Garri Bagdasarov


256 games reviewed
75.0 average score
80 median score
53.1% of games recommended
May 10, 2022

A great start to what I'm hoping will be a great franchise. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising doesn't do anything to move the side scroller action RPG genre forward, but it does everything to make it fun. Rising reminded me a lot of old school 2D action platformers but with an entire town-building mechanic. It's also one of the most visually impressive indy titles I've seen in a while. Overall, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising is a great starting point for what's set to be an epic JRPG, with Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes releasing in 2023.

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8 / 10.0 - Lake
Apr 19, 2022

I loved my time in Lake and wished it lasted a bit longer. Though mail delivery doesn't sound so appealing, it was nice and relaxing to drive around a small town and take in the sights. Providence Oaks' town is full of people with big personalities that you can interact with however you want. It has some issues with pop-in issues and repetitive musical score, but it's easy to overlook these issues when the people of Providence Oaks are so delightful to talk to.

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Apr 6, 2022

There is almost nothing good about Outbreak: Contagious Memories. From the terrible controls to the lack of simple quality of life issues that were found in previous games in the franchise, Dead Drop Studios want you to believe that all the horrible design decisions were done on purpose. Sadly, it's impossible to actually believe that someone can make something this horrible in hopes of entertaining anyone.

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Stranger of Paradise is the perfect example of gameplay towering above the sum of its parts. I loved the combat and job system, which allows for dynamic battles and strategy. It's just a shame that the rest of the game feels low budget and unfinished. If you're looking for an origin story to the original Final Fantasy, you'll get it here, but chances are you may want to forget it as soon as you're done.

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8 / 10.0 - Martha is Dead
Feb 24, 2022

It's not every day that you get to play through a game that leaves a mark with its disturbing and tragic story, but Martha Dead was able to achieve something that got me thinking from start to finish. The game's incredible soundtrack and sound design are harrowing, and the visuals push the genre forward. It's just a shame that some technical issues and hit and miss tutorials hold the game back from true greatness.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Monark
Feb 16, 2022

Monark has many great ideas, and some of them are executed well, but the game falters when it requires you to grind for hours just to stand a chance against the next story battle. The exploration and puzzle-solving keep things exciting, and the use of the Seven Deadly Sins for character personalities is a unique way to develop your characters. All in all, though, Monark may have been a better adventure or visual novel game than an RPG.

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Feb 2, 2022

Dying Light 2: Stay Human has been a long time coming, and thankfully it's worth the wait. I loved the time I spent exploring Villedor; finding random events and scaling buildings took me back to the old days of Assassins Creed II. While I wish I wasn't being timed on the occasions I went into a dark building or decided to explore at night, it's a minor issue to overlook when most of the game is so brilliantly executed and fun to play.

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Jan 12, 2022

Baldo: The Guardian Owls tries really hard to mimic the best games in the genre but fails to conquer its glaring flaws. Combat is unfairly difficult and the camera is absolutely atrocious. The game's quests and puzzles are also frustrating due to the lack of any real direction to follow and no types of hints for puzzle solving. Thankfully, Baldo's art style is fantastic and for the most part, exploration is a joy.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Transient
Dec 9, 2021

Transient creates great settings but doesn't utilize either one very well. Its story should have been its most substantial aspect but instead ends up being its weakest. Through its puzzles are solid, the game holds your hand when solving them, leaving almost zero need for critical thought. What ends up being the best part of the game are the mini-games that transport you to other titles that Transient took inspiration from.

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Nov 8, 2021

It's a shame that Blue Reflection: Second Light couldn't live up to the expectations it set for itself. Though the story and characters development is good, the game is held back by overly complicated combat mechanics that seem to make encounters harder and longer when they didn't need to be. With the franchise now two games deep, I have to wonder if a third entry will ever get the light of day and if so, will GUST Studios finally be able to get the formula right.

