Ryan Mcleod
Death's Door is unquestionably an adventure that deserves attention.
All in all, my time with Retro Machina was thoroughly enjoyable, aside from a few mechanical aspects that simply just didn’t do it for me.
Had Battle Axe initially released as a playable arcade cabinet title during my younger years, it’s a safe assumption that I would’ve blown through my allowance like there was no tomorrow.
Aside from a small handful of mechanical drawbacks, Demon Skin delivers an action-filled adventure worthy of attention, especially for those seeking a challenging experience
The search for Paradise is without question a beautiful one, both visually and narrative-wise, but that’s not to say it doesn’t hit rough patches along the way.
An addicting gameplay loop, followed by charming visuals and enjoyable combat, makes this an experience that shouldn’t be missed, and undoubtedly deserves to be ranked highly alongside other top contenders of the genre.
Iris Fall is a brief, yet satisfying visual adventure that deserves attention and shouldn’t be overlooked.
While the opening act of Twin Mirror sets up a rather strong and intriguing front, it falls short quickly with its underwhelming protagonist, lack of emotion between some of the main characters, and an anti-climatic conclusion.
Though I felt some aspects of the game could’ve been improved on slightly, Foregone still delivers a challenging, frantic and enjoyable experience that shouldn’t be missed.
The Timberland did a fantastic job at grasping my initial attention to uncover its dark secrets, but I felt quite relieved to check out as soon as I could.
Darkestville Castle doesn’t deliver anything new to this classic genre, nor does it need to. A fun, well written, over the top and ridiculous story, fronted by one of the more memorable protagonists I have played in some time.
Quebec City based developers, Cradle Games, didn’t hold back showing where the roots and inspiration behind their recent title, Hellpoint, had originated. As someone who has sunk A LOT of hours into the Dark Souls games, I was pretty excited to see what this one had to offer, and if it was worthy enough to be placed among the ranks of this newer ‘genre’.
From start to end, Beyond A Steel Sky has this charismatic charm to it that kept me drawn in the entire time. Filled with memorable characters (both old and new), as well as an excellent story filled with conspiracy and humor, I can say that my expectations were surpassed in most aspects upon returning to Union City.