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James Berich

Perth, Western Australia

Favorite Games:
  • Resident Evil (2002)
  • Metroid Prime
  • Deus Ex

233 games reviewed
77.3 average score
80 median score
55.4% of games recommended

James Berich's Reviews

A sucker for atmosphere and world building. An immersive sim romantic.
May 17, 2018

State of Decay 2 is just as good as the original but fails to make good on its major promises. There's some great quality of life improvements here and there, but the repetitive goals to work towards and cursory co-op options stop it from being any better than the original. Despite all this, State of Decay 2's gameplay loop is strangely alluring, but many won't put up with its technical shortcomings.

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Mar 31, 2018

While Sea of Thieves is one of the best-looking games this generation, it unfortunately fails to live up to the expectations of most players. Incredibly fun with friends and designed to encourage teamwork successfully, Sea of Thieves just lacks the content or the staying power to be worth it. The foundation here is solid, and I'm sure it'll grow into something remarkable as time goes by, but in its current state, the state it's being offered in, it's hard to recommend.

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Mar 20, 2018

Devil May Cry HD Collection is one of the most lackadaisical remasters that I've ever played – featuring little improvements on the same collection that released for older consoles back in 2012. That being said, the sheer strength of the games included (Devil May Cry 2 notwithstanding) and the modest asking price still make it a more than viable way to experience these games before an inevitable sequel.

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Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered is a modest remaster but a good one. While some other options would've been appreciated to prioritise frame rate over resolution, the game itself still stands up four years on. It's missing some of the bells and whistles that games like Origins have since introduced, but its unique premise and concept means it's an experience most Assassin's Creed fans shouldn't miss.

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Mar 14, 2018

Kirby Star Allies is a cute and chaotic traditional Kirby game with fantastic buddy AI and strong potential as a co-op experience. It pays fantastic homage to its roots while adding in new mechanics that work well. Unfortunately, the length of the experience will have some doubting whether it's truly worth it, but Kirby Star Allies is one of the most wholesome Switch games you can try right now.

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I can confidently say that Nightdive's remaster is the best way to play Turok after twenty years. All the issues that most would've had with the original version are gone – better draw distance, a smooth framerate and smoother controls all improve a game that was in dire need of a fresh coat of paint. From a design perspective, it still suffers from some ups and downs though, and ultimately will only appeal to those who adored it when it first released in 1997.

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There is no denying that Turok 2: Seeds of Evil is a more refined game than its predecessor. That much is certain. With Nightdives efforts, Seeds of Evil plays better than it did twenty years ago. There are some things players will have to overlook – particularly the dated visuals and some samey looking level designs – but Turok 2: Seeds of Evil is still a blast to play.

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7 / 10 - Moss
Feb 28, 2018

Moss builds a world and draws you into it with gusto, confidently using some of the best visuals and art direction I've ever seen on Playstation VR. Despite this, technological limitations of the control scheme hold it back from being truly great. New developer Polyarc are on to something special here, utilizing VR ingeniously to provide satisfying puzzles and tense platforming, though it's a crying shame that it's over much too soon.

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Feb 26, 2018

Metal Gear Survive had the potential to grow into something unique but now it's just an uninspired mish-mash of poorly balanced systems that translates to an experience that feels like a chore. The story is frustrating, the only aspects that are great are the ones carried over from Metal Gear Solid 5 and the overall gameplay loop is monotonous. Metal Gear Survive ironically won't survive the test of time, though in several years' time you'll probably not be able to play it anyway.

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Feb 13, 2018

Kingdom Come: Deliverance has clearly had a lot of love and effort put into it, but it's unapologetically appealing to a very specific niche. The authenticity and realism is like no other, and that niche is bound to be pulled into its world for hours on end. Unfortunately, this dedication to realism is ironically what really stopped me from immersing myself into the well realised world of Bohemia, which is a huge shame.

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Feb 13, 2018

Dynasty Warriors 9 attempts to expand the scope of what a Dynasty Warriors game is with varying effects. The new open world helps to break up the monotony of just playing battles repeatedly, while introducing issues of its own. These are just growing pains though, and Dynasty Warriors fans will appreciate how Koei Tecmo have successfully reinvented their franchise and what the future holds.

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Feb 1, 2018

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT does its best to appeal to a more competitive audience, but in the process, has forgotten what drew fans to it in the first place. Despite this, with a strong roster and chaotic yet engaging combat, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT feels like a genuine love letter to Final Fantasy fans. It's just a shame that poor online performance and a story mode that's sure to be divisive ultimately bring it down.

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6 / 10 - The Inpatient
Jan 23, 2018

The Inpatient has a great premise and concept but unfortunately falls flat. Everything that it tries to do has been done better by either its own predecessor or its competition. For someone just getting into virtual reality, it offers a great little" haunted house" experience, but ultimately lacks the substance to please anyone else.

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6 / 10 - Doom VFR
Dec 2, 2017

Doom VFR, at it's absolute peak, is a tense and frenetic experience that really sells the Doom experience from the big guns to the fast-paced battles to the revolting denizens of Hell itself. Unfortunately, these moments are few and far between. Ultimately though, Doom VFR is marred by a combination of control schemes, none of which feel truly intuitive. Takes some getting used to, but rewarding to those who are patient.

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Nov 3, 2017

Super Lucky's Tale is a marked improvement on it's predecessor and a competent love letter to the great platformers of the 90s. The controls feel great, the level variety is strong, and the game feels appropriately priced for what you get. It'll never compete with the likes of Mario, Banjo and Donkey Kong, but it's certainly several steps (or jumps) in the right direction. Worth a shot, especially for the younger crowd. Just beware of the difficulty spikes.

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Oct 29, 2017

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus has a better idea of what it wants to be when compared to The New Order, and feels like a slightly better game because of it. The action is solid, the set pieces are memorable, and the visuals are a delight. And yet, the stand out here is the story and writing. The New Colossus humanises B.J. Blazkowicz and his comrades in a way I'd never expect and is easily a game worth playing because of it. An amazing, unique shooter that does its own thing without compromise.

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Oct 16, 2017

The Evil Within 2 is an enjoyable, psychological and somewhat emotional trip that I probably won't forget. As a sequel to it's predecessor, it takes things in a rather different direction and tries several new things to mixed results. Nonetheless, The Evil Within 2 is a thrilling and tense experience that'll appeal to most fans of the original and newcomers looking for a harrowing experience they've probably not had before.

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The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind is completely at odds with itself. At times, it doesn't feel like an expansion – featuring just more of the same rote quest designs that you've seen in Elder Scrolls Online. At other times, the writing is some of the best in the entirety of the Elder Scrolls Online world. Nostalgia for the region aside and Battlegrounds that'll surely flourish with updates, Morrowind doesn't do anything aggressively offensive, but doesn't quite innovate either.

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Ultra Street Fighter II: The New Challengers feels like a lazy afterthought from a developer reluctant to commit fully to the Switch. It's so frustrating given that Street Fighter II is itself a classic game, but Ultra does little to provide reason to purchase it yet again. Way of the Hado and an Art Gallery are nice touches, but ultimately superficial and fail to justify the game's price tag.

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8 / 10 - Injustice 2
May 22, 2017

Injustice 2 is a fighting game that's accessible to anyone, but also deep enough for veteran fighting fans. An incredible step up from Gods Among Us in practically every way possible, it successfully leverages heaps of content and a strong roster with tight and fast fighting mechanics. Gear pushes customization without sacrificing balance, and both Multiverse and Online modes keep Injustice 2 interesting no matter how you play.

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