Colin Polonowski

Favorite Games:

16 games reviewed
76.4 average score
80 median score
57.1% of games recommended
Aug 19, 2020

Our hope right now is that Asobo and Microsoft manage to improve performance for those of us on lesser rigs and that a patch is forthcoming to help boost the frame rate a little. I can appreciate the game at less than 20fps in low settings but I would love to be truly blown away by it.

Civilization VI on consoles is as good as an experience as it could be - it's an essential game and the fact that it's now available to a wider audience is a great thing.

Nov 12, 2019

A decent update that isn't quite challenging enough or long enough to justify it's high price point.

Sep 27, 2019

Another solid DLC release for Cities Skylines. New buildings, concepts and increased micromanagement adds a welcome new challenge.

Sep 16, 2019

A solid pinball game that makes full use of the Switch.

Dec 4, 2018

Gorgeous presentation and some genuinely creepy moments just about manage to outweigh the conventional, and mildly dated gameplay.

The Switch edition of Civilization VI brings the full (base) Civ experience to a handheld. For this alone it's an essential purchase for strategy players, but the interface and presentation make this one of the best games on the console on its own merits.

Oct 23, 2018

Industries brings more depth to an already deep game. Cities Skylines is becoming the de-facto strategy game and we love it.

8 / 10.0 - TANGLEWOOD
Sep 5, 2018

Not only a curiosity with it's Mega Drive release, Tanglewood is also a solid and challenging platformer in its own right

Jul 29, 2018

An astounding achievement. Hello Games deserve credit for creating one of the best games of this console generation - even if it did take a couple of years longer than planned!

Jul 23, 2018

A serviceable Mario Kart clone that is fun enough but lacks any real personality and won't challenge most gamers

May 29, 2018

Beautiful to look and gentle at first, but some sections can ramp up the frustration to breaking point

May 24, 2018

A solid expansion that doesn't reinvent the game but adds further depth to your dream metropolis.

10 / 10.0 - Forgotton Anne
May 17, 2018

A beautiful platform adventure with gentle puzzle solving and a strong anime influence. Highly recommended.

8 / 10.0 - Surviving Mars
Mar 15, 2018

A solid strategy game that may suffer slightly from being, as with the surface of Mars, a little too dry

7 / 10.0 - Railway Empire
Jan 26, 2018

Despite slightly unintuitive controls, Railway Empire offers just enough depth and detail to make it worth a play. We can't help wishing for a much more encompassing railway management sim though.