Gabriel Fuentes

113 games reviewed
80.2 average score
81 median score
69.0% of games recommended
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Feb 11, 2022

‎If what you longed for was ‎‎to perform insane combos, a good pace of action and perfect your combat technique with your favorite SNK fighters‎‎, The King of Fighters 15 will meet all your needs, if, instead, you craved something completely new in the saga, I'm sorry to tell you that the game is not for you, but either way, I'm sure you'll like it if you enjoyed the previous editions.‎

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8.4 / 10.0 - OlliOlli World
Feb 3, 2022

‎After waiting for more than seven years for a new installment, more than five years it was well worth it. OlliOlli World represents an acrobatic leap of enormous quality that lands like the gods to enchant IP fans and open the doors to those who are just starting out in this crazy world of skateboarding.‎

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7.8 / 10.0 - Windjammers 2
Jan 28, 2022

‎Windjammers‎‎ 2 is empirical proof that a game doesn't have to be lavish and complicated to bring hundreds of hours of fun. An arcade experience with all the lyrics that perhaps relies a lot on its previous version and does not dare to innovate too much or add much, but that in any way more than fulfills the objective of having us trapped at the controls and being perfectly happy throwing an album from one side to the other.‎

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Jan 24, 2022

While I was doing this analysis I thought about who I could recommend this game to, and it occurred to me that it could be an option for the little ones in the house who are just launching into the world of video games, since its difficulty is null and visually it is very attractive which can keep children entertained for a long time, unfortunately in this case, being a game entirely in English you may lose something, but outside this scheme I do not see why anyone would invest 10 euros in this production having so many other options available in the market.

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Dec 21, 2021

‎Seeing Sam & Max on screen is always a pleasure and I will never tire of saying it. Skunkape also has the merit of taking great care of the IP, something that can be seen from afar with the affection they put into each new compilation they produce. Now we can only hope, quite anxious, of course, that the developers are also encouraged to work on the other installment produced in the past by Telltale; Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse. Will it be a reality in the future? Can we dream of a completely new delivery? Only time has the answer, but in the meantime Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space is a great way to wait.‎

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9.4 / 10.0 - Aeterna Noctis
Dec 14, 2021

‎If you have to play just one metroidvania this 2021, then it definitely has to be Aeterna Noctis, an indie title that can fight hand in hand with any production that is not a debutant. Creative ideas on an already established and proven basis, proof that effort and perseverance in this genre, as in other fields of life, is profitable.‎

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Dec 5, 2021

‎If you are looking for a quality ‎‎beat 'em up‎‎ or if you are a fan of Asterix, do not hesitate for a second because this game deserves to be in your library without a doubt.‎

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Nov 24, 2021

‎We are facing a great work of Frogwares with Sherlock Holmes in his perhaps less explored variant: that of his youth. Maybe the character at times you do not like it, or you find it unfriendly, but I think there you can also see the hand of the writers who portray a stage of more insolence in the human being and from which the great detective is not exempt either.‎

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3.3 / 10.0 - The Legend of Icaro
Nov 20, 2021

‎South America is growing a lot in quality of independent games, without going any further, Blazing Chrome was all a pass and ‎‎Heavy Metal Machines‎‎ another, both made ‎‎in‎‎ this region in the south of the world, and I sincerely believe that Abyzzmo can achieve success with perseverance, but The Legend of Icaro today will not be. Perhaps if it were clarified that the game is in a kind of alpha or beta phase, at most, it could be seen with different eyes, but as a game put on sale it lacks, and a lot.‎

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Nov 4, 2021

‎Recommending Iron Harvest: Complete Edition to any fan of strategy games is almost redundant, but that's not why it's still necessary. A very solid game for lovers of strategy that shows the potential that King Art Games has ahead with a title that is enhanced with the personality and originality of its story, its scenarios and the detail put in each of its sections.‎

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8.3 / 10.0 - Riders Republic
Nov 3, 2021

Riders Republic is the dream come true for the extreme sports fans and a delightful experience for those who are looking for a fast paced sports game with tons of things to do.

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Oct 5, 2021

We never get tired of slaying vampires and Castlevania Advance Collection gives us the opportunity to slay the Prince of Darkness in four excellent titles once again.

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Sep 29, 2021

‎This compilation is the celebration of twenty years of a franchise that in addition to being excellent on its own is an od to the Sega that many of us knew how to enjoy too much in its best times. Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania can be the welcome of many to a franchise and a great ‎‎revival‎‎ for those who spent a lot of time at the controls of their favorite monkey. Of the world from which you come, do not stop giving this title a chance, it really has no waste.‎

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Sep 27, 2021

‎Hot Wheels Unleashed is an experience that manages to combine the mystique of collecting so pure and innocent of miniature cars with the most daring races. It offers variety and quality wherever you look at it and the talent of Milestone makes the franchise shine that is synonymous with a market so loved by all collectors.‎

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7.7 / 10.0 - Bus Simulator 21
Sep 21, 2021

‎Bus Simulator 21 for its innate characteristics will not be a game for everyone, of course, but if you are one of those people who like more relaxed experiences on board a vehicle, this can be a great addition to your catalog. Without a ‎‎ ‎‎doubt,‎‎ if‎‎ you played the 18 ‎‎ ‎‎Wheels‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎of‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎Steel‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎/ American‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎‎Truck‎‎ Simulator saga and you liked‎‎ them, this new installment of Bus Simulator will not disappoint you, and if you are new to this type of games, this title can be a very good start to fanaticize yourself.‎

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7.7 / 10.0 - Madden NFL 22
Sep 11, 2021

‎Madden 22‎‎ bets on intelligent changes that perhaps fall a little short, but if they continue in the future they can be excellent. A title that I can not recommend for those who start in the franchise or in the sport for the number of elements it has and the little explanation of them during the game, but it is a title that I suggest to those who have already enjoyed Madden before, even in the version of the last generation being that here you will find interesting news and a new list of activities to invest many hours of life.‎

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9.1 / 10.0 - Lost in Random
Sep 10, 2021

‎A magical world portrayed in a formidable way, characters that we never want to get rid of, an endearing soundtrack and magical gameplay. For a game that is based on luck, this production that took four years to the developers leaves nothing to chance and shows in the affection of each stroke of the art and each note of the music. ‎

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Sep 4, 2021

‎If you are looking for a game to enjoy a box simulation, I tell you that this title will not have what you are looking for, if what you want is, instead, to enjoy a good fighting arcade with the endearing characters of the entire Rocky universe, you are in the right place.‎

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Sep 1, 2021

‎Sam & Max Save The World Remastered is a game that I was eager to try since it was announced, I have to admit, but when I finally installed it I was afraid of being disappointed, that it was not up to the task and having to wait another decade to enjoy these characters. Luckily Skunkape showed me that my concerns, although logical, were unfounded and this remaster may well be called that with the improvements and care they took of the franchise.‎

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6.2 / 10.0 - Faraday Protocol
Aug 19, 2021

‎Faraday Protocol is a very good choice for those who are looking for a puzzle game, although players who are not diehard fans of the genre I think will not enjoy the production as much. Perhaps if ‎‎Red Koi Box‎‎ had added certain elements of shooters taking advantage of the perspective and the tool that ‎‎accompanies ‎‎us during the game, even with the addition of enemies and other variants, the game would cover a much larger audience in addition to extending the hours of duration without leaving aside the base of the puzzles that may not be able to sustain itself.‎

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