André Pereira

56 games reviewed
62.8 average score
60 median score
51.8% of games recommended
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5 / 10 - SELF
Jan 18, 2020

SELF is an unusual experience. While at first it may seem like a visual novel, the game turns out to be something else...what that is, though, is not very clear. Its main asset is undoubtedly the soundtrack and a pair of headphones will certainly make wonders but its plot turns out to be passable, dull and easy to ignore, which goes against the nature of a candidate to be a visual novel. Overall, this is a game that doesn't stand out in neither a positive nor a negative way, and one which will be easily forgotten after finished.

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Jan 10, 2020

Clouds & Sheep 2 is not the most elaborate experience ever made but as far as simple, quick, low risk fun is concerned, it does something right. Poking and throwing sheep around and causing lightning can be strangely satisfying and players with children around might find a winning formula in this game, even if just for a brief time period.

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Nov 21, 2019

YIIK: A Postmodern RPG is certainly full of good intentions and it promises a lot in what it could turn out to be...nevertheless, intentions alone don't make a masterpiece and while its 1990s-tinged environment, its attempts at an innovative fighting system and a few of its musical tracks are certainly worthy of praise, the game drags itself for too long, feels frustrating and confusing too often and the experience is just too inconsistent for its own good. Something which could have turned out much better and whose potential can still be harnessed for something remarkable.

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Apr 7, 2020

The gameplay is fun and the combat sequences can put a smile on a player's face, not to mention the truckloads of content. At the same time, its performance is not the best and the game loses fluidity in some moments. It also suffers from a shoddy plot development, which makes it less suitable to be a good candidate for representing the animated series, and doesn't match its Warriors peers.

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Feb 27, 2020

Vitamin Connection is a title that gives away some of its plot elements. This fun multiplayer-focused experience benefits from a good, bright, colourful visual presentation and a very involving two-player gameplay component that takes full advantage of the Nintendo Switch capabilities. It works less well on solo and the game's soundtrack and regular backtracking end up becoming a bit too burdensome but for two players looking for some clean, wholesome (and healthy) fun, Vitamin Connection is definitely worth considering.

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Feb 24, 2020

Just Ignore Them has a certain charm, that's undeniable - with its extremely simple looks but able to create a tense environment at key moments, this short game has its value when it comes to its aesthetics. It doesn't stand out from other horror games when it comes to a lack of practical instructions able to give it an intuitive sense of exploration, though, and its very short lifespan means that those who will find it fun will quickly run out of enjoyment. Still, all in all, Just Ignore Them could have done worse for a low-budget work.

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6 / 10 - Mosaic
Feb 13, 2020

Mosaic, a game about loneliness, redundancy and the tormenting bleakness of everyday life that makes us akin to robots repeating pre-programmed tasks to keep society working. This is not meant to be too harsh (or too kind) but Mosaic on the Nintendo Switch does manage to capture that void which seems to affect so many millions of humans in nearly every society on the face of the Earth. Pity that the way it behaves could not keep several errors and performance issues away, as the game often freezes and doesn't respond the way it would be expected to.

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6 / 10 - Megaquarium
Jan 21, 2020

The game tries to create its own space and it's successful at making something original and with a relaxing environment. The gameplay experience could certainly improve with the use of the Nintendo Switch touch screen and with a more intuitive interface but for an original effort, Megaquarium ticks most of the right boxes.

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Jan 4, 2020

Thea: The Awakening for the Nintendo Switch puts the focus on Slavic myths, rather the by now extremely common settings of Norse mythology or medieval backgrounds. That alone deserves praise, as it brings some much-needed variety to the catalogue. However, Thea starts turning into a disappointing effort when it starts trying to be everything at the same time and with so many things going in every direction, the game loses focus and becomes a cumbersome experience for the player, even if there are still elements worthy of praise.

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Where the Water Tastes Like Wine takes a bold step in trying to make a game based on a concept that is very unusual in this medium. That's something to praise but even though the game features an interesting plot and the stories are certainly worth reading, the gameplay experience does not feel adequate to what is on offer and way too often the game feels like it should have been done differently and with other mechanics.

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With many customization options and a simple, accessible gameplay, this work may not offer a very in-depth experience and it can get rather confusing at times with too many things happening on the screen at the same time but fans of shoot'em-ups who enjoy a simple, action-packed game will have enough reasons to spend some time around it.

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6 / 10 - EarthNight
Dec 3, 2019

EarthNight is an endless runnner that was originally made for mobile devices, which means this Switch adaptation is hardly a monument when it comes to its technical components. Nevertheless, this game has some fun moments to provide and those who enjoy the style have enough content here for some fun moments, even if the experience never reaches outstanding levels.

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Nov 26, 2019

Tokyo Dark Remembrance doesn't get everything right. For a visual novel with point and click adventure elements, its game design and the way it flows puts a lot of limits on the player's options and its art style seems somehow mismatched from its well written plot and involving soundtrack. Nonetheless, the game has a lot of potential and very good ideas, it could have simply benefited from a better execution and design.

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Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling is something unusual, in the sense that it had a goal that it did not fulfill, but ends up doing a success on everything else. So while Big Fables is not a fitting tribute to Paper Mario, it still does almost everything right, especially when it comes to its plot, its combat system and the absolutely marvelous visual world. All in all, something that won't look bad in anyone's Nintendo Switch.

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7 / 10 - Indivisible
Jun 7, 2020

Indivisible is what happens when a Metroidvania type of game is given RPG elements and it's a successful case at that. Thanks to its marvelous looking and sounding world, exploration mechanics and combat that help make up for the plot's poor pacing and fun humor, Indivisible is a worthy game to spend many hours with.

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7 / 10 - Moving Out
May 1, 2020

Moving Out does not seem to feature the most ambitious concept but one should never underestimate how fun a game can be, even if it's designed around the idea moving out. With frantic action and an insane pressure to put furniture into a truck, Moving Out delivers a frantic experience that will keep players on their toes. If this experience might prove too frantic for some and its controls might not work as well as expected, it's no less true that Moving Out earned its place in the Nintendo Switch catalogue.

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Apr 17, 2020

In Other Waters puts the player in an unusual position but even though not everyone will become smitten by this Nintendo Switch text-based adventure, the game is a marvel to look at and features an exquisite ambient soundtrack that will make everyone feel like they're at the bottom of the sea. A work that fits like a charm on a handheld experience, In Other Waters deserves its place in the Nintendo Switch library.

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Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York is a beautiful-looking visual novel for the Nintendo Switch that features a finely written plot and dialogues, as it should with any self-respecting visual novel. While the game's length feels short, those who have a penchant for an experience that's not based on action gameplay but rather on plot choices will find an immersive world and many incentives to return to the adventure in order to discover more characters and more plot developments.

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7 / 10 - Red Bow
Mar 31, 2020

Red Bow bears the visual hallmarks of a 16-bit era RPG but once that impression gives places to a more involving experience, something else becomes clear: Red Bow is a horror game, and does a good job at demonstrating that a horror game does not need a realistic looking world. While a short experience, Red Bow has enough reasons to mire players in with its simple gameplay, plot and replay value. Perhaps it can also raise the banner for simple-looking horror games.

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7 / 10 - inbento
Mar 20, 2020

Inbento is a puzzler that makes its way to the Nintendo Switch after its premiere in the mobile market and while this is certainly no blockbuster AAA work, Inbento is certainly a gem of its own. Simple but endearing, with its kittens, charming puzzles and lovely looks, Inbento may not aim for the title of game of the year but it definitely gets something right in its formula and aims straight at the players' softest side.

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