Will Silberman

129 games reviewed
83.1 average score
85 median score
67.2% of games recommended
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9.5 / 10.0 - Bravely Default 2
Sep 7, 2021

In short, Bravely Default II gives you reasons to grind, reasons to explore, reasons to learn, and reasons to listen. Square Enix and Claytechworks have ported an already fantastic Switch JRPG to PC (Steam), albeit with mostly graphical improvements. Bravely Default II (PC) is an excellent JRPG for those new to the series and want to relive the strategy found in Final Fantasy V OR for those familiar with the Bravely series who have yet to play BDII on the Nintendo Switch. The improvements that exist in the PC (Steam) version elevate BDII's quality, but there is little reason to purchase this game if you're already playing it on the Switch.

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2 / 10.0 - Ion Driver
Aug 25, 2021

I want to have faith that Ion Driver is a proof of concept for something bigger and better from Gammera Nest, but what currently exists is less of a test of racing skill and more of a test of patience for a futuristic racing enthusiast. The lack of content, inconsistent hit detection, and buggy racing experience will leave you disappointed. You will see everything Ion Driver has to offer within a few minutes of playing the game, so don't expect an experience of progression, futuristic and high-speed racing, nor skill.

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Aug 11, 2021

NEO: The World Ends with You was absolutely worth the fourteen year wait. Its unique battle system, beautiful art, and accessibility for multiple audiences make it worthwhile. Beyond that, the lack of a grind and ability to play as you want make this JRPG worthy of being added to your collection. Although the menus can contribute to information overload and the game itself is fairly linear, NEO: TWEWY succeeds in telling a unique and engaging story without the slog of other games in the JRPG genre. In short: NEO: TWEWY is outstanding; be warned: you will become addicted.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Minds Beneath Us
Jul 26, 2021

Minds Beneath Us relies on confusion – a hell of a lot of good confusion – to get the player invested in its dystopian reality. Illusion of meaningful choices aside, it tells a compelling sci-fi tale of corporations gone awry and hits the sweet spot of good sci-fi philosophy that fans may be wanting in 2024. It's gorgeous, too.

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Jul 2, 2021

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! is a great addition to the Doki Doki Literature Club! franchise, but I do wish there was just a bit more in the game. For those of you who have already played through DDLC!, you'll have a great time playing through it once again to learn more about our characters' prologues and other secrets embedded in the game itself. You might not be as surprised as you were during your first playthrough of DDLC! back in 2017 (or whenever you played it), but you will be quite intrigued and puzzled as you try and unlock the additional content. Just do your best to avoid spoilers that will be posted online. If you haven't played DDLC! before, DDLCP! is worth your time and an excellent way to get into the franchise. Just know this: This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed. You've been warned.

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To say that Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part 2 is better than Part 1 in every way would be glossing over the strengths and weaknesses of both expansions. In some ways, TAG2 is the DLC I wished Doom Eternal had released much earlier; most of the new enemies, the platforming sections, and the Sentinel Hammer refreshed my interest in becoming engulfed by waves of demons Doom Eternal had prepared me to slay. In other times, I felt that TAG2 seemed shorter and more linear than TAG1, and was utterly disappointed by how quickly the game ended. Be prepared to have a helluva good time, but not for a bloody long time.

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The Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is a stellar example of how a classic series can and should be remastered for superfans and new players alike. For Battle Network superfans, this game hits the spot in the nostalgia department and gives us North American players access to once-exclusive content we weren't able to access in the early 2000s. For new players, having all of the Battle Network games in one place is great for continuity and opportunity for younger folks to play an incredibly fun set of titles. Even more, offering multiplayer right from the jump gives me hope that the Battle Network series will live on into the next-gen of gaming. Regardless of your familiarity with this series, the Collection's graphical updates and gameplay additions, like the Buster MAX Mode, breathe much needed new life into some of the older titles. I am thrilled to see the Mega Man Battle Network series return with more content than ever, and the Collection makes an incredibly easy recommendation for something to play this Spring: If you're looking to get your hands on a collection of classic titles remastered in all the right ways, look no further than Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Mushihimesama
Mar 1, 2021

Mushihimesama (Switch) is a great replayable shmup to play on your Switch console. For Switch owners new to the bullet hell genre, Mushihimesama is a fantastic place to get your feet wet. For Switch owners itching to replay a classic bullet hell, look no further than Mushihimesama! Either way, you will have a great time navigating the seemingly endless waves of bullets in beautiful bug-filled arenas.

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When I've been presented with DLC for action/arcade/adventure games in the past, I've often faced a concern of whether or not the DLC itself is a "New Game +" or an actual expansion to the game. Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 1 (TAG1) walks a very fine line between crafting a new narrative versus providing players with more to do beyond KILL ALL THE DEMONS!!1 There will be moments where you find yourself in brand new environments and in an entirely different story, but there will also be moments where you'll think you're playing a "New Game +" kind of scenario, where you're immersed in end-game encounters comprised of waves of demons that you would also find at the end of Doom Eternal. The difficulty feels harder, to boot. You should expect TAG1 to take you around 6 hours or so (more if you like to be a completionist and find all of the secrets). You will enjoy this if you played Doom Eternal, but you'll be left with a cliffhanger at the end that prepares you for what's to come...

