Michal Korec
It doesn't have revolutionary power-ups or weapons that you wouldn't have used before. Experimenting with a change of perspective eventually paid off for Nintendo, the transition from 3D to 2D applied to the hero changed the radical view of passing dungeons, benefiting from the feeling of overcoming obstacles. Satisfaction from solving puzzles comes often and driving you into exploring the world on which the game is built.
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It's an unconventional experience that only arrives occasionally. And maybe he'll be back in five years.
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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is a different Zelda. So different and experimental for fans that they will learn to manage it longer than others. Newcomers can jump in at the right time: there's a core of the series and a lot of tweaks.
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You'll get 8 to 10 hours of quality entertainment and a demonstration that game screenwriting has moved way forward and can be asked as much as adventurous or JRPG of the 1990s.
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Dark Souls has shown players how to fight ultra bother and learn a lot, but the third episode won't overcome past parts of the series because the original charm is gone and it remains a tough grind.
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Warlords had excellent content for a month-two, but then collapsed into the grinding garrison, with the authors ignoring the new content for nearly a year. With Legion, the main serving is just as good, and game systems promise it could be more durable. Patch 7.1 promises a redesigned Karazhan with a 5-person maze, which we look forward to immensely, and as long as there are more surprises, WoW: Legion can be a better perennian.
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Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir is a taste bud. It was created almost a decade ago, but in a new dress and period it has a lot to offer. On the view of a regular meat cleasel, but when you start exploring it, one of the demonstrations comes as some games do not age. Interesting concepts, unexpected variations or great ideas do not get boring so soon.
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Persona 5, however, is superbly balanced at all levels of content – screenplay, characters, plot, civilian Tokyo, X mazes and Mementos, a duel system, jazz music and an unmistakable atmosphere. There's practically nothing to blame for this game.
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Although I feel a little heretical when playing this series on an American console, Xbox One beautifully renders the world and offers great control and visuals that underscore the revolutionary march forward. This isn't just a variation of past games in a series where two or three fines are added and otherwise you go repete. Here is a strong leap forward, where you can feel the development in every way: entering the world, discovering it, the village system and the possibilities of multiplayer.
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This squad-based brawler with 3 vs 3 arena is good choice for fans of FF. But do not expect too much.
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Remake of 25 years old game is not very convincing. It is just for biggest fans of the Mana series.
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Ni no Kuni II is great game and stunning sequel with some new elements. JRPG Fans will not be disappointed.
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If you are dare, explore devastated lands in the world of Gun Gale Online. Action combat is amusing and you will meet new and familiar faces from the Sword Art Online series.
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Yakuza 6 is the final journey of Kazuma Kiryu. It is action, emotive and a catching ending of veteran hero.
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Average and exhausting game with very hard difficulty and mid and end-of-level bosses.
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Three similar games in one decent collection offer great tactical combat, but poor story and unbalanced gameplay.
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Funny game adequate for handhelds in which you can spend a lot of time to become sushi master.
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Tropical Freeze was released worldwide in February 2014. Now it is good time for Switch with better graphics and Funky Mode.
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Hyrule Warriors does not have a lot of new content in Definitive Edition, however Switch version of the game is very handy.
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Amusing adventure of eight different heroes can entertain fans of JRPG. Several stories can be a bit confusing but combat system is fantastic.
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