William Schwartz
Broken Age doesn't do a very good job of standing on its own. It very well could end up being regarded as a classic upon its completion, it just doesn't hold much more than promise, right now.
Tomb Raider is a fantastic solo adventure. Admittedly, I couldn't help but wish my first experience with Tomb Raider was the Definitive One. If you come into Tomb Raider, this "Definitive Edition, thinking that it's anything more than a shinier port, you'll likely leave disappointed.
Metal Gear Rising on PC is the definitive release of the game. It's got all the content, better graphics, performs better, and is $30. Sure, some of the issues that were prevalent in the console version are still there, but its an immensely enjoyable hack-n-slash title with a crazy storyline and great boss battles.
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is right up there with the best games in the series. Building a game entirely around the sea based features found in ACIII sounded gimmicky when it was announced earlier this year, but Ubisoft nailed it on all fronts
Battlefield 4 is on the PlayStation 4 is a considerable upgrade, and its one of the only cross-generational games to make such a large leap in terms of both fidelity and gameplay.
Dead Rising 3 is easily the best exclusive launch title for the Xbox One. It manages to do something that other zombie games haven't, and that's actually convey a sense of an overwhelming threat. It's dumb fun, but it's fun nonetheless.
Forza Motorsport 5 is a fantastic racing game that employs the worst of the worst when it comes to monetization strategies. $60 is no longer enough for even one day of the full Forza experience.
Ryse: Son of Rome might be the best looking game released on either the PS4 or Xbox One. Unfortunately, it's lacking in the gameplay department. You can tell that there's potential here, but it has yet to be reached.
There's not a lot of must-have games for the PS4 at this point, but Resogun is one of, if not the, game that you simply must play on the new console.
On one hand, NBA 2K14 on PS4 is one of the best looking sports games ever made. On the other, it's a barebones experience when compared to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The PlayStation 4 version is a near carbon copy of its sibling on the PS3. For those that will be satisfied with more of the same from Call of Duty: Ghosts with slightly better visuals, Ghosts won't likely disappoint you.
I couldn't shake the feeling that Guerrilla Games had grander visions for Killzone: Shadowfall than what was shipped for the launch of the PS4. Despite it being visually stunning and a ton of fun to play, a lot of it feels like it missed on a bigger opportunity for the franchise.