Joel DeWitte

67 games reviewed
72.9 average score
75 median score
50.7% of games recommended
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Mar 1, 2023

The crisp anime art style works for the backdrops and character designs, but loses something in translation when the characters are in motion. Despite what grievances I have, The Rumble Fish 2 is a foundationally strong fighter which makes it easy for me to overlook the blemishes to enjoy what lies underneath. This won't grab the casual fighter fan, but the devotees should give it a look.

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7 / 10.0 - Fae Farm
Sep 20, 2023

Fae Farm is a game where the developers have successfully streamlined the more tedious pieces of farming, chores, dungeon crawling, quest completion, and exploration so the player can quickly dive into the features and figure out their sim life rhythm. The sheer number of things to do keeps the experience fresh and for the most part limits the tedium that this genre can be guilty of. Beyond the glaring technical issues, Fae Farm has a lot to offer for both new and experienced players of the farm sim if you can forgive it.

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7 / 10.0 - RoboDunk
Oct 17, 2023

The slower paced gameplay won me over as I learned to use that limited toolset to outright embarrass the other teams. The rogue like campaign, as threadbare as it is, does give the game a sense of longevity that's sorely needed. You'll be in for a fun time, if not for a long time.

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Nov 28, 2023

Terror of Hemasaurus is a great "remember when?" kind of game. The way most good indies do, it takes that foundational experience of an underserved genre and tries to flesh out the experience to make it more substantive while retaining the good feelings from playing its inspiration. But with limited gameplay options and a game which can't handle more than one person on screen, this'll be relegated to the "fun if you like this kind of game" category.

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Mar 9, 2018

The core flight feels good and each mission is an appropriately brief length that lends itself well to casual, quick play sessions. That makes it easy for me to overlook that it didn't land without some turbulence.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Titan Quest
Aug 14, 2018

Titan Quest has a story, setting, and characters that end up being completely forgettable. That said, it fills a gap in the genre offerings on Switch, and if you're looking for something to scratch that itch until something more recent gets announced, it'll fit the bill.

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May 21, 2018

Don't Die, Mr. Robot! is soundly made with simple enough gameplay to draw you in and provide some brief entertainment in any given run. If attempting to improve your high score with each run interests you, it may be worth a look for you. For me, while the fundamentals were there and keeps Mr. Robot from an untimely death, a lack of variety and polish keeps him from making it out unscathed.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Slam Land
Sep 12, 2018

If you have a game night with a group of friends who like playing a handful of silly multiplayer games that'll cause laughter and aggravation when getting too competitive, Slam Land with its visual goofiness, quirks, and crazy on-screen dunk action will belong beautifully as part of your rotation. I'll have a bunch of fun with my friends when they come to visit next, but the game will likely go untouched until then.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Dungeon Village
Nov 1, 2018

Dungeon Village is a perfectly pleasant mobile building sim with a quirky premise, but the problems with this township may make you reconsider growing roots here.

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6.5 / 10.0 - HyperParasite
May 7, 2020

Hyperparasite leans heavily on its setting to stand-out from other top-down shooters, and in that sense, it succeeds in having a great, dark, B-movie tone that feels distinct and engaging.

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6.5 / 10.0 - ATOM RPG
Sep 28, 2020

In my two saves, I spent enough time to acquaint myself with the systems, understand the way the world works, and became a better survivor in the world of ATOM RPG. What makes it special is the world building through the character dialogue, learning how to play characters against each other to meet your needs, and leaning into your character strengths to uncover the outcomes you're looking for. ATOM RPG isn't going to make you a cult follower in the church of CRPG, but those who are already ordained there can likely overlook its dated look and flaws to find an enjoyable experience on the Nintendo Switch.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Mars Horizon
Jan 14, 2021

Its systems are light enough to not be overwhelming, and even if they become too much for you, a well-defined tutorial does a good job of holding your hand as you get a grasp of things. The core problem and one that brings this down from a great game to simply fine is just how little control you get over actual launches. If there was more agency in that side of things, then this would be a no-brainer recommendation.

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Whether this is for you depends on how much fondness you have for games of this era. This is no remaster or remake; it's a direct port. For me, the pieces come together just enough to find fun in spite of itself.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Miitopia
Jun 11, 2021

The core battle system is too thin, and the activities and charming character interactions aren't enough to paper over that problem. This is the most robust mii maker, but it's all at a price that's downright terrible. I wanted to like Miitopia more than I did, but it's more like a Mii-nopia.

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Dec 22, 2020

I like Monster Sanctuary for what it tries to accomplish, I just wish I liked the execution as much as the concept. I could see the threads of its attempt weaving into a better cohesive whole, but instead each different ingredient feels incomplete or misses the mark of what makes each genre it pulls from so compelling. There's still fun to be had if setting expectations right and wanting a unique twist that is no muss, no fuss, but I was hoping for more that Monster Sanctuary wasn't quite there to give.

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6 / 10.0 - Cult of the Lamb
Nov 5, 2022

It's that coagulation that makes the experience so unique, if a little shallow. That said, the Switch version is so tainted by the oppressively bad technical performance that it tanks the entire experience. Don't play it here unless it's your only option or Massive Monster resurrects it with a patch.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Moonfall Ultimate
Sep 3, 2018

That fleeting moment of fun was solitary, and not indicative of the overall experience I left with. Moonfall Ultimate has the framework for what could have been a better game if given more time to iron-out its strange difficulty scaling, slippery and unresponsive controls, and oddly enough, spell-checking. With a partner and expectations set properly, it could be a suitable rainy-day game, but I cannot recommend it to a solitary soldier.

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Nov 25, 2020

The Serious Sam Collection undeniably has a lot of content, but the purchase decision will hinge on what fondness you have for it. This is likely an easy buy for the devotees or those who hold nostalgia for it, but as a first timer the flaws inherent in game design, technical performance, and audio design make the experience for me death by a thousand cuts. The Switch has better classic shooters and many well-made homages to them; seek out those before you settle for this.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Colossus Down
Jan 29, 2021

Colossus Down features a grating protagonist going on a childish, fury-fuelled rampage, one with a wide set of levels that don't have any throughline other than her being inconvenienced. The neat aesthetic can't cover for shoddy-feeling combat and ill-instructed puzzle segments that sadly are further bogged-down by an endless stream of blathering by Nika, who has an infinite store of smugness. With so many great brawlers on Switch old and new that include sound fighting, killer soundtracks, and charming characters and worlds, Colossus Down should stay in the scrap pile.

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Oct 25, 2021

It's actually pretty disappointing that Thea 2: The Shattering shoots itself in the foot on Switch. The world is unique and mysterious to me. There's a ton of things to tinker with in the overworld sections, and the combat is engaging enough to mix things up. But this game proved to me what I didn't want to hear - to me the inherent sluggishness of Thea 2 was enough to sink it.

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