David Braga
Lacklustre gameplay and a dull aesthetic means that Liberté is a far from revolutionary entry in the genre.
Some of the puzzles are clever, and they seem varied enough to keep those who enjoy it interested for a while, but the whole thing seems - despite obvious efforts to make it sweet - strangely bland.
It's fun for a while and fans of the genre may enjoy it, but overall Disjunction is disjointed with too many annoyances, and ends being less than the sum of its parts.
As this sort of game always did, it remains a fairly pointless one-player experience that comes alive when playing with a friend or two. For nostalgic fans of the genre, it will serve up a treat, albeit one that doesn't last all that long.
A fun family game, or something to play post-pub with your mates (ah, those were the pre-lockdown days), this might put an end to friends suddenly being busy if you ask them to help you move house.