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Feb 6, 2021

Cult of the Lamb plays better than ever thanks to multiple free content drops, free feature updates, and a handful of paid DLC packs that offer players a taste of a new aesthetic. The Pilgrim Pack is no different in quality – it's beautifully designed, the comic is just as charming as the game, and I love Massive Monster's first tentative steps into adding East Asian content into Cult of the Lamb.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Paint the Town Red
Feb 4, 2021

Paint the Town Red (PTTR) is a decent action sandbox game that can appeal to multiple kinds of players. For those of you who wanted a gorier version of Minecraft, this game is for you! However, the controls/mechanics are difficult to deal with. The roguelike mode Beneath is an interesting step in the right direction, but it pales in comparison to other modes. If you want this game, it's because you literally want to paint the town red in a sandbox environment, and paint the town red you shall.

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Dec 16, 2020

It has taken me longer than I would have imagined to come to this conclusion, but hear me out: The Bear & The Admiral is a diamond in the rough. I was pleasantly surprised by Jack Boylan's hand-drawn labor of love, as it managed to capture my attention and keep me hooked until the VERY END of the game. Barring the graphical noise on some levels and some level design quirks, this indie platformer is incredibly fun and charming. Once you get the hang of the levels and powerups, you will assuredly lose track of time clearing each level. Give this game a chance, you won't regret it.

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7 / 10.0 - Decarnation
Nov 21, 2020

Decarnation is not about the gameplay, but about the journey. And that journey is wrought with existentialism, Lovecraftian horror, and psychological quandaries that may be trigger inducing. It will grip you, refuse to let go, and entrap you until the end of its story. Should you play Decarnation, you will be opting into experiencing horror through the eyes of a protagonist you may, or may not, empathize with. Should you play Decarnation, you should also avoid sharing its execution of horrors that should remain unspeakable. In other words, avoid spoiling whenever possible.

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7 / 10.0 - Guayota
Oct 2, 2020

Guayota contains a great deal of difficulty and tested my patience quite well. I loved how it implemented puzzles in a way that isolated puzzles on a per-dungeon basis. However, I wanted a bigger payoff from completing its more difficult-levels, and I wanted the light version of the levels to have something to ease the difficulty. That said, Guayota was a great test of my logic and reasoning skills in the few hours I spent in-game. I loved the aesthetic, design, and general level construction, so it's worth playing if you're interested in an indie gem with unique puzzles for an afternoon playthrough.

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9 / 10.0 - Arcade Paradise
Jun 28, 2020

If I could go back, even for a moment, to the mid-90s era of coin-operated arcades, I would seek the closest facsimile to Nosebleed Interactive's arcade that is so perfectly constructed within Arcade Paradise VR. Until a time machine becomes available, I'll settle for putting on my PSVR2 and playing some familiar arcade titles that translate pretty darn well in the VR space, Sense controllers and all.

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Jun 22, 2020

Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX is a remaster of two classic games that I am very glad to see in 2021, it just kills me that Koei Tecmo waited so long to bring this series to international audiences. The UI needs some work, but the games play really well on PC. In terms of remaster quality, these remastered games check all the right boxes for adding game mechanics that we take for granted in present-day games in older games that weren't so lucky to have these features. While Monster Rancher 1 deserved additional graphical and audio updates, playing the remastered Monster Rancher 2 is nothing short of fun. The new music-lookup monster creation system is a much needed modernization for the series, the FF Mode is a great way to quickly grind out your monster's stats, but I fear that multiplayer may be a letdown. I sincerely hope that these remasters pave the way for a modern Monster Rancher installment, because if these remasters are any indication, Koei Tecmo are on the right track.

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8 / 10.0 - SCHiM
Feb 26, 2020

Great googly moogly, SCHiM is a beautiful feat of a 3D-platformer with puzzle elements. Its most charming and emotional moments will sneak up on you, so enjoy every single second of this cozy tale of a little shadow that could.

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Oct 12, 2019

Headbangers: Rhythm Royale is an interesting blend of simple rhythm and silly battle royale gameplay that's both fun yet accessible. Its 23 minigames might not be unique, but they're fun in short bursts. It's great for all kinds of players, too! I'm interested to see how things evolve in the coming months, but in the meantime I'll be having my pigeon bang his head to the beat.

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6 / 10.0 - Warp Frontier
Jul 7, 2019

To say that Warp Frontier is a letdown would be mostly glossing over how it succeeds as a point-and-click, but saying that it's an indie gem would be overlook some of the more critical issues that exist in-game. The world and story of Warp Frontier are well developed, yes. The voice acting and soundtrack are icing on the imaginary cake. But, this sci-fi cop drama of a point-and-click is best saved for a PC-playthrough, as the Switch's hardware and controller limitations make some of the game's annoying puzzles into frustrations. I would highly recommend you play this on PC, as your experience will be marred by the Switch.

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8 / 10.0 - Blanc
Feb 7, 2019

I am very pleased with the co-op experience offered by Casus Ludi's hand-drawn Blanc. The short story of the fawn and a wolf cub is indeed an emotional one, and it will leave you feeling complete by the time the credits roll. Yes, this title is an incredibly short one, but it's worth playing on a snowy evening or on a date night. If you're looking for a co-op title that will offer you some simple yet emotionally effective gameplay, look no further than Blanc on the PC.

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