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Shaan Joshi

Favorite Games:
  • Braid
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials And Tribulations

123 games reviewed
80.0 average score
80 median score
74.8% of games recommended

Shaan Joshi's Reviews

I write about games. When I'm not writing about them, I'm probably playing them. And when I'm not playing them, I'm making them.
Mar 19, 2015

Shiftlings often ends up feeling like a by-the-numbers puzzle game, with its only redeeming factor coming in the form of co-operative play.

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Jul 16, 2014

While Abyss Odyssey suffers from a few design choices that ultimately hold it back from greatness, its easily ACE Team's most playable game to date, which doesn't come at the sacrifice of the look and feel we've come to love with earlier titles. Hopefully, many of the shortcomings can be addressed in future updates, which seems to be a big part of ACE Team's plan for the game post-release.

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And that is maybe the one issue that stands out the most with Tesla Effect; it's a game that is very clearly made for the fans, mainly those who have played the previous games. The puzzles, the writing, the acting, and the humor is all ripped straight from the 90's, and if you're fixated on modern gaming sensibilities, you probably won't last ten minutes in Tex's world. But for those who have been waiting for the return of the world's greatest PI, look no further. Tesla Effect is a love letter to a genre that is all but gone.

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Sep 2, 2014

Despite its unyielding dedication for all things realistic, I rather enjoyed the demanding style of play The Golf Club prides itself on, even during the first few hours, where the game will either draw you in or turn you off completely. I wouldn't necessarily recommend The Golf Club to the less serious player (there are plenty of more laid back golf titles to choose from), but it's a no-brainer for golf enthusiasts and purists alike.

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Sep 9, 2014

If you've already had the luxury of playing through Second Son, you might be tempted to write off Infamous: First Light as a quick cash-in, but you'd be doing yourself a great disservice. At times, it can often feel like an overly distilled version of Second Son, but First Light works because it trims off the fat, leaving behind an engaging story and breakneck gameplay that will appeal both to returning patrons and first-time customers.

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Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is a must-play for casual onlookers, and veterans of the series will probably get a kick out of replaying these two classics. It's just a shame that the online multiplayer is half-baked; this franchise certainly deserves better.

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Jan 20, 2023

As a turn-based tactical RPG, Fire Emblem Engage delivers on all fronts. On the other hand, when it comes to its social sim systems and story, this latest entry falls short of the mark, especially when compared to its predecessors.

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While it does little to move the needle for the series as a whole, Spider-Man: Miles Morales both plays the part of a much-needed stopgap and serves as a technical showcase of what the PlayStation 5 can bring to the table.

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Nov 19, 2018

Pokemon Let's Go is the perfect game for families, casual fans, and those looking to ride a wave of nostalgia. Those looking for a complex and competitive Pokemon experience should temper their expectations, or look elsewhere.

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Jan 11, 2017

Whether you're a veteran of the sport or a newcomer, Don Bradman Cricket 17 is one of the better cricket games you can get your hands on.

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May 31, 2016

With its laid-back approach to platforming, and excellent use of color and sound, you'd be hard pressed to find a game as charming and endearing as TurnOn.

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Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is just as enjoyable on PC as it was on Xbox One, though performance issues and customization issues get in the way of the improved graphical fidelity.

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Mirror's Edge Catalyst's unique take on first person parkour is something that no other game or series manages to deliver. Due to this, even when it stumbles, it's easy to look past its faults, simply because it's so damn unique and novel.

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Aug 27, 2016

Normally, I try to shy away from recommending games based on your ability to play with others, but it’s a necessity when it comes to Metroid Prime: Federation Force. If you’re planning on tackling it solo, Federation Force is a much tougher pill to swallow, with its prohibitive level of difficulty. On the other hand, if you have a friend or two who are willing to take the plunge with you, Federation Force can make for a good time, especially if you’re all playing together in the same space.

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Dec 29, 2014

While it may have flown under the radar for some (I imagine the last minute name change didn't do it any favours), you'd be doing yourself a disservice by dismissing Kalimba, even with its rather straightforward and barebones presentation. As great as it is as a single player outing, Kalimba really shines when you can bring a partner along for the ride.

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Apr 16, 2014

Still, it's not hard to recommend Trials Fusion, especially to longtime fans of the series. I can't say it comes as much of a shock that RedLynx was not able to match the refinements from the previous outing, but even with its flaws and shortcomings, you shouldn't be worry about giving this one a go. Trials Fusion is a worthy addition to the series, even if it isn't the complete package we were hoping for.

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Jun 25, 2014

Like many of the games in the same league, it's hard to recommend 1001 Spikes to those who aren't patient enough to learn its deadly and intricate ways, or to those who are prone to smashing their controller through their TV screen in frustration. But to those who live off buzz words like "rage-inducing" and "old-school hard", look no further.

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Nov 14, 2014

Even with all of its Halloween charm, Costume Quest 2's greatest strength is that it knows its limits. It's a short experience, and it's to it benefit as it never feels bloated. It's the quintessential bite-sized RPG, wrapped in all the Halloween charm you could ever hope for.

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Feb 2, 2015

I would have simply been content with Techland releasing another Dead Island game, as long as it came with some needed polish to help it realise its potential. Instead, we got Dying Light, a surprising mix of old and new, which has managed to once again rekindle my excitement for both the genre and the developer. It may stumble every so often, but Dying Light is still the most fun I've had in a while.

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While it only lasted a handful of hours, The Assignment ended up being a refreshing counterpart to The Evil Within, rather than being labeled as 'just more of the same'. It's an excellent take on the original formula, blending the old with the new, and while it does end on a cliffhanger, I can only hope that it all comes together in the second DLC.

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