Garri Bagdasarov


256 games reviewed
75.0 average score
80 median score
53.1% of games recommended
Oct 2, 2017

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a grand achievement from a small studio that needed a big win. It's not everyday you get to play a game that tends to reward you for everything you do. Great combat, fantastic dungeon exploration, incredible visuals and a great soundtrack. Battle Chasers: Nightwar hits all the marks

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5.5 / 10.0 - Blue Reflection
Sep 26, 2017

Blue Reflection tries to take the social aspects of Persona and make them more streamlined and simplified but fails to make them interesting in any way. The combat and beautiful locations and character models add some light to the title, it's not enough to make it stand out or memorable in any way.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Absolver
Aug 29, 2017

Absolver delivers on its promise of a compelling and unique combat system, but falls flat in almost every other way. Some baffling design decisions hold it back, so it's hard to recommend the game simply based on its combat.

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Aug 11, 2017

Hellblade is one of my favorite titles this year. Its incredible use of sound and visual manipulation to completely immerse you in its experience is a credit to Ninja Theory. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a prime example that you don't need a massive budget to create something extraordinary.

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7 / 10.0 - The Monkey King
Aug 8, 2017

A great new use of the PSVR. The Monkey King is a great example of taking advantage of PlayStation VR to do something other than play games. Digital Domains first incursion could use some improvements but it's a great first attempt.

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One of the most satisfying and fulfilling games i've played this year. Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun is a great game that makes you think three steps ahead. I was hooked from the very first kill to the very last.

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Jul 23, 2017

Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire is a unique experience that presents a fun yet challenging combat system with great animations and a world where every decision you make affects the kingdom around you. It's not perfect by any means but it succeeds more than it fails.

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Jul 22, 2017

Children of Zodiarcs is a great example of passion and innovation. A kickstarter that succeeded in funding and rewarded everyone in the process. A great example of what a studio can achieve when the right people behind it.

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Jul 2, 2017

Episode Prompto is a better experience than Episode Gladio but not by much.

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6 / 10.0 - The Surge
May 16, 2017

The Surge started off great. The combat was fun, the story seemed interesting, and the crafting was enjoyable that is until I got a dozen or so hours into it where everything went from being doable to insanely hard, grindy, and uninspiring.

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May 11, 2017

Dragon of the North could have been a great DLC, but at the end it fails to live up to the expectations. Dragon of the North is good, but it doesn't add enough content to make it an absolute necessity and only the most hardcore players will find the difficulty spike to their liking, others will probably cry in a corner.

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8 / 10.0 - Outlast II
Apr 24, 2017

I've never played a game that made me cringe and squirm as much as Outlast 2. Outlast 2 builds the type of tension and fear that I haven't experienced in a game for a very long time. If you enjoy horror, Outlast 2 will definitely leave an impression on you. Outlast 2 doesn't necessarily change the formula established in the first game but improves on the formula as best it can.

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Apr 17, 2017

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Curse is simply wonderful. Not only does it keep the spirit of the original, it proves that you don't need to overthink and recreate a formula that works just as well in 2017 as it did in 1989. Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Curse is a must buy.

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7 / 10.0 - Drawn To Death
Apr 14, 2017

Drawn to Death is another unique title from David Jaffe and his new studio. Not only is Drawn to Death's art style unique, but its gameplay is also solid fun. The true test for Drawn to Death will see how it stays relevant in an already crowded genre.

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Episode Gladiolus isn’t the DLC I was hoping for but it is what I expected it to be. Though it's on the short side its asking price is more than reasonable and we get a taste of how Gladio will most likely function in multiplayer in the future.

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7 / 10.0 - Toukiden 2
Mar 23, 2017

Toukiden 2 is packed with so much content that you can enjoy by yourself or with four other friends. The crafting is simple enough for anyone to get into and taking down a giant Oni can be incredibly satisfying. It’s just a shame that for everything good Toukiden 2 does, there is always something holding it back.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Nier: Automata
Mar 6, 2017

Exceptional in every way. NeiR: Automata delivers on every cylinder, providing one of the best experiences this year. In every generation there is a game that leaves an impression on you and for me NieR: Automata is that game. To put it simply, NeiR: Automata is a magical experience.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Nioh
Feb 2, 2017

As close to perfect as it gets. Nioh is a stunning title and is easily an early contender for game of the year.

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle is a fun couch co-op game that should be played with friends and family alike. It's not perfect by any means, but it manages to do the job and entertain at the same time.

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Jan 17, 2017

Great art, a brilliant soundtrack and a challenging, rewarding survival experience awaits those who have the patience.

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