Ishmael Romero
First Light is a DLC that has everything working for it: standalone status, great character, great story, and amazing gameplay. Expanding on a game that was made to feel fun first, it does everything right and then some. Building on what the series already established, and even fixing some of the less desirable issues, inFAMOUS First Light manages to feel familiar yet also like a new game. If this is any indication of what to expect from Sucker Punch, I am definitely looking forward to what comes out of this studio next
Nevertheless, Velocity 2X is an enjoyable experience. Bringing all the best parts of Velocity Ultra and mixing up a classic genre it is yet again an excellent addition to your PlayStation collection.
If Watch_Dogs was this new IP putting it's foot in the door then Bad Blood is it stepping completely into the room. Building on an already solid foundation this entry sets the scene perfectly for what's to come.
Providing an action platformer that is challenging but doesn't feel cheap is something that many games suffer from. 6180 the moon manages to overcome this challenge gracefully.
Chariot definitely has its heart in the right place. It brings a lot to the platforming space in order to stand out.
Even with its issues The Evil Within is a solid survival horror experience. It brings back the best of what this genre was built on.
While there were many valid complaints levied against Destiny after its release, the developers have taken many strides in bringing the game closer to the promised game. The Dark Below is one more step in that direction.
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is a game that has all the makings of a great title. Arcade-y action, great co-op ideas and interesting puzzles.
Funk of Titans is a game full of missed opportunities and it's really a shame. The game has a solid premise that would be good for some great laughs and varied gameplay, it just never seems to deliver.
Blackguard 2 manages to exist as a game that feels like a classic strategy role playing game, and as so much more at the same time. A deep story with great characters, varied quests, deep customization, and great battles make for a must have game.
Even with the occasional hiccups Saints Row: Gat out of Hell manages to be a completely worthwhile experience. The first new city since Saints Row: The Third, great characters, hilarious writing, awesome weapons, and a much more refined focus on gameplay all lend to the overall sense of fun that permeates every aspect of the game.
On the surface Dying Light may be nothing more than your average run-of-the-mill zombie game complete with predictable story and tons of flesh eating monstrosities. But, beneath the very pretty surface lies a game with some excellent ideas that, when combined with some tried and true mechanics, create one of the best zombie games in recent years
Even with its lack of that graphical "wow" factor, Grim Fandango Remastered is able to become a classic yet again, this time for a whole new generation of gamers. Whether you're a returning fan, or someone new to the adventure genre, Grim Fandango is a must-play experience.
For any information on Dragon Ball XenoVerse be sure to check out the game's official site..
Ori and the Blind Forest is proof that those who want a game with a deep story and top-notch gameplay can have their cake and eat it too..
When all is said and done, Shiftlings is a fun game.
It's clear to see that the team at Tango Gameworks had some solid ideas for how inject a bit more of that eeriness that helped flesh out The Evil Within, unfortunately the game gets in the way of itself. The Assignment is a change of course that shows the developers are willing to deliver a new experience to fans, but the cost may have been a bit too high in the end.
All of this is wrapped up in a package that unites everything into that classic arcade experience the developers were aiming for when making Jamestown Plus. The amount of credits you have flashing at the bottom of the screen, your score rising above the millions, you and your friends dashing across the screen, and so many other little elements help make Jamestown Plus the game arcade-goers dreamed of back in the 90s.
Zombie Army Trilogy may not do much new in the grand scheme of things, but everything that it does, it does well.
All in all, Bastion manages to maintain its shine. The game is still stunning in both its art direction and writing.