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Oscar Nino


93 games reviewed
71.0% of games recommended

Oscar Nino's Reviews

Graphic Designer, that have been working more time with videogames that he'll care to admit. Nerfeados Co-Founder and everyman (Graphic Designer, writer, editor & PR)
Unscored - Fallout 76
Dec 10, 2018

Love it or hate it, Fallout 76 is an experience with some interesting ideas that definitely don't work as well as you imagine. The bugs and the repetitive quests can be forgiven, but the empty Appalachian world makes us want to take the country roads and go back home.

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Unscored - The Forest
Dec 7, 2018

The Forest nails the mechanics for a survival game allowing us to explore and experience the main story at our own pace while we understand every mechanic each time we die. Unfortunately the story is quite forgettable and rather non sensical most of the time.

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Nov 1, 2018

Treyarch new approach to the Black Ops franchise is a hit and miss. Without a doubt is a great FPS and the inclusion of Blackout is a great idea to mix things up, but the lack of campaign definitely affects the whole package since it may have interesting characters, but leaves them no ground to explore or grow.

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Oct 25, 2018

With a forgettable Story but a strong team or characters, Starlink: Battle for Atlas is an interesting experience with good mechanics and a different approach to the “toys to life” that made games like Skylanders and Disney Infinity popular on PS3 and Xbox 360.

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Unscored - Bastion
Sep 27, 2018

Supergiant first game finally arrives to Nintendo Switch. Even if you already played it in different platforms, Bastion keeps its charm thanks to a beautiful art direction, powerful music and voice acting.

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Sep 26, 2018

Marvel's Spider-Man is the pinnacle in terms of superhero games. With a stellar gameplay and one of the most emotional stories we've seen in the genre, the wall crawler game is one of the best PlayStation Exclusives of the generation.

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Unscored - Guacamelee! 2
Aug 1, 2018

An already great Beat'Em Up receives a worthy sequel. Guacamelee! 2 not only improves the original game but also creates a funnier and better story, also the new powers and “game modes” are a welcome change and brings fresh ideas to the table.

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May 5, 2018

OneBitBeyond game is not only a charming roguelike, but also an interesting addition to an already great formula. Even if the game can feel a little childish at times and isn't as tough as other games in the genre, some mechanics are quite different of what we've seen and some are deeper than you think.

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Unscored - God of War
Apr 30, 2018

God of War not only remind us why Kratos is one of the most emblematic characters of the PlayStation brand, but also there's a lot of changes you can do in a established franchise. Not only the gameplay changes are great but also Santa Monica finally transformed the greek god into a compelling character.

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Unscored - Far Cry 5
Apr 4, 2018

Far Cry 5 is a game with a great concept and a pretty lousy execution. The game keep the shooting mechanics that made FC3 so great and most of the time explore Montana is wonderful, unfortunately the story is predictable and Joseph Seed isn't nearly as compelling as Vaas or Pagan Min.

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Unscored - Crossing Souls
Feb 22, 2018

Fourattic first game is a great adventure of friendship a-la-Stranger Things. Even if sometimes the mechanics aren't as tight as other games and the story doesn't try anything new, still a fun experience for new and veteran players.

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Unscored - Floor Kids
Jan 14, 2018

Floor Kids provides a short but sweet experience. The game has some great ideas that we didn't see since Parappa the Rapper during the PS One era. Even if the visual doesn't strike you, the message remind us that music sometimes, can change the world.

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Nov 5, 2017

The New Colossus continues to improve the MachineGames formula and bring needed changes to mechanics we saw with The New Order to create a wonderful shooter. Unfortunately the learning curve can feel too steep even for some experienced FPS players and elements like stealth take the backseat in this sequel.

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