Kevin Cormier
Monster Hunter Wilds doesn't revolutionize the series. In fact, it takes what it does best and makes it more accessible. Battles are fun, and so are encounters. Getting support, whether from strangers, friends or NPCs, has never been easier. Despite all this, the game suffers from problems that don't place it among the best in the franchise. The game is much shorter than we're used to, and sound problems are recurrent. But that doesn't stop me from having a lot of fun with Monster Hunter Wilds. And so should you. It's hunting time!
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What Eternal Strands does well, it does really well! The boss battles are highly enjoyable, and deserve to be considered for their own sake. The world is also very well constructed. And what can I say about the soundtrack! However, a little repetitiveness, a lack of rhythm, frustrating deaths and a few minor performance problems mean that the game doesn't reach as high a level as we'd hoped. But let's make no mistake, this is a great achievement for a first game. We'll have to keep an eye on Yellow Brick Games, because they've definitely got a lot of talent!
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Metal Slug Tactics doesn't reinvent the strategy game genre. In fact, if there's one criticism to be made, it's this lack of innovation. But does that make it a bad game? Absolutely not! What it does, it does well. The developers respect the very essence of the series and its story. Returning to the heroes we know and their abilities is a real pleasure. Humor, though discreet, is always present. For Metal Slug fans, this is a definite “yes”. For fans of strategy games, it's also a title worth discovering. In short, Metal Slug Tactics has something for everyone.
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After completing the adventure of The Plucky Squire, we can cry “Genius! The game absolutely lives up to all our expectations: it's fun, ingenious and accessible to all. Because yes, if you're between the ages of 7 and 77, you'll definitely enjoy Jot's adventure. Living his story and that of his comrades is a pure videogame delight. In fact, I'm willing to bet that it'll leave such a lasting impression that it'll be one of your fondest memories of the year. And very few games can claim to do that.
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Pepper Grinder is exactly why I'm now more interested in independent games than AAA. The idea of a simple mechanic that is extremely well exploited during a complete game appeals to me more than superior graphics or a never-ending story. Mind you, I'm not saying one is better than the other, but the important thing in any case is to pay attention to the little details and have fun. And that's exactly what I had with Pepper Grinder. A more than enjoyable adventure, a quality time and a final impression good enough for me to recommend it to those around me. And I think that's what makes a game a good game.
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So, what do we think of Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered? It's a mixed bag. On the one hand, we can't overlook the achievement of making a long-standing series approachable. But we'd have liked to see more action. Concrete gestures that would have improved gameplay. Because nostalgia sells, let's face it. But if you want to stay with it, and even better, bring in new players, this compilation won't do it.
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After an impressive start to the year with Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth and Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, the momentum continues. Helldivers 2 is incredibly fun, action-packed and full of highlights. You'll have the time of your life with the soldiers you meet on your adventures. Battlefields will be filled with scenes worthy of the best cinematics, and memories will be made. While Helldivers I wasn't as successful as Helldivers II, it's good to see that this one has been a hit since its release. Now we'll just have to see what the future holds. Because between you and me, Helldivers 2 could easily take the top spot in terms of hours spent on a game this year. It's enough to keep my interest renewed on a fairly regular basis. So it's in the studio's hands to stay relevant at all times. But for now, the game is fantastic. And that's what I'll remember in the end. Long live democracy!
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Prince of Persia: The Last Crown is a pleasant surprise for the new year. While January is usually synonymous with quiet, gamers have instead got a game of the highest quality to sink their teeth into. We're talking about a game with an excellent lifespan, that's easy to get to, and that restores a much-needed license to a much-needed studio. With more titles to come over the course of the year, we very much hope that Prince of Persia is a harbinger of quality.
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After the Modern Warfare 3 beta, we had a number of unanswered questions. Would this year's Call of Duty measure up? In all transparency, the answer is half-hearted. Yes, the gameplay is solid. In fact, it's probably the best in a long time. But the technical problems, the campaign and the lack of originality can't save the game. The biggest fans may be satisfied, and then some. But for the rest of us, it's probably worth waiting for a major discount or next year's version. And it's high time Activision had a vision for its phase series for the next few years. The Microsoft acquisition will hopefully help.
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As you can see, Lords of the Fallen won't be one of our Games of the Year in 2023. While the title is still an improvement on what it offered us in 2014, we're not there yet. Yes, Axiom and Umbral are beautiful and make the game intriguing. But we quickly discover all the game's negative points, and they're far too present to make the overall experience enjoyable. The combat can be excellent or mediocre, the level design disappointing and the story uninteresting. Perhaps we'll be treated to a third attempt in the future? As far as I'm concerned, I'll be missing out this time...
