to be a fun side-scrolling romp, it is also far too cheap and short for its own good. This time capsule is still worth a go, but even the staunchest side-scrolling fan should be aware of what they’re getting into.

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Dec 11, 2021

Tiger Trio’s Tasty Travels packs some challenge underneath its cutesy exterior. It goes without saying that running a popular sushi business is a massive undertaking, but finding the right way to do it in this puzzle title proves that it’s worth taking on.

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Dec 5, 2021

For a game that relies heavily on its storytelling, my brother lives in a canyon fails to engage players. The acting and plot simply aren’t there, and this tale of brotherly love simply lacks the punch of the better walking simulators on the market today.

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Nov 29, 2021

Casual racing experiences have their place, but Sparks - Episode 1 plays things far too safe. There’s simply no variety or flavor to each of its tracks, making the whole package feel drier than a package of saltines.

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75 / 100 - Alpaca Stacka
Nov 22, 2021

The pastel world and happy-go-lucky premise of Alpaca Stacka achieve exactly what it sets out to do, providing a casual experience kids (and kids at heart) will absolutely love. It’s overly short, but think of it as a casual breather between meatier titles and you’ll have a great time.

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Nov 18, 2021

Track and field titles were designed as casual button mashers at their core, and World CHAMPIONS: Decathlon doesn’t do much to shake things up. The lack of personality and depth prevent this competitor from ever taking on the Track & Field champ.

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75 / 100 - PalmRide
Nov 7, 2021

The outrun aesthetic is alive and well with PalmRide. While this racer’s life system takes away from its sense of speed, its overall vibe more than makes up for it.

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Oct 28, 2021

You would think a game about minigolf would have a competent physics system, but Minigolf Adventure makes every last ball feel like a lead weight. It’s simply not fun to play, and no amount of variety can change its poor fundamentals.

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85 / 100 - TechBeat Heart
Oct 18, 2021

Designed for short burst sessions, TechBeat Heart encourages players to come back for just one more run. This vertical shmup doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but it doesn’t have to - its focus on the fundamentals pays off in dividends.

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