Luis Guillermo Sandoval
Undead Horde may not be the most beautiful or impressive game in the market, but it surely is as fun as hell, difficult at times, but silly in others.
Overall, Hinter's Legacy: Purrfect Edition is a fun metroidvania game to pass the time. The addition of the mini-map and some tweaks make it feel like a good addition to the Nintendo Switch catalogue. Hinter's Legacy: Purrfect Edition has issues, but still, it's something that could become an improved adventure if Lienzo's team keep expanding Ikki's world in a sequel.
Mulaka is not a perfect game, but it makes sure to show the uniqueness of the Tarahumara culture and demonstrate that Mexican culture can be interesting.
I had a great experience with the game, and being a fan of such movies like Robocop and Judge Dredd certainly adds to my enjoyment I had with all the action going on in JYDGE.
The Town of Light is a beautiful title, with great sound and reworked voice-overs that improve on the original release, but it needs harder puzzles, some work on the camera and maybe be a bit darker to give the flashlight some purpose. Besides that, The Town of Light accomplishes what it promises, and is a game people need to try, because it is something different to experience within the video game medium.
Resident Evil 4 still feels good, and being able to have 60fps and 1080p on the PS4 makes it a beautiful display, even with the GameCube-era graphics. Still, I would liked more improves done to the title – the 30fps animations for reloading still remains – since it’s been 11 years from the original release. If you haven’t played Resident Evil 4, then go for it, because this is one adventure that you will most likely love.
Doom is a big name in gaming history, and this new entry offers a great and faithful encapsulation of its predecessors fast-passed shooting, trademark gore and infamous demons.
Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster is a game that fans will no doubt pick up, while being worthwhile for newcomers as well.
In short words, if you like indie games and the puzzle genre, Q.U.B.E. is something that you should get, especially if you liked Portal. It has a good story, which becomes a little weak at the end, but that does not taint the overall package, as the mechanics feel good and the atmosphere the game creates will probably blow your mind.