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Cristian Aguilar

San Pedro Sula

Favorite Games:
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
  • The Last of Us

10 games reviewed
90.5 average score
90 median score
100.0% of games recommended

Cristian Aguilar's Reviews

PR Manager at day, Batman/Daredevil wannabe at night! Avid reader and proud owner of a LVL99 Pikachu!
Jul 2, 2019

Miriam and her adventure are a must if you have a Nintendo Switch. Playing Bloodstained has become my ritual of the night.

10 / 10.0 - Persona 5
Apr 11, 2017

Persona 5 is without a doubt one of the best JRPGs I have ever played, not only is its story worthy enough of dozens of hours, but also, it is a visual artwork masterpiece that even the ones who are not into JRPGs or turn based combat will be able to appreciate and admire since the first minute. With an explosion of eccentricity and psychological hyperbole Persona 5 starts with a fast pacing and ends in an artsy masterpiece worthy of standing ovation. Its world, characters, distorted but plausible realities and its overflow of art give Persona 5, with a wide margin, the right to be enlisted among the best titles of the years and to be proudly included in the list of the best JRPGs ever created.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Yooka Laylee
Apr 6, 2017

Yooka-Laylee comes as nostalgia covered with an outstanding design. It's colorful and flawless design execution conveys us that the good old-school will never die, but rise again stronger. Leaving aside its "little black stains in the white shirt", the experience is so entertaining that we can surely invest the necessary inner peace needed to conquer and master its camera system. This is a platform games that hit us right in the feels: in the best years of our younger gaming days. Yooka-Laylee draw many smiles filled with joy on our faces, it made us remember times that today return in with all the excellence and passion they deserve.

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9 / 10.0 - I Am Setsuna
Mar 29, 2017

One of the best launch games for the Nintendo Switch, I Am Setsuna and Zelda will keep your console busy with quality gaming.

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9 / 10.0 - Nier: Automata
Mar 13, 2017

NieR: Automata is a game full of surprises in a post-apocalyptic desolated world that is combined with a intriguing and complex narrative. The spectacular writing of Yoko Taro is well received by excellent mechanics, a graphic and art design that act as another narrative element, in occasions, even more than the dialogue itself, and a camera perspective and gameplay variation that impress and innovates in every step the game takes. Yoko Taro, Platinum Games and Square Enix, without a doubt have given PS4 and PC one of the best games of this generation!

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If you are fan of the franchise you will immediately find value in this collection, especially if you didn't got a chance to play Dream Drop Distance on 3DS!

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9.5 / 10.0 - Final Fantasy XV
Dec 8, 2016

Final Fantasy XV is, in essence, a trip down memory lane and a glimpse at how the present smiles upon present RPGs. This entry marks a triumphal return for the franchise in every magnitude of the word. This is without a doubt the best campaign Final Fantasy has had in decades. Square Enix showcase its new crown jewel with an intriguing story full of epic moments, characters so well-crafted that are immediately relatable, a spectacular open world full of life, an embracing and nostalgia evoking soundtrack, all framed within an immeasurable brotherhood that stays memorable not only to Final Fantasy as a franchise, but also raises the bar among the RPG world. All we have left to say is: Noctis, we are with you!

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Oct 25, 2016

World of Final Fantasy is an exceptional fan service, with an original focus and a combination of engaging and intuitive mechanics that will give you an experience that nowadays is hard to get from a game: a smile from ear to ear that will endure for a good amount of tens of hours. This title is a must for all RPG fans, Final Fantasy fans, or well, anyone that enjoys a good smile!

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Oct 13, 2016

Dragon Quest Builders has a little for each and is much fun for everyone, it is a game with solid mechanics, a superb narrative from the hand of Square Enix, an epic soundtrack and a singular graphic style with a lot of personality that will certainly give you hours of entertainment at the cost of many laughable moments, determination and creativity!

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Oct 4, 2016

Destiny achieves to stay relevant and endures the test of time, taking steps in the right direction (more in this specific occasion) and providing real and tangible reasons on why the migration to current gen consoles was necessary. Even though this franchise suffered in the past from narrative flaws, it has been characterized by its addictive gameplay and the way it unites players, especially in Raids! The Rise of Iron is not an exception to this formula, it is definitely time for another adventure Guardians!

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