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Lucas Moura

355 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
57.5% of games recommended

The team at Megagon Industries nailed the feeling of climbing down a mountain. It’s not only about the challenge – its about the nooks and crannies, the wind, the birds. A game that’s both equally charming and very inviting for those who are into leaderboards challenges.

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Oct 27, 2019

The Surge 2 is still clunky, still has issues with boss fights and it still needs a bit more polish overall. Nevertheless, it poses interesting questions about power projection and how a city can fall into despair – and if it’s right or wrong to judge those affected by it.

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- Grid
Oct 22, 2019

GRID does what it always did best: pure and unadulterated arcade fun. It doesn’t have an elaborate career mode, nor it needs to. It’s a breath of fresh air in a generation filled with open world racing games.

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Breakpoint might feel like a step down from Wildlands at first with its gear level, but when the survival mechanics – as shallow as they might be – kicks in and you’re fighting your way through the jungle, it’s the best one since Advanced Warfighter.

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While Stygian offers wealth in its lore and worldbuilding, it falls short with bugs, a rushed ending and very frustrating combat encounters.

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Sep 25, 2019

Lovely, charming, with enough simplicity to offer creative freedom and expression. Cat Quest II is a must for those looking for relaxing and cute moments and some great coop action.

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Cold War could’ve been a huge improvement to Assault Squad 2. Instead, it delivers a very bland dynamic campaign and very few unique units. It’s better stick to the original for now.

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The Hunter and The Beast completely revamps the Empire faction and shows that the Eye of the Vortex campaign still has a lot left to explore. One of the finest DLCs for Total War: Warhammer 2.

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Sep 12, 2019

Sin Slayers fails to grasp what made the JRPG “classics” so great, and instead delivers a dull and predictable plot along with a combat system that drags on for far too long.

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Sep 10, 2019

Even though its bursting with a strong identity, Blasphemous struggles to find its own footing in a crowded genre. There are glimpses of what could’ve been an amazing game, but much of it its bogged down due to its over reliance on a dull skill system.

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Sep 5, 2019

Even at its lowest, Children of Morta encapsulates the struggles, challenges and joys of family. It beautifully reminds us about acceptance, loss, and to support the ones you love.

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Sep 3, 2019

Control marks a new chapter in Remedy’s history — a game that respects its influences and learns to convey its story through other means than sheer violence. Their best game since Max Payne 2.

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Aug 16, 2019

For better or worse, Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is 2019’s Wing Commander: Privateer. It has one of the most satisfying space combat of the last decade, but falls short on everything else.

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Aug 9, 2019

Even if its level design is nothing worth writing home about, Pawarumi understands what makes a treasure-esque shmup unique, doubles down on such features and offers a satisfying technical shmup that has its own twists.

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Youngblood feels like a weird mishmash of two clearly distinct design principles – the open-ended approach by Arkane and the linear and often action fueled sequences by MachineGames. The end result is a lesser game, devoid of soul and interesting mechanics.

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Seed of Evil provides answers to questions that didn’t need them, doubles down on a shallow tactical layer instead of offering Year Zero’s fine-tuned mix between stealth, strategy and story. It often feels tacked on and mostly unnecessary.

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Jul 26, 2019

Eagle Island is charming, full of like and a good compromise between roguelite elements and exploration. Sadly, its less than accurate targeting system and often frustrating combat makes it a chore to play, especially during later stages.

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Jul 16, 2019

Whilst clearly inspired by Contra, Blazing Chrome is more than capable to stand on its own as a great run ‘n gun. It shows how much Joymasher grew as a developer and it is by far their best game.

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Jul 9, 2019

Steel Division 2 unifies its strategic and tactical layer like few real time strategy games does. Sadly, Eugen’s stubbornness in not including proper tutorials makes what could’ve been one of the best games of 2019 just a really good one.

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Jun 25, 2019

My Friend Pedros’s action packed sequences are a sight to behold and at the same time little memorable. A game which forgot its original original roots, tries to do too much to achieve too little.

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