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Some of you may find the game more challenging, as the comparison with Chrono Trigger is strong. And when it comes to nostalgia, not everyone will agree. But if you take the game for what it is, you're in for a real treat. Rare are the games of this genre in recent years that have had such an effect on me, the closest being Chained Echoes. But Sea of Stars is everything you could want in a role-playing game. It's beautiful, it's gripping, it's enjoyable from start to finish. Well, as of today, it lacks the Quebec narrative. On The Messenger, it was hilarious. But given that this will be available by the end of the year, there's very little to reproach the game for. A few occasional technical glitches, but otherwise nothing to complain about. Sea of Stars will be on several lists of the best games of 2023, and with good reason. Don't be surprised if it takes top spot on several of them.
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The question I asked myself after my adventure with Gunbrella was: did the game live up to my expectations? The answer is half-hearted. One, because my expectations were very high, I must admit. And two, if I'm impartial, Gunbrella is far from perfect. But if I have to paint an overall picture, I'd say I enjoyed my time with the game. The umbrella-gun mechanic is a fine innovation, and the story is intriguing all the same. But the game has its problems with the controls and its bland soundtrack. It won't be one of the best games of the year, but it won't be a failure either. It's a good game that I enjoyed. And sometimes, that's enough.
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Disney Illusion Island is far from being a bad game. But it's also far from being a great game. The target audience is undoubtedly the family rather than the group of friends. Those taking their first steps into the world of video games will find something charming, enjoyable and at their level. For the others, they'll have to look to the magic of Mickey and his group rather than the challenge the game may represent. Because there isn't any. If the Disney magic works for you, it's still a good buy. For the rest of us, we'll move on to another appeal. Something like Rayman Legends might be a better fit.
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In conclusion, Spike Chunsoft delivers another excellent murder mystery that adds a good layer of renewal. If you like Danganronpa, AI The Somnium Files or Zero Espace, Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE is right up your alley. It's a game full of twists and turns, aimed at a mature audience with a taste for wacky adventures. It's an easy recommendation to make, and brings yet more variety to the Nintendo Switch's library of exclusive games.
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It's hard not to suggest Oxenfree II: Lost Signals after all that's been said, isn't it? It's only natural: the game has a depth of storytelling and atmosphere not often found in video games. You become attached to the characters, to their lives, to what they've become and also to what they're going to become. And all this depends solely on you and the decisions you make on your journey. If, of course, you make it out alive.
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Convergence doesn't revolutionize anything in a genre that has seen almost everything before. Despite this, the game introduces some interesting elements without ever fully exploiting them. You don't have to be the biggest League of Legends fan to appreciate what's happening on screen. And for the price, the game offers a good lifespan without prolonging it for nothing. The platforming phases are the best part, unlike the combat phases, which are harder to follow. Maybe it's my age too. I'm getting old.
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Let's face it, Crime O'Clock is aimed at a discerning audience who enjoy board games and research. We shouldn't expect more from this game, but should we? Not only does this game succeed in its genre, but it also gives us our money's worth with its multiple scenarios. Although you might think that the Nintendo Switch in portable mode would be well suited to the game, I'd still recommend playing it on a TV. Especially as you could then include the family in your games. Charlie has come a long way since then!
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At the risk of repeating myself, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a great game. If you like intrigue, comedy and puzzle games, you must give it a try. The script is extremely well written, the game is visually stunning despite its age, and the lifespan is more than reasonable, with an average of 12 hours of gameplay. It would be a shame for this quality title to sink into oblivion, but thanks to this remaster, new players will have the chance to discover it. And that's a win-win situation.
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So, what do we take away from Bleak Sword DX? We're not going to lie, this game probably won't make the end-of-year lists as the best game of the year. With titles like Resident Evil 4 Remake, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and even Spider-Man 2 due out at the end of the year, how could it be otherwise? Despite this, I can tell you that Bleak Sword DX will probably be the game I mention the most. And why is that? Because, first and foremost, it's original in its presentation, offers a very good challenge and excellent value for money, despite its length. Unless you don't like games that require perseverance to complete, I strongly advise everyone to give it a try. They'll be pleasantly surprised, I'm sure.
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Is The Last Case of Benedict Fox a good game? The answer is in half-tone. The game clearly masters some subjects: the atmosphere, the suspense, the gloomy side of the game. There are also some excellent puzzles in this game. And that's the main reason why we return to it again and again. But there are also the fighting and platforming phases. And these moments might be enough to make you drop out faster than you think. If ever the work is done on the part of the developers to improve this, the game will be worth the cost. But it will have to be done quickly, otherwise The Last Case of Benedict Fox could fall into the abyss.
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