Lou Sytsma
DEFICIT Games have made a great effort to expand upon the initial release of the game, which lacks the freedom one associates with a skateboard game. The DLC also elevates the challenge level and raises the game to a level from where comparison with the big skateboarding videogame franchises is now valid.
To sum it all up. As good as the flat version of the remake of Resident Evil 4 is, the VR version is the superior way to the play the game.
If you are a pinball fan, Pinball M is a no-brainer. The tables, their campaigns, and the extra play modes make for a solid package. If you’ve never been a pinball fan but have fond feelings for any of the franchises mentioned, Pinball M may be the game to convert you.
Nightdive’s excellent work aside, this is a remaster of an OK game. If you’ve played the previous two installments, remember that going into this one. The deficiencies of the original game in terms of storytelling and overall design are still present. If you keep that in mind, be prepared to enjoy the best version of Turok 3 possible.
Casey Donnellan Games has tailored a well balanced game to carry out its goal. Kill It With Fire hits the right mix of fun and length. If you are an arachnophobe, this may not be the game for you. If the idea of squashing spiders for fun appeals to your darker side, this is the game for you. Kill It With Fire is available on all platforms, be it flat or VR. And now it has come to the PSVR 2. Happy Hunting!
However, if you are into good storytelling, with a detailed back story, good voice acting, and are patient with the story to kick in; Journey to Foundation is the ticket. The game should take between six to eight hours to complete if you focus on pushing through the story. However, if you stop to peruse the encyclopedia it will extend your play through time.
If you have fond memories of the original game, this version will bring a smile to your face. If you have never played the 7th Guest before, you are in for a treat, especially if you love mystery/puzzle games with a horrific slant.
If you enjoy exploration, puzzler games like Journey, then Cocoon is the closest cousin yet. The game exudes charm and is a joy to play. If you are tired or need a break from games that require full concentration or fast reflexes, then Cocoon is definitely worth a look. We all need palette cleansers from time to time, and Cocoon is a splendid choice to do so.
Overall, VR Skater offers a unique skateboard experience, despite not taking full advantage of the power of the PSVR 2 and the PS5. If you are a big fan of Tony Hawk Skateboard videogames, VR Skater is definitely worth checking out.
Fans of Lifeless Planet will be right at home with this game. Players who have not played the first game – understandable give the time gap between the two games – can play this game with no knowledge of the first game. If you’re a fan of big idea stories tied to puzzle solving and platforming type of games, Lifeless Moon is definitely worth a look.
You will still find it necessary to micro-manage the entire on-track activity. Races can be run in fast forward modes or entirely simulated, but you will not realize optimal results. This is especially true in the early stages of a season.
This is the definitive version of the game and it brings all the previous Layers of Fear content together in a cohesive whole. Fans of the original game will enjoy revisiting these games in this tightened and polished version. New players who are horror fans should also find this a worthy experience.
Overall, the game is too easy and you can complete it in around 4 hours. Still, there’s a lot of fun to be had. Especially if you grew up in the Atari era or are a big fan of the Atari 2600 era of gaming.
F1 23 covers a lot of bases. The 2023 version offers a variety of ways to play the game depending on your skill level and preferences. It is a good iteration for newcomers to jump into and the greater depth of options will satisfy the needs of veterans.
Amnesia: The Bunker lacks the story-telling and emotional heft of the previous games in the series. But, if you are in the mood for a scary and tense game of cat and mouse, this game will satisfy your needs.
This is a glorious VR game. It will take you about 5 to 6 hours to finish, but you can easily lose time just taking in everything you see. The only niggle with the game is a lack of replayability. There is nothing extra to entice one to play again. However, the journey and spectacle of a single run is totally worth it. If you are looking for a premium VR experience that fills you with a sense of awe and wonder, Red Matter 2 is the ticket. Developer, Vertical Robot is one to keep an eye on.
This is a challenging game that properly rewards dedicated players with its excellent bike handling physics.
GORN is a limited gameplaying experience. There is an undeniable visceral thrill in beating your opponents to a pulp, but it’s a thrill that doesn’t last long. There’s also no denying that sometimes you just want to play a game that is mindless fun. GORN certainly fills such a need. It’s just a shame that this port doesn’t elevate the original game in any way.
Atari has done an excellent job with this upgrade of a classic game. If you like the original game and would like to play it with modern gameplay sensibilities, this is right up, or down, your alley.
If you fancy VR or love horror games and the Resident Evil series, you should definitely check out Resident Evil Village on the PSVR 2. Here’s hoping that the upcoming Resident Evil 4 Remake is getting a full VR Mode. Plus, it would be awesome to have Resident Evil 7 ported to PSVR 2 too