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Kaelyn Daugherty


Favorite Games:
  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Tomba
  • Soul Blazer

81 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
70.4% of games recommended

Kaelyn Daugherty's Reviews

I absolutely love video games! I'm a writer and art curator for Pure Nintendo.
Jun 23, 2020

The Borderlands series was better then I expected. Get over 200 hours of gameplay with this Legendary Collection of the first three Borderlands games. If you're a fan of first-person shooters, then I highly recommend the Borderlands Legendary Collection on Nintendo Switch.

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Jun 1, 2020

Arrest of a stone Buddha was way too repetitive for me. I didn't get into the story, and the gameplay was overall frustrating. One thing I did enjoy was the retro graphics and the ambient soundtrack. If you want to checkout Arrest of a stone Buddha, I recommend waiting on a sale.

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8 / 10.0 - Factotum 90
May 7, 2020

I enjoyed Factotum 90 much more than the original Factotum. Complete with updated graphics and smoother controls, I would say the Nintendo Switch game is the definitive version. I definitely recommend checking it out if you're into puzzle-solving games.

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5 / 10.0 - Otherworldly
Apr 17, 2020

Otherworldly is just a little underwhelming and short for the price. I recommend waiting for a discount if this looks like a game you would be interested in.

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5 / 10.0 - Actual Sunlight
Feb 28, 2020

I get that this is more like an interactive story than an actual game. But I'd like some more interaction and less story. The reality of Evans's life is just a little too close to home for me, but this would be a good learning experience for someone trying to understand depression and other mental health issues.

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8 / 10.0 - Lydia
Jan 24, 2020

Lydia is a small game, but it sends a bigger message that sometimes we need to step in and help the ones who can't speak for themselves. I highly recommend checking out this enthralling, interactive story about a little girl overcoming her giant "monster".

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7 / 10.0 - Rabi-Ribi
Nov 21, 2019

Rabi-Ribi is fun in a lot of ways, it just focuses on being too "cute" and it disconnects the player from any actual storyline. Unless you're a fan of anime and bunny rabbits I'd probably wait for this one to go on sale.

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Oct 21, 2019

Distraint: Deluxe Edition is short and sweet. Unlike the story, which is gruesome and a bit psychotic. I liked the whole experience, but I would have loved a longer playthrough and some different outcomes for the ending.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Jet Kave Adventure
Oct 3, 2019

Jet Kave Adventure is a fun action/platformer that anyone can enjoy. It's a little on the short side (for the price) and could use some extra features to keep the player interested, but it looks great and is easy to play.

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7 / 10.0 - Exception
Sep 9, 2019

Exception is a fun, aesthetically pleasing game. But it offers little to keep the player invested. Some new game modes would be an awesome addition.

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Sep 9, 2019

Whipseey and the Lost Atlas looks great and I liked the retro inspired music, but it's a short game. It also lacks exciting features and objectives to keep the player interested. Would be a good game for younger kids though.

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So while some improvements definitely need to be made, Cybarian: The Time Traveling Warrior is a neat little game that will present you with a pretty good challenge for just $5.

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Jul 25, 2019

Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled is an awesome remake I would love to have played more of…if I were able to. I'm really hoping for an update or some word from Activision support so I can really get into the game and play some online matches.

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Jun 25, 2019

Selma and the Wisp is a beautiful, nightmarish puzzle\platformer. While it's a little on the short side it's still a great game worth experiencing.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Shakedown: Hawaii
Jun 16, 2019

Regardless of how "intense" it is (or isn't) Shakedown: Hawaii is still a fun, beautiful game, and I enjoyed my overall experience with it.

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9 / 10.0 - Katana Zero
May 13, 2019

If you're in the market for a fast paced, action packed platformer then Katana Zero should be on your list. The gameplay is awesome, the music is great and I really like the art style! I highly recommend checking it out.

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Apr 9, 2019

OlliOlli: Switch stance is an awesome combination of two great games and packed with fun content. If you're a skateboarding fan or you just like a good sidescoller then you'll definitely want to check this one out.

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8 / 10.0 - My Memory of Us
Feb 26, 2019

If you're looking for a good puzzle\platformer on your Nintendo Switch, My Memory of Us is definitely one you'll want to add to your wish list. Even though it's a little on the short side the gameplay is fun, the characters are memorable, and the story has meaning. This is also an appropriate gaming experience for gamers of all ages.

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Jan 30, 2019

YIIK is visually appealing, has a nice soundtrack and is pretty funny at times. But the battle system needs a little more polish and the main character was… not my cup of tea.

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4 / 10.0 - Soulblight
Nov 27, 2018

I really wanted to like Soulblight, but sadly I don't think this is a game I will be coming back to.

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