Ulisses Domingues

54 games reviewed
65.5 average score
70 median score
54.7% of games recommended
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Apr 19, 2020

Bubble Bobble 4 Friends marks the arrival of the famed series on the Nintendo Switch and as the title promises, this is indeed a feast for up to four friends in what is easily one of the game's best selling points. Along with a simple and addictive gameplay and a joyfully colourful visual environment, Bubble Bobble 4 Friends is irresistible to pick up, even though it could feature more content and a less repetitive soundtrack.

Review in Portuguese |

A good mix between exploration with roguelike elements, and turn-based RPG when it comes to combat, the game allows for a great degree of character customization and a good level of freedom. At the same time, some decisions are difficult to understand, such as the consumption of resources, some lack of orientation and too much information on the screen at once. Dedicated players will find a lot to enjoy here, but there's a certain effort to make.

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Featuring a marvelous vocal work, a fun and humorous plot and two distinct control systems, The Fowl Fleet could improve its unbalanced difficulty in some puzzles and feature some more engaging missions but let there be no doubt that the point and click adventure genre is alive and well on the Switch.

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Apr 3, 2020

My Hero One's Justice 2 on the Nintendo Switch is bursting with content that doesn't seem to end and with its simple combat system and addictive game modes, it will be a delight for the fans of the My Hero Academia series. Strangely enough, its less exciting component is the campaign mode, as the game's plot doesn't do a great favour to the moment of the series it's based on, and some decisions are difficult to understand. Overall, this is a game mostly aimed at big fans of the series and less so at newcomers.

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Apr 2, 2020

Thanks to its well executed balance between a hack and slash and an RPG, as well as its system of skills, the relationship between the two main characters and its very compelling combat, there's more than enough here to satisfy those who gravitate to these kinds of games. While not all is perfect when it comes to its less than ideal performance on the Switch screen, Darksiders Genesis has proved itself worthy for everyone to try it out.

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Mar 28, 2020

Super Crush KO goes all in when it comes to its frantic and action-packed combat, which coupled with its bright and intense colours make this a visibly intense and fun experience. It never goes very much in-depth, though, and with repetitive bosses and the lack of extra content the game ends up feeling rather limited but it's undeniably a very fun effort for anyone who enjoys fun and explosive action.

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Mar 21, 2020

The games included in this offer are mostly on par with what players can expect from good, classic shoot'em up types, other than one of them which suffers from a poor performance. With its good retail price and an overall quality action gameplay, this is a fun proposal for fans of old school shoot'em up games.

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Mar 17, 2020

Rune Factory 4 Special on the Nintendo Switch deserves its title. With an addictive, gratifying gameplay, content for many hours and enjoyable characters, this is a gem that while more attractive for new players than for veterans, deserves an investment of time and energy, even if its visual world could use some improvement.

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5 / 10 - Save Koch
Mar 11, 2020

Save Koch on the Nintendo Switch has some promising elements and indeed, the game's world is an interesting one and its dialogues are quite amusing. Nonetheless, the way the game is played turns out to be disappointing, mostly because there's no sense of orientation - Save Koch does a poor job when it comes to transmitting what is expected of the players, and the missions' sense of arbitrary order and a basis of trial and error make this game a somewhat clumsy experience.

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Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times follows up on the previous game and improves on several points, including its plot and the random reward system at the end of each level, which acts as quite a strong motivator to find out what will happen next. The experience ends up feeling worse when played on the Nintendo Switch screen though, due to the small size of its text and despite the touch screen controls. Some flaws in the combat system make the experience less stellar but nevertheless, this new game in the Warhammer series is definitely on the right path.

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Mar 1, 2020

Arc of Alchemist on the Nintendo Switch may look pretty and attractive when looked at its still pictures but that should not deceive anyone: this game has a poor performance, its plot and characters are completely uninspiring and the overall gameplay mechanics fail to compel and to entice the players. Add to that a steep launch price and there are very few reasons why anyone would want to spend too much time around this effort.

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Feb 26, 2020

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf sounds like something exciting. Unfortunately this adaptation for the Nintendo Switch ends up disappointing on nearly every front. Despite its original take on the card system and the wealth of Warhammer 40,000 lore, the game's weak performance, unbalanced combat, arbitrary tactical component and its obstacles to an enjoyable handheld experience make it something that doesn't deserve much attention within the console's catalogue.

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6 / 10 - Bear With Me
Feb 21, 2020

Bear With Me for the Nintendo Switch is a point and click adventure based on a detective investigation story and it does a good job at presenting a strong, emotional story with a very humorous overtone and a remarkable art style. Nonetheless, the fluctuating difficulty of its puzzles, the mediocre voice work and some problems with finding objects due to the very same art style end up feeling like obstacles. Fans of point and click games will be able to look beyond this, other players might feel less tempted.

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5 / 10 - Domiverse
Feb 18, 2020

Domiverse proposes a simple path for taking on the brawler formula and while it's certainly no luxury opus, it's minimally competent to keep players entertained to a certain level, thanks to its detailed characters and a fun challenge mode. However it also reaches its highest threshold fairly quickly, and its very simplistic formula and lack of online multiplayer will end up constricting Domiverse's possibilities to rise above other efforts in the Nintendo Switch catalogue.

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Jan 31, 2020

Galaxy Champions TV is a twin stick shoot'em-up that follows the genre's classic conventions. With its fun gameplay and very well tuned controls, the game creates a good territory for itself on the Nintendo Switch. However, its difficulty level soars too quickly and without much balance, as Galaxy Champions TV becomes an almost merciless experience with barely an introduction, thus making the game rely too much on its frustrating elements for longevity's sake.

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Jan 24, 2020

Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha on the Nintendo Switch brings a compilation of six old-school shoot'em-ups, the kind that made many fans in the 1990s. The games featured in the collection are overall quite good and entertaining and the way this compilation was adapted to the Nintendo Switch works wonders for the experience of retro shoot'em-ups. While more extras and additional content wouldn't harm, Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha will make shoot'em-ups fans very satisfied with this collection.

Review in Portuguese |

Jan 20, 2020

Super Weekend Mode is a very simple game. Its sole purpose is to entertain and for that, it ditches things like plot or character development. If it's true that a good plot and involvement with the characters can make a masterpiece, it's no less true that not all games need them, and Super Weekend Mode, in its extreme simplicity, is an enjoyable game, even if not an in-depth experience.

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Jan 17, 2020

Garage Mechanic Simulator for the Nintendo Switch doesn't seem like the most ambitious game ever made but its gameplay experience delivers virtually nothing worthy of note. This car mechanic simulator didn't set a very high threshold but with a control system that feels everything but intuitive, an interface that gives no information whatsoever and almost nothing to stimulate the player, this is a work that does not deserve much of an opportunity.

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3 / 10 - Football Game
Jan 15, 2020

Those expecting sports action should turn away - this is a 1990s-style adventure game which at no moment engages the player in any kind of football whatsoever. That said, Football Game does not stand out as either a puzzle or an adventure game. With a dull, uninteresting plot and characters and puzzles which are way too simplistic, Football Game quickly loses its purpose and won't do much for those who will feel attracted by its graphics.

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6 / 10 - Demon Pit
Jan 9, 2020

Demon Pit for the Nintendo Switch does a good job at being a simple, 1990s-based shooter. With its unpretentious but intense action moments, Demon Pit will strike a chord with those looking to relive simpler times. That said and given today's technology, the experience could only improve if this version allowed the use of motion-controls when it comes to aiming, the same goes for its default auto-aiming function, which cannot be switched off.

Review in Portuguese |