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Oct 25, 2021

Eidos Montreal has crafted one of the best superhero games to date. Their attention to world-building and characterization should be followed by many studios to come. The Exciting combat, which blends action RPG elements with strategic player commands, and breathtaking visuals and animations, is something to behold. But what truly sets this title apart is the fantastic writing, not just for the Guardians themselves, but for every character you come across. If you weren't a fan of the franchise before, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy might just change your mind.

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There aren't many games that can carry charm and charisma on its back throughout its entire duration, but Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan managed to keep my interest from start to finish. Its charm is undeniable, and developer ManaVoid Entertainment managed to create an experience that held a smile on my face from start to finish. The game can get repetitive quickly, but the delightful exploration and innovative combat kept me intrigued long enough to see the credits roll.

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Sep 30, 2021

I had plenty of fun with Xuan Yuan Sword 7. Though I wish the story would have been a little more engaging, the fun yet straightforward combat and exploration kept me going until the end, that said the game does suffer from some lousy difficulty spikes and forgotten mechanics that are introduced early on. It's the seventh core title in the franchise, and I'm hoping it's not the last one to make it to western shores.

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Aug 26, 2021

The Lonely Assassins is the best Doctor Who game to date. It's terrifying at points and leverages the franchise to the best of its abilities. The writing is top-notch and rivals the show on many levels. The exclusion of the actual Doctor may upset some fans but I found the story worked better and felt a little more personal without the Doctor's direct involvement.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Samurai Warriors 5
Jul 26, 2021

The Warriors franchise has always had a strong following and Samurai Warriors 5 keeps that following going. With an entertaining story, strong characterizations and a gorgeous cell-shaded art style, Samurai Warrior's 5 is the best entry in the franchise in a long time. If you've never had an interest in jumping into a Warriors title before, Samurai Warriors 5 is the best time to jump in and see what makes these games so addictive and fun.

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Jun 30, 2021

The Eternal Castle Remastered delivers a faithful MS-DOS inspired title. That means it comes with all the issues those games carried with them. If it was simply a visual representation with modern game mechanics, The Eternal Castle Remastered could have been an amazing title, but alas, the broken platforming, melee combat that sees you button mashing until you win an encounter and gunplay that leaves you running for your life more often then holding your ground all conspire to make The Eternal Castle Remastered feel desperately dated. The unique art design is visually appealing, and when the electronic music plays, it sounds incredible. Unfortunately though, it's not enough to save The Eternal Castle from being a below-average title.

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Jun 21, 2021

Dark Alliance is the type of game for people looking to blow off steam with their friends. It's such an exploration ride that I just wanted to keep playing it all day long. The fun combat and loot system kept me coming back even if it is a shame the story set in the D&D universe written by a prolific writer fails to live up to its potential. It's also baffling that almost no love was given to the game on the PS5 to utilize its power or even the DualSense controller. At $40 though almost all of its flaws can be overlooked for just plain old fun.

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Jun 5, 2021

Fast-paced action and combat is the heart of Necromunda: Hired Gun. A great variety of skills allow you to string moves together while taken on dozens of foes at once. The world of Necromunda is a horrible dystopian underbelly of the 40K universe and it shows in Hired Gun. It's just a shame that the story, and characters are so barebones that the 40K license almost feels wasted.

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8.5 / 10.0 - BIOMUTANT
May 24, 2021

Biomutant is a fun title with some amazing visuals and a huge open world to explore. Experiment 101 have gone out of their way to make you feel like you're a first-time visitor to an unknown landscape. Though its morality system leaves a lot to be desired there is plenty here to enjoy. Despite suffering from some technical issues, none of it hindered me from pouring hours and hours into the game. If you're looking for something fresh, unique, and exciting, Biomutant is a brand new IP that you should play.

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7 / 10.0 - Call of the Sea
May 12, 2021

Call of the Sea puts all its eggs into its puzzles. They're fun to solve and feel as rewarding as slaying a boss in some of the most difficult games. The mysterious island Norah explores is gorgeous and full of mysteries that even Nathan Drake would appreciate. It's just a shame that its narrative is such a letdown. Norah may be the main character but I think Harry's adventure would have made a more compelling narrative.

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