Pedro Pérez Cesari

117 games reviewed
79.5 average score
80 median score
58.1% of games recommended
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8.5 / 10.0 - Splatoon 3
Sep 15, 2022

Well they say that if it ain't broke you shouldn't fix it and that applies perfectly to Splatoon. All Splatoon 3 needed to be a success was to refine the already solid experience of its 2 predecessors, and it does that phenomenally well.

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Sep 6, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is an interesting proposal. It is one of those games that can entertain you for dozens of hours. The problem is that, in order to achieve that, you need to have certain niche tastes. The point is that you can enjoy SD Gundam Battle Alliance without being a fan of Gundam or actions RPGS; however, it seems to me that its true appeal can only be appreciated by those who are.

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7 / 10.0 - Saints Row
Aug 22, 2022

Saints Row is an experience with peculiar contrasts Volition truly tried to reinvent the franchise for a new generation, but not wanting to betray its roots it was unable to evolve in the way it needed to be truly relevant in the midst of 2022. It is an entertaining and fun experience that many will have a good time with, of that we have no doubt. However, it has clear flaws and antiquated systems, so it will probably be remembered without much shame or glory.

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8.5 / 10.0 - As Dusk Falls
Jul 18, 2022

Being practically an interactive movie, it may bore those who are looking for their time with video games to have action. On the other hand, those who enjoy this type of experience, will find an adventure that is worth knowing, especially if we consider that it will arrive on Xbox Game Pass on its opening day.

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The Centennial Case : A Shijima Story is a game with very clear strengths and really pronounced weaknesses. In the end,its strengths are what stand out thanks to a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It would be great if its interactive parts were less tedious. However, those who manage to see past its stumbling blocks will find the mystery story engaging.

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Apr 21, 2022

Kirby and the Forgotten Land isn't a revolution for the series, but... did it need to be? All it had to do was deliver a game that was faithful to what has made Kirby a franchise that generates excitement, and it largely succeeded at that. Kirby took too long to make the leap to 3D, but the point is that he did it, and in a satisfying way

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9 / 10.0 - Tunic
Apr 20, 2022

TUNIC is a delight. It is one of those indie adventures that has everything to leave a mark and become one of those titles that all adventure enthusiasts will recommend.

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Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is a re-release with more love and respect than I ever hoped would be given to a game that many saw as the ugly brother of one of the best JRPGs in history. This is a remaster that did go that extra mile to pamper those of us who for years have been asking for a way to play Chrono Cross on a modern platform.

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7 / 10.0 - Ghostwire: Tokyo
Mar 28, 2022

Ghostwire: Tokyo is a game that we greatly enjoyed. Unfortunately, Tango Gameworks' approach was to create a game where style is dominant and little substance is offered. In terms of setting and art design it is one of the most unique games we have seen in a long time. However, it is a bland and run-of-the-mill title gameplay-wise.

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Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin will go down in history for being memorable for better and for worse. Many of its sections are a mess, but if you can get past its flaws and learn to enjoy them you'll find a game that will entertain you immensely. Especially if you love action RPGs with rewarding combat and progression systems.

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8.7 / 10.0 - Gran Turismo 7
Mar 2, 2022

Gran Turismo 7 is a great racing game. It's clear that Polyphony Digital learned from the missteps of Gran Turismo Sport to deliver a game that, in conjunction with being an extremely solid experience, is the return to its roots that fans were hoping for. While it's certainly not an arcade experience, it does enough to be approachable for those who are not experts but want a deep racing game with a lot of content.

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7 / 10.0 - Martha is Dead
Feb 24, 2022

Martha is Dead has an interesting idea, but not enough to be considered a great game in spite of its flaws. If you're a fan of thrillers or the setting of Martha is Dead appeals to you, it is worth a check. It's not a life-changing horror game, but it's immersive enough to keep you hooked for a while.

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Feb 14, 2022

‎If you loved ‎‎Horizon Zero Dawn‎‎ at the time, ‎‎Forbidden West‎‎ has enough arguments to leave you with your mouth open. Surely he will manage to hook you for several dozen hours and have you intrigued with everything he presents about his lore. Good work by Guerrilla Games, but there is potential for much more.‎

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Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy look better than ever. Playing them at 60 frames per second is a treat and the basic implementation of the DualSense haptics On the other hand, these details are perhaps insufficient to justify another ride through the world of Uncharted. That's not to mention the fact that this is a paid product and not a free upgrade. That said, it is undeniable that this is the best version of 2 great jewels of the Naughty Dog catalog.

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Dec 15, 2021

Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain is entertaining and will make you have a good time. It's designed to leave you feeling like you can do better, so it constantly motivates you to beat your individual scores or those of other people. Its Achilles heel is that its offer of mini-games is short and lacks surprises, so it is made for you to enjoy it in long sessions for a few days, or in games of a few minutes in the long term.

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In the end, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl are remakes which are bound to pass without impact. They do a fine job at bringing the fourth generation of Pokémon into a new era, but fall short when it comes to being the definitive version of Sinnoh. It's fine that it's a faithful recreation, but I wish ILCA had gone the extra mile by daring to add things we saw in Platinum. After all, it's not a good thing that a remake leave us yearning for things that a 2009 game did.

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GTA: The Trilogy has a total lack of attention to details. At times it seems that Rockstar Games didn't even bother to oversee the work of Grove Street Games. There are some moments and small details that lead one to think that an algorithm was responsible for remastering the graphics and that no human reviewed the final product. GTA deserves more.

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Nov 3, 2021

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is a game with a lot of quality, but it is far from perfect. However, it is a product by a team that fulfilled their mission of providing a sincere and heartfelt game. It is well worth giving it a chance.

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7.7 / 10.0 - FIFA 22
Sep 29, 2021

FIFA 22 could be a new beginning for the series thanks to a better football sensation. The gameplay is smooth, slower and fun. Sadly, many of its mode still lack that extra edge to feel different to FIFA 21.

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9 / 10.0 - Psychonauts 2
Aug 23, 2021

‎Psychonauts 2‎‎ exists and it is almost a miracle that we have it in our hands. It seemed that its genre was dead to many and the failure of its first installment made us understand why no money-gowned wanted to touch the franchise even with a stick. That said, the collective effort of the community; the enormous talent and heart of the Double Fine team and the work of Xbox Game Studios made it happen. It's an excellent game that I'll be grateful for proving that 3D platformers can be more than just toys for kids.‎

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