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Alex Fuller


Favorite Games:
  • Xenoblade Chronicles series
  • Falcom's Trails series
  • Virtue's Last Reward

159 games reviewed
67.8 average score
70 median score
49.1% of games recommended

Alex Fuller's Reviews

Alex joined RPGamer in 2011 as a Previewer before moving onto Reviews, News Director, and Managing Editor. Became Editor-in-Chief in 2018.
Dec 30, 2020

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is a strong title with plenty of appeal to both Zelda and Musou fans. The enduring gameplay strengths of Omega Force’s titles are present and its interesting approach to being a prequel ensures there is some narrative interest.

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3 / 5.0 - Cyberpunk 2077
Dec 19, 2020

CD Projekt RED's management has absolutely rushed it out before it was properly ready, and at this stage it's very much a case of buyer beware. It’s clear that lots of effort has been put into creating Night City and the well-linked major gameplay systems, but even when putting the technical issues aside, it still feels much like many open-world games that have come before.

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Oct 26, 2020

Robotics;Notes DaSH is absolutely one for those who are already fans of the Science Adventure series rather than anything that’s going to convert anyone, though the fact that DasH is bundled with Elite makes it easier to provide a combined recommendation. It’s very enjoyable to be able to spend more time with the characters, while the excitement of its true route helps it become a very satisfying visual novel experience.

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Oct 8, 2020

While Robotics;Notes certainly doesn’t attain the same incredible level of Steins;Gate, it nonetheless offers a highly engaging tale with plenty of interesting threads.

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Sep 15, 2020

The game is absolutely one of this year’s standout RPGs, and it’s particularly refreshing to see that in something that brings both unique combat and storytelling to the table. Vanillaware has outdone itself here.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Giraffe and Annika
Aug 21, 2020

Though none of its constituent parts are world-beaters, the feelings they exude make Giraffe and Annika greater than their basic sum. It’s a game that’s ideal for both youngsters and those needing to spend some hours just relaxing or getting some warm, fuzzy feelings.

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Jul 29, 2020

void tRrLM(); //Void Terrarium is absolutely a solid roguelike. Those looking for such a game will find it meets their needs, but shouldn't expect anything more as its attempts at offering a more compelling experience get drowned out.

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Jul 13, 2020

Inaba’s small-town feel, the fantastic cast, incredibly personable dialogue, excellent audio, and strong gameplay combine to make the game a superb all-around experience. Though there are no distinct advantages of playing this version over the Vita one, its release on PC should be rightfully celebrated for giving a whole new set of RPGamers the chance to play a game that resonates just as strongly now as it first did.

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Unscored - Death Come True
Jun 28, 2020

Ultimately, the overall conventionality of Death Come True means that it is not a title with any great staying power. It doesn’t really manage to try anything new, though the level of production shows that there is absolutely a potential future for FMV games. It’s certainly enjoyable and at its best as the clues are dropped and there are still parts of the mystery to uncover, but expectations should be tempered accordingly.

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Jun 4, 2020

Ultimately, the success of Dungeon Defenders: Awakened can’t be fully determined at this point in time, and there’s a feeling that the console releases may be where the game gets an opportunity to shine, away from the ready comparisons to its predecessors.

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May 22, 2020

Utawarerumono: Prelude to the Fallen is an ideal opportunity to get into the series and learn what it's all about. It won't be for all; those unable to deal with the slow pace of visual novels will get unstuck in the many events that try and build relationships at the expense of driving the plot, something that is almost omnipresent throughout both this game and the Mask duology. However, for those who enjoy winding down with a deep story and some enjoyable tactical combat, the game provides that in spades.

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May 12, 2020

The combat is decently engaging, but the repetitiveness and lack of interesting elements outside of it means it fails to garner full attention for any extended period of time. Those looking to crawl through neon corridors and vaporise cyborg punks will find some enjoyment from it, but it’s ultimately forgettable.

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Unscored - Raging Loop
Apr 29, 2020

Though — as is normal with the genre — there isn’t too much interaction required from the player, it makes great use of both the medium and its storytelling to provide an experience that sucks one in and keeps the engagement level high until the very end.

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Apr 15, 2020

Returning to Midgar has been a much more fulfilling experience than I expected going in. Seeing all of these characters, and the world, fully realised in 3D has given me a whole new appreciation for them and I’m very much looking forward to what’s next in store. Exactly how successful the full project is remains to be seen, but the first part of the Final Fantasy VII Remake has done everything it could in getting me incredibly excited for the second.

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2 / 5.0 - Element: Space
Apr 8, 2020

Though the combat holds up, it’s just too difficult to find a way to recommend Element: Space as a whole. There’s not much of interest from a narrative standpoint, while all of the good points about the gameplay are offset by the technical problems. It’s a shame, as there’s a good base underneath it, but even with giving leeway based on the small size of the development team, the annoyances currently outweigh the good.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Persona 5 Royal
Mar 30, 2020

Persona 5 already made an incredible mark when it released, and Persona 5 Royal just adds to Atlus’ richly deserved reputation among RPGamers.

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Feb 26, 2020

Hero Must Die offers a fascinatingly different approach and is well worth checking out just for that. All of the RPG building blocks used are of the most basic sort, but the game manages to combine them effectively with its wilder ideas to ensure that there’s always a sense of building towards a bigger picture and a final goal as well.

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Feb 18, 2020

Azur Lane: Crosswave doesn't harbour ambitions to be more than it really is and, though it may be a bit underwhelming, it at least doesn't outstay its welcome. It's perfectly happy to just provide some hours of mild entertainment without trying to reinvent the wheel and that may be enough for some, but certainly not all.

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1.5 / 5.0 - Arc of Alchemist
Feb 5, 2020

The music at least alleviates some of the monotony and players won’t need to spend too long with it to spark the ending credits, but the combat and systems contrive to make the gameplay far from enjoyable, and the story is almost not worth mentioning. One can only hope that it allows lessons to be quickly learned ahead of any future action RPG endeavours.

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3 / 5.0 - Skellboy
Jan 30, 2020

The game offers enough humourous charm and strong enough gameplay to make it an enjoyable experience.

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