Kirk Hiner

263 games reviewed
71.4 average score
70 median score
65.0% of games recommended
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7 / 10.0 - Ghost Sync
Jan 7, 2022

Ghost Sync is another solid entry in KEMCO's long line of retro JRPGs. Although the story isn't terribly compelling, its female protagonist and unique battle elements are engaging throughout. Use Ghost Sync when you need a diversion from more demanding, intense gaming sessions.

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Dec 27, 2021

With Shin Megami Tensei V, Atlus has done a solid job of updating the series over to the Nintendo Switch. The new gameplay elements are mostly welcome, and press turn combat and demon fusing elements are better than ever. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the story, which never even begins to get interesting.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Beyond Blue
Dec 6, 2021

If you're the type who likes to relax with the calming sites and sounds of an ocean life documentary, Beyond Blue will allow you to get more interactive with it. The educational and narrative moments don't fully gel with the undersea exploration, and the visuals get murky on the Switch, but that won't matter when you're exploring these deep, safe waters.

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Nov 18, 2021

Although it falls just short of the similar (but more intricate) Atelier games, those who enjoyed them will be entertained by Blue Reflection: Second Light. The fun characters, moving story, and familiar (albeit lighter) crafting / battle systems typical of Gust games are a great way to fill the time while we await the release of Atelier Sophie 2.

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5 / 10.0 - Panorama Cotton
Nov 12, 2021

Panorama Cotton changes up the series' cute-em-up experience by switching to a 3D action arcade style, but it introduces some problems along the way. The trippy enemies and color palette provide some quick fun, but they quickly wear out and allow performance issues to dampen the experience. Unless you're a fan of the series, this isn't a game you're likely to finish.

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7 / 10.0 - Astria Ascending
Oct 28, 2021

Astria Ascending checks off the proper JRPG boxes while adding enough unique twists to satisfy fans of the genre. It won't sit at the top of your "must complete" list, but it'll serve you well when you need a break from higher profile releases.

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The new version of Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water comes with improved graphics and some new content, but it would be a game worth playing even without them. Although it's occasionally more frustrating than scary, the clever gameplay and its dedication to tone and story make it one of the best survival horror games available for the Switch.

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6.5 / 10.0 - The Long Gate
Oct 26, 2021

The Long Gate bills itself as "…a challenging and elaborate puzzle game with puzzles based on real world physics and circuits." If any of those words frighten you, stay away, as its elaborate level setup and first-person point of view complicate things even further. But if you're within its target audience, it could be one of the most rewarding logic puzzle games you've played in quite some time.

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Oct 19, 2021

Diablo II: Resurrected gets enough polish and features to appeal to fans of the original release and to series newcomers. The exploration/combat loop is still fully engaging, with only a few remnants of its age interfering with gameplay on the Switch.

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Oct 6, 2021

WarioWare has traditionally been one of the more bizarre entries in the Nintendo catalog, but it has always been a welcome one. And although the crazy microgame approach won't appeal to everyone, WarioWare: Get It Together! freshens up the approach just enough to make sure longtime fans will want to check it out.

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Sep 28, 2021

A Night at the Races does an admirable job of balancing difficult, twitch-style gaming with a narrative that's unique to the genre. It's not for everyone, but those who are up to the challenge will find it a bit more rewarding than most high-speed platformers.

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WitchSpring3 [Re:Fine] – The Story of Eirudy is a port of a made-for-mobile, turn-based JRPG that should've stayed on mobile devices. It's not bad, but it's better played in short bursts where the game's lack of a solid hook and issues with repetition are more forgivable.

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Sep 10, 2021

Telling a cautionary tale about society isn't usually the goal of an arcade sport game, but that's exactly what Golf Club Wasteland does. That it's also fun to play is a nice bonus, providing an oddly relaxing and challenging experience for puzzle and platforming fans alike.

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8 / 10.0 - Cotton Reboot!
Aug 31, 2021

If you've never heard of Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams, that's no reason to ignore Cotton Reboot! You need not be a retro gamer to appreciate this shoot 'em up's excellent arcade/action gameplay, you just need to be a fan of cute, upbeat fun.

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Corpse Killer – 25th Anniversary Edition offers us a trip back to gaming's horrific full-motion video past. It's an era we should study to make sure we don't repeat our mistakes, but it's far enough behind us now that I can admit some of those mistakes can provide a bit of goofy fun.

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7 / 10.0 - Papa's Quiz
Aug 23, 2021

Papa's Quiz is not the most dynamic trivia game available for the Nintendo Switch, but it may be the best at making sure family members of all ages are on an even playing field. It's perfect for a couple rounds when family movie night's done but you're not yet ready for bed.

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Aug 4, 2021

The very core of Epistory – Typing Chronicles is centered around words and story. The narrative and visuals carry over well to the Switch, but the typing combat gimmick requires the cumbersome use of an external keyboard or the built-in adaptation to Joy-Con controls. It's a fun, clever game, but one that's best experienced on the computer.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Samurai Warriors 5
Jul 31, 2021

With refreshed visuals and a streamlined roster, Samurai Warriors 5 is perhaps the best Warriors game released for a Nintendo device since Warriors Orochi III Hyper. The crazy combat on massive battlefields has been streamlined, as has the between-levels management, making for an engaging game that should thrill both old and new fans of the franchise.

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Jul 28, 2021

Akiba's Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed is a rudimentary port that certainly shows its age, but the stripping-based combat and crazy story/quests are unique enough to provide a refreshing experience for action gamers who are open to its mature content.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
Jul 15, 2021

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox has the type of performance issues we shouldn't be seeing on consoles these days. When it's cooking, however, it provides a fully satisfying JRPG adventure for those seeking unique monsters to fight, vast environments to explore, and intriguing mysteries to unravel.

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