Joel DeWitte

73 games reviewed
73.5 average score
75 median score
53.4% of games recommended
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Aug 26, 2021

There needs to be a clear logic to the puzzles throughout that acts as a foundation for each sequential one to build off of. What elevates it even further is world building and music design that sews it up into a tight, cohesive experience. A Monster's Expedition's quick hits of small puzzles passes all of those criteria with flying colors, and you owe it to yourself to give it a look.

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May 5, 2021

None of that could dull my enthusiasm though. Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos is a beautiful application of a roguelike system with a 2D dungeon crawler format married perfectly to a town-building system and overworld that invites exploration and grinding gems to uncover more things to do outside of combat. This is a no-brainer for classic Zelda fans or anyone looking for co-op fun, and it's absolutely been the best gaming experience so far for me in 2021.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Tinykin
Oct 3, 2022

Tinykin is a "stop and smell the roses'' kind of game that is brief in a way that gives a meaningful experience without overstaying its welcome. Its charming world and endearing characters are a pleasant window dressing to this safe, mellow bit of fun, and that's all it needs to be. Splashteam's singular focus on exploration and charm runs deep, and the end result is laudable for their Sophomore outing.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Cat Quest III
Aug 6, 2024

I don’t have a reference point of the prior Cat Quest games due to having never played them, but Cat Quest III has been a delightful, if brief journey full of whimsy, exciting (if simple) combat, fun character interactions, and the joy of sailing the seas. Once it sunk its teeth in me, I couldn’t detach myself from the switch and beat it in only a few sittings. That’s the power of Cat Quest III, a game that knows when to move on from any combat scenario or story beat before getting old and a universe where a kitten can spend hours combing every grain of litter to find new surprises or rewards each time. Cat Quest III belongs in your Switch library, and you will have a fantastic time.

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9 / 10.0 - Invisible Inc.
Jun 23, 2020

Eschewing direct combat for a nearly purely stealth focus helps simplify without dumbing down the essential structure of what makes this genre great, and the efficiency that it demands for success is challenging but rewarding in ways that make me want to replay it over and over until I’ve scraped all the meat off the bone.

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9 / 10.0 - Grindstone
Dec 31, 2020

Grindstone is an example of a game which hits all the right notes and keeps up a quality in gameplay throughout that many struggle to maintain. The divine gameplay mechanics give a wonderful sense of control in spite of the randomness of how enemies fall, and the inputs of buying equipment or using currency to give temporary boosts gives ample opportunity for improvisation if things don't go quite your way. I only wish there were more to play.

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9 / 10.0 - Weaving Tides
Jun 23, 2021

The world is vibrant and colorful, and the characters have distinct personalities and relationships that feel genuine. Dipping up and down to close those weave gaps is one of the most meditative experiences I've had this year, and it's only one small piece of the gameplay pie that's chock full of delicious combat filling. Weaving Tides is a treat, one to share with friends and make room for seconds.

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9 / 10.0 - Boomerang X
Jul 19, 2021

Boomerang X is a textbook example of short and sweet. It's a bite-sized experience that rewards persistence with a vague, mysterious narrative, dynamic combat, challenging enemies, and so much satisfaction when you squeeze out a victory in the last wave. I had to test my mettle and tolerate a bit of slowdown, but Boomerang X is one of the best indies I've played this year.

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9 / 10.0 - Okinawa Rush
Dec 29, 2021

Okinawa Rush attracted me the moment I played it and dragged me in with its visceral, fast paced powerful battles. You won't find a developed story or a stellar soundtrack, but sound design in combat is top tier, with each hit feeling like it's forceful enough to crush skulls. If a dark, gruesome brawler that empowers you to be a badass is what you're itching for, then Okinawa Rush is just the right scratch for you.

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9 / 10.0 - Sifu
Nov 8, 2022

The Easy mode is a welcome reprieve, giving several more lifeboats before letting your drown, but even that has the ethos of "you will be testing your limits". But if ready to climb that mountain, players will be rewarded with some of the most refreshing hand-to-hand combat out there with inspired stylistic flair. If you enjoy the struggle, SIFU is in the upper echelon of video game fighting.

