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Lucas Moura

355 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
57.5% of games recommended
8.5 / 10.0 - STATIONflow
Apr 22, 2020

Even if it lacks a more deeper mission system, STATIONflow shines through its fantastic simulation of an every day life commute, how signals and passengers interact with each other and how a station comes to life – and even becomes chaotic

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Marginal improvements over its previous entry puts Ride on the Edge 2 in a tight spot. It’s needlessly grindy and still lacks focus on whether it wants to focus on a more simulation-oriented audience or a more arcade-like experience. Sadly, with Isle of Man TT cancelled, this might be the best thing this year.

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10 / 10.0 - Exit the Gungeon
Apr 1, 2020

Singlecore and Dodge Rol goes one step further to break the barriers of what is or what isn’t considered a roguelike / lite. And, while Exit the Gungeon might feel a little cramped at times, it packs as much punch and excitement as Enter the Gungeon.

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“A World Betrayed” has its flaws, such Sun Ce’s campaign being much less engaging than Lü Bu’s. Nevertheless, Creative Assembly shifting the focus less on rivalry and more on expansionism is a good reminder that no great person is able to achieve victory both in and out of the battlefield on their own. A must for Three Kingdoms fans.

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Mar 17, 2020

Romance of the Three Kingdoms always had a big issue with its convoluted interface, but XIV – instead of improving it – strips almost every aspect that made both XI, XII and XIII such gems. What is left is a soulless corpse with very few noteworthy aspects. It’s surely a good base to build upon, but not something worth playing right now.

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6 / 10.0 - Taur
Mar 16, 2020

If it wasn’t for its repetitive maps and over reliance on RNG for its research tree, Taur would’ve been one of the most innovative and enjoyable last stand / tower defense game I have played in years. As it stands, is still an enjoyable experience, although a bit too grindy.

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Feb 27, 2020

La Résistance had the potential to be as massive and impactful as Man the Guns, and it does deliver some areas such as espionage agencies and slowing the pace of Hearts of Iron IV. But the myriad of odd choices over the Spanish Civil War and the Iberian Peninsula in general brings it down from its greatness to simply an average expansion.

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8 / 10.0 - Daemon X Machina
Feb 25, 2020

Daemon X Machina’s biggest issue is trying to please very different crowds and playstyles. While its single player campaign can be a bit lackluster, the amazing coop and exploration missions more than make up for it.

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Feb 24, 2020

Bad Seed perfectly balances appealing to newcomers and veterans alike. The new mechanics brings new weapon / equipment synergy and its new (albeit few) levels are striking and deepen the lore of Dead Cells. A must for fans.

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Feb 17, 2020

New mechanics, enemies and a much more fluid campaign revitalizes what – to me – felt like a dead (no pun intended) franchise. Rebellion might have taken three games and a big gamble with Strange Brigade, but its foundations turn Zombie Army 4 one of the best games they’ve ever created.

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Jan 27, 2020

When ideas such as “survival” and “for the greater” good turns into vapid promises. All that’s left in The Last Autumn is tyranny. There is no way to avoid it. 11Bit Studios shows, once again, that there aren’t simple answers to complex issues. More management games should follow suit.

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6 / 10.0 - AO Tennis 2
Jan 24, 2020

AO Tennis 2 can often feel like reaching Top Spin 4 levels of quality, but it still lacks on one of the most important ones: gameplay. Imprecise controls and an awful AI makes this game really hard to recommend.

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Mandate of Heaven shows how powerful Creative Assembly’s narrative team can be when given the proper tools. An amazing DLC that fits perfectly into the main campaign, offers new ways to play and unexpected challenges.

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What should’ve been an interesting conflict between two very aggressive factions turns into a cakewalk due to Warhammer II’s lack of diplomacy nuance. This coupled with expansions such as “The Prophet and The Warlock” makes “The Shadow & The Blade” a solid, albeit disappointing entry in the Total War: Warhammer II saga.

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CI Games venture into a game that’s more akin to IO Interactive’s HITMAN structure fails to provide the tools for the player to create their own narrative. It often feels disjointed, overly punishing and restrictive for no reason. A notch above Ghost Warrior 3, but not by much.

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MechWarrior 5 revigorates the franchise not only with its new visuals and procedurally generated maps, but also gives you a glimpse of the hardships faced by mercenaries that are treated not too different from gig workers that rose up in the last couple of years. A fantastic game through and through.

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If anything, Rise of the Cartels shows that doing turn-based games in which every unit moves in its own turn instead of the traditional team-based mode is a bad idea. Tactical battles turn into a back and forth between two or three units, it lacks depth the genre is known for.

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Nov 14, 2019

Sparklite struggles to find its audience and its pacing. Sometimes relies a bit heavy on exploration, sometimes the boss fights feel like they’re the only redeeming quality. The end result is a game that is way less than the sum of its parts.

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Oct 30, 2019

WRC 8 is the biggest improvement the franchise saw in years. A revamped career mode along with some great track selection makes it a worthy competitor for DiRT Rally 2.0.

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Oct 29, 2019

Mistover biggest mistake is being overly punishing in places it doesn’t need to be. If you can deal with difficulty spikes in random battles, you’ll find one of the best games inspired by the likes of Etrian Mystery Dungeon and Darkest Dungeon.

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