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Oscar Nino


97 games reviewed
72.2% of games recommended

Oscar Nino's Reviews

Graphic Designer, that have been working more time with videogames that he'll care to admit. Nerfeados Co-Founder and everyman (Graphic Designer, writer, editor & PR)
Unscored - Jusant
Oct 31, 2023

Jusant is a fantastic game. The music, atmosphere and gameplay is delightful and one of Dontnod best games this year. The environmental storytelling is great but might not work as well with some people but that doesn't take much for the whole narrative. And yes... you can pet the Ballast.

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Sep 7, 2023

Fires of Rubicon is Armored Core at its best. From Software did some fantastic work with the new AC entry with a fantastic story and quite amazing combat, allowing the player to test and find the best way to progress in the campaign. Unfortunately the game struggles with its difficulty balance, where you could find exactly which are the hard points in a game that sometimes feels way too easy, that being said, Fires of Rubicon clicks in a lot of ways with his gameplay making way to satisfactory to finally overcome this hard peaks.

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Unscored - Broforce
Aug 25, 2023

More Broforce is always Good. With Forever as its last patch, Broforce still is a fantastic game. Not only keeps the insanity at 100% as usual, but also Forever brings a lot of performance to the game, specially with some many explosions as it was here. Almost 8 years after it was first released, the game feels fresh as ever and a must for people that wanna play a chaotic game or pee Satan's tomb.

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Unscored - Moving Out 2
Aug 23, 2023

Moving Out 2 improves in a lot of ways the mechanics of the first game, although some specific ones remain untouched that definitely need some additional tuning. That being said the new mechanics of the different dimensions and of course the "reverse-moving" offer some additional fun that wasn't available in the first game.

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Aug 22, 2023

Portable Vampire Survivors is the best kind of Vampire Survivors. After the 1.0 release on PC and Xbox, the game definitely shines in portable form (outside of the Steam Deck) and is the definitive version of the game so you can pick it up for half hour and then keep on with your day.

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Aug 11, 2023

The Case of the Golden Idol is a brilliant game. Instead of relying on complex puzzles to try and confuse the user, Color Gray makes everything about observation and just sheer analysis to create a brilliant experience for the player. This game is ideal for fans of masterpieces like Return to the Obra Dinn.

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Aug 9, 2023

After the bad decisions Visual Concepts and 2K took with games like WWE 2K20, AEW: Fight Forever needed to be a solid game so it could replace the wrestling IP. Unfortunately Yuke's work in this game is ok-ish. The game have a lot of ideas but the execution is quite lacking in some aspects, and feels more like a test of what the studio wants to do with the IP instead of a Guns blazing entry to try and take the reigns of the wrestling genre.

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Aug 4, 2023

Fights in Tight Spaces creates a great gameplay loop between its deckbuilding and turn based combat. Visually might feel a little sterile at times, but part of the charm is the way it kind of plays like a simulation agencies might train agents and how good the player might be improvising on the fly.

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Unscored - Crime O'Clock
Aug 1, 2023

Crime O'Clock is a quite interesting execution of Where's Waldo in a Time Travelling game. The game have some compelling puzzles but unfortunately the story pacing and repetitiveness between the eras makes it feel longer of what it really is bringing the whole experience down with it.

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Unscored - Viewfinder
Jul 24, 2023

Viewfinder is a brilliant puzzle game. Taking inspiration of games like The Witness or Portal, Viewfinder is not only accesible for people not too fond of the genre but also has a great difficulty curve without feeling too handholdy. The game has a great pacing and doesn't overstay its time, although the story and its characters might be a little more robust.

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Unscored - Killer Frequency
Jul 21, 2023

Killer Frequency takes the slasher genre and adapts it to a great game without using cheap scares, but instead focusing on the human side instead of the Bloody one. Its mechanics could be more deep but the whole idea of a DJ trying to save as much people as possible is simply fantastic and accomplishes a great balance between tense situations and some slapstick comedy.

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Unscored - The Last Worker
Jul 19, 2023

The Last Worker has a fantastic message regarding Capitalism and how big companies rainbowash or exploit its workers for their own gain. As a kind of adaptation of a VR game to console, the experience suffers a bit due to some mechanics feeling better in the peripheric instead the controller.

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Unscored - F1 23
Jul 17, 2023

F1 23 is more of the same. Codemasters created a great package for the fans of the sport and a good enough tutorial (under the Braking Point campaign) for the newcomers. Without a doubt the game is pretty polished and a fantastic experience for the people that love the F1. The only black spot is Braking Point regarding mechanics, which aren't pretty deep and doesn't prepare you for how hard is gonna be the career mode regarding mechanics like Tire management or the whole R&D.

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Jul 17, 2023

The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales starts with a not so neat presentation, that evolves in a different game once we start delving into the narrative. Without a doubt the game tries to mix adequately and even if it doesn't do it well as often as I might like, the narrative as a whole helped to make the experience a lot better.

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Jul 6, 2023

Classic Racers Elite is a reminder of how important first impressions are, the game have some solid driving and clear ideas of what Vision Reelle wanted in the game but the UI of the game is at odds with the presentation in general. Also the lack of variety in the events makes the experience feels tedious after a few hours.

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Unscored - Bleak Sword DX
Jul 4, 2023

more8bit deconstruction of the Soulslike genre is a welcome experiment regarding gameplay and even from a narrative standpoint Bleak Sword DX is pretty interesting but, there's a lot of QoL from the genre that the game could have implemented in this deconstruction without affecting the game greatly, that makes it hard to recommend even to Soulslike die hard fans.

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Unscored - Nocturnal
Jun 26, 2023

Between a simple presentation and a deeply personal story, Sunnyside Games crafted a great game that has a lot of highlights in the visual side and combat, but is hard to recommend due to its short length, lack of replay value and finicky platform controllers in some precise moments of the gameplay.

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Unscored - Rogue Legacy 2
Jun 24, 2023

The first game definitely carved a name in the Roguelike genre, after a period of Early Access and releases on Xbox and Switch Rogue Legacy 2 is a fantastic experience that kept what make the first game so successful and improving a lot of elements elevating the whole experience to a new level.

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Unscored - Post Void
Jun 22, 2023

If you asked me how viable a game like DOOM in acid might be, my answer definitely would have been no. Post Void kind of proves me wrong, the game is a solid and short experience that definitely is worth a shot in case you're looking for a different FPS experience in consoles.

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Jun 20, 2023

Super Meat Boy was lightning in a bottle and the IP has been trying to replicate this success ever since, Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine is one of the most interesting spin-offs. The whole Puyo Puyo gameplay is good but not enough to support many ideas the game have in store so everything ends up feeling not quite cohesive.

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