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9 / 10.0 - Nuclear Blaze
May 2, 2023

Its simplicity is its strength, focusing on the action first and foremost and using those limited toolsets to approach each flame. An impressive approach to difficulty and an appropriate amount of mystery puts this game into a neat package that is approachable and as challenging as you'd prefer. Nuclear Blaze is short, sweet, and definitely worth a look.

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9 / 10.0 - Not Tonight 2
Apr 22, 2024

Panic Barn wears their beliefs on their sleeve, and that perspective informs the story in a way that makes it impossible to divorce their worldview from how they've envisioned our lives. With that caveat, if you give it a chance, Not Tonight 2 is an expansion of the original into a much more multilayered game with depth that makes for a more fulfilling experience. Coupling that with a tried-and-true queue management core and a cross country road trip makes for a game that is a big step above its predecessor.

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9 / 10.0 - Paper Trail
May 22, 2024

Paper Trail is a series of gratifying problem solving that challenges the player to think differently by bending their brain with every page turn. It isn't often I run across a game that's so thematically cohesive, but between the puzzle structure, storytelling, and crisp and colorful world, this is an experience that feels like every detail was considered in its development, especially for those who get regularly stymied by thought exercises. Paper Trail is a present that's just as much fun to unwrap as it is to play with, and ranks in some of the better gaming experiences I've had this year.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Road to Ballhalla
Aug 20, 2018

Even if you don't have a fondness for Amiga like I do, it is a wonderful contemporary take on a classic puzzle platformer with a visual flair, well-thought-out puzzles, and a cheeky personality. Attention to detail was paid in making Road to Ballhalla, and elevates it from good to great.

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Nov 7, 2018

Deru: The Art of cooperation is a delightfully relaxing puzzle-solving experience that leans into its tone and provides a mellow fun whether you're sitting alone or with a friend on the couch. The levels are challenging without being aggravating and it's clear just as much thought was put into its presentation. I just don't expect you'll be playing this at a rooftop party with Karen anytime soon.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Jet Lancer
May 12, 2020

Lots of shoot-'em-ups provide the exhilaration of narrowly dodging a flurry of projectiles then tagging the enemy. Multi-wave bosses with clever, varied patterns are almost cliche at this point. But this is the first time in recent memory I've seen those elements married to elevate the experience to something that might be both my favorite indie so far this year and in a rare club of games I'll keep playing for some time to come.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Battle Brothers
Mar 17, 2021

This is a system where crowns make the world go round and everything is replaceable, for a price. The breadth of dialogue, world-building paragraphs, and light agency in storytelling let you build the world according to what you hear. It's a world I want to dive into again and again, even if I know this incarnation will be just as taxing.

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Aug 1, 2023

Teslagrad Remastered is an accomplished 2D platformer with a unique magnetic-based ability that shines while traversing the tower and being a puzzle-solving tool. Though the boss battles sometimes feel a little less tight an experience, that's a small blemish on an otherwise fantastic gameplay experience. With a fresh coat of paint and sharing the same price point as the original, this is an easy recommendation for those who enjoy older feeling indie platforms or as a primer to Teslagrad 2.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Fading Afternoon
Jun 17, 2024

The world feels lived-in thanks to a narrowly focused daily life sim that pairs well with combat that is the most robust work they've done to date. Minor user interface issues aside, I find myself thinking about the next time I can boot it up, batter some bad guys (or baseballs), and see whether I can make good enough use of my time to progress the story further. I've appreciated witnessing the growth and refinement of Yeo's development prowess, and this is their best work to date.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Stacklands
Jul 12, 2024

It has a pleasant and engaging set of systems fueled by deck building that feels complementary, not shoehorned in. Difficulty is reasonable, and provided meaningful experience that informed each future run. Some fiddly controls couldn't deter my enjoyment, and this'll stay in my rotation for some time.

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