Kyle Bell
Let’s get this out of the way: Spirit Hunter NG is not for everyone. In fact, it probably only fills a small niche in the horror video game market.
As a soft reboot, Infinity Ward kept the better aspects of Call of Duty (i.e. tight controls, high production value, loads of content) and smoothed out some of its blemishes (i.e. overly simplistic storytelling and an over-reliance on extreme drama). It’s a solid game that mixes things up a little bit but not too radically.
If you haven’t played a Jackbox Party Pack game before, all of these games are going to feel relatively fresh. Some are better than others, but you’ll at least get a few laughs out of it.
Even if it can be frustrating at times, the challenge feels like it gets paid off when you ultimately clear a stage. It is satisfying. The gameplay isn’t the only satisfying part, either. The graphics, music, and sound effects are wonderful throwbacks, making for a well-rounded indie game.
Light gun shooters used to be all the rage back in the 1990s. One of the most popular arcade shooters was House of the Dead. Voyage of the Dead desperately tries to mimic Sega’s classic series, but the results are decidedly mixed.
This could have been a good game tie-in for the Netflix show. It has source material to work with, high in-game production value, and a proven XCOM-style strategy concept. If only the game would actually let you execute some tactical strategy.
This is a good game for curious kids who want to learn about nature. Adults will get bored after a while.
Gunlord X both looks and plays great. The 2D side-scrolling levels are mixed well with run ‘n gun gameplay, open-world stage design, varied enemies, and fun boss battles.
Whether you are stealing vegetables from a garden, turning on a hose and getting a person wet, or scaring a kid in order to steal his glasses, it’s all done in a way that is playful and innocent. It’s a game meant to elicit joy and laughter, and it does an admirable job. I just wish it was longer.
Ministry of Broadcast is a fascinating intersection of politics and psychology. It’s also an interesting mix of several video game genres: narrative-driven adventure, classic platformer, and puzzle game.
To be perfectly honest, I appreciate what the developers are attempting. However, Mosaic is pretty basic in its core gameplay mechanics. That’s kind of the point, illustrating the mundanity of the character’s life. But it also doesn’t make for the most enthralling experience.
Truth be told, AO Tennis 2 is not the best tennis game that I have ever played. It is, however, a solid attempt at a simulation-style sports game.
Basically, this is a PS2 game running on the PS4 with a veneer of next-gen graphics. In 2020, that's unacceptable even as a throwback to a different era. To come full circle, the idea for Katana Kami: A Way of the Samurai Story is solid. The execution is not.
Even with the stage properly set, Moons of Madness ultimately fails to reel you in and demand your attention. It has a pretty high production value, and the setting is interesting. However, I never felt any sort of attachment to the main character and ultimately cared more about the otherworldly environment.
Whether you are looking for a casual game to play on your own or if you want something family-friendly to play with kids, Hidden Through Time is a pretty solid choice.
It is hard to recommend The Inner Friend even at its steeply discounted price because of its short length and limited gameplay.
It’s polished. It has interesting gameplay mechanics. And it is priced right. What’s not to like?
Minecraft Dungeons is a good entry-level dungeon crawler. Hardcore gamers might find it too simple.
Golf with Your Friends is supposed to be a casual party game. However, glitchy and oftentimes annoying gameplay ruin the experience.
The surprisingly compelling storyline and interesting puzzles keep you powering through, even as the dialogue drags on at times. Plus, the pixel art style and retro-inspired music give the game real charm. Considering the budget price, it’s well worth checking out.