Ishmael Romero
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All in all, Bastion manages to maintain its shine. The game is still stunning in both its art direction and writing.
Even with its lack of that graphical "wow" factor, Grim Fandango Remastered is able to become a classic yet again, this time for a whole new generation of gamers. Whether you're a returning fan, or someone new to the adventure genre, Grim Fandango is a must-play experience.
First Light is a DLC that has everything working for it: standalone status, great character, great story, and amazing gameplay. Expanding on a game that was made to feel fun first, it does everything right and then some. Building on what the series already established, and even fixing some of the less desirable issues, inFAMOUS First Light manages to feel familiar yet also like a new game. If this is any indication of what to expect from Sucker Punch, I am definitely looking forward to what comes out of this studio next
Ori and the Blind Forest is proof that those who want a game with a deep story and top-notch gameplay can have their cake and eat it too..
Blackguard 2 manages to exist as a game that feels like a classic strategy role playing game, and as so much more at the same time. A deep story with great characters, varied quests, deep customization, and great battles make for a must have game.
Batman: Arkham Knight manages to be a perfect example of what a solid AAA experience can offer, and it should not be missed under any circumstances. Even if you aren't a fan of the hero, or the world as you may have known it before, this is an experience that will help to define a generation of consoles, just like its predecessors did before it.
The depth of organic interaction, witnessing the world melt seamlessly into itself, makes for a near perfect experience. The Witness is a constant idea just within reach and then, once you grasp it, a new perspective altogether. It won't be quick nor easy to solve, but you can't help but be enraptured by its beauty through every frustration and moment of clarity.
Providing an action platformer that is challenging but doesn't feel cheap is something that many games suffer from. 6180 the moon manages to overcome this challenge gracefully.
As you can probably tell by now, Garden Warfare 2 has a lot of good going for it. The studio has taken the great foundation laid out by the previous game and built something magnificent upon it.
What you essentially have here is a definitive edition of one seriously amazing action RPG. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen manages to live in the same vein as the Souls, sporting the darkness and challenges so many players have come to desire, yet forges an identity all its own.
Automatron manages to take everything that made Fallout 4 great and magnify it. The customization afforded by the robot building, the interesting new weapons, the mysterious adversary, and the hordes of mechanical enemies make for an enjoyable experience throughout that will last well beyond the final quest.
To spend my final moments here was quite fitting – the darkness laying just beneath a dazzling surface, the vast threads meeting to create either your happy ending or your bittersweet reminders and the adventures small and large that led there. It has been a life well lived, and if there are to be no more adventures, then a villa in Toussaint doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.
It is a deep experience, entrenched in mystery, and doused in activities and hunts for fans to get into. Bethesda wasn’t lying when they said they had something big in store, and this visit to a faraway land shows that the team went above and beyond.
All in all, Forza Horizon 3 is a truly great racing experience. The fact that the developers were able to combine their premier arcade racing with a new layer of depth and control is something definitely of note.
The Wasteland is every bit as deadly and seemingly uninviting as it's always been, but beneath the surface lies more life than the pre-Great War world could ever hope to witness. The way every mechanic and decision perfectly marries to each and every other one is nothing short of amazing. War may always stay the same, but Fallout 4 has grown the series in marvelous ways.
As I moved ever closer to the end, it all started to come together. I was reminded of every struggle, every hardship that had befallen myself and my friends.
Tying all of this together are the beautiful visuals that stand in perfect contrast against the ugliness of corruption and the ash of flames. Just Cause 3 takes place in a fictional Mediterranean country and, just like you probably imagined, it is gorgeous.
Omega Force has created something really special here. Between the presentation that perfectly captures the soul of the Attack on Titan anime and the action that immerses players into every scene, this is a definite home run.
Even with the lack of an Arcade mode and temporary server issues, though, Street Fighter V manages to shine. At its core, it is a top-notch fighting game with tight mechanics, crisp visuals, and a well-balanced roster.