James Jones

30 games reviewed
60.8 average score
65 median score
16.7% of games recommended
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3 / 10.0 - Defoliation
Jun 7, 2018

There's nothing to recommend Defoliation. As a point-and-click adventure game, the lack of indicators for things that can be interacted with is especially annoying. As a puzzle game, many of the puzzles are both poorly constructed and afflicted by a defective translation. As a story the plot is nonsense. Play a Zero Escape game instead.

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5 / 10.0 - Milanoir
May 31, 2018

To be sure, some of this is my own incompetence - failing to notice the street signs that can be used to ricochet bullets. But much of it is the fault of the game - the eight-person ricochet off stop signs only hitting two of eight foes in a scene designed explicitly to tutorial that very feature. For that reason alone, I cannot recommend Milanoir. If you want to experience the story of a sadistic killer who's plans have gone bust, you're better off watching one of the game's inspirations, the 1973 film Almost Human. Just know it, and Milanoir, are not for the faint of heart.

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May 23, 2018

It can gate progress, and occurrences are is so predictable that this should have been fixed. Fallen Legion is a fun, but flawed. If you have the patience to learn these systems on your own, and a willingness to put up with moments of “play by instinct alone,” this game is worth picking up.

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7 / 10.0 - Immortal Redneck
May 10, 2018

However, buying enough stat boosts to really feel the impact takes a long time, and long runs that result in no meaningful progress frustrate. If you're looking for a solid, retro-influenced, first person shooter on Switch then this game is worth a look. Just be prepared to die and restart a lot.

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It doesn't earn the credit it gets and instead just perpetuates a good idea that's been at the core of this franchise for two decades. This series needs a lot of work before the next entry; hopefully series' developer Gust will put in the work. If they do, I'll be there to play it myself.

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Mar 5, 2018

Bad puzzles, repetitive combat, and poorly designed encounters are constant companions. I respect the desire and the work that must have gone into making this revival a reality. I just wish the product would have been better for long-suffering fans.

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4 / 10.0 - Ace of Seafood
Feb 22, 2018

If it played well, if it looked better, if it performed acceptably this could be a funny little cult-classic, a recommendation to the right audience. As it stands, however, all it has going for it is a prevailing mania. That's not enough.

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Jan 27, 2018

Conceptually, a tower defense game with Angry Birds combat works well enough, but here it just isn't any fun to play. This game isn't worth your money or your time, which makes the $30 asking price particularly outrageous.

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Jan 24, 2018

It is a game of no discernible value that fails to effectively skewer the most skewerable of industries. The one moment of joy this game brought was watching it uninstall. In case there remains any doubt, do not buy this game.

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Jan 22, 2018

Even upgrades designed to maximize production capacity can't fully address the pacing. Interface concerns dog the experience throughout. Still, it's a fun diversion in short bursts and a welcome companion to TV, but finding the entire path to El Dorado might take a little too long for its own good.

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