The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

StrongThe Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero header image

Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Hardcore Gamer
4 / 5
Nintendo Life
9 / 10
God is a Geek
9 / 10
8.5 / 10
Hobby Consolas
84 / 100
Digital Trends
4 / 5
IGN Italy
7 / 10
Creators: Falcom, NIS America
Release Date: Sep 27, 2022 - PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch
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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero - Story Trailer (NSW, PS4, PC) thumbnail

The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero - Story Trailer (NSW, PS4, PC)

The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Screenshot 1
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Trails From Zero might be late to the scene but even now, Nihon Falcom's JRPG remains one of the best Trails games yet.

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Though Trails' usual splendor of combat options here should come as no surprise, what's striking with this year's remastering is how well this once portable-only entry has translated across to more modern-day portable screens alike.

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In a series renowned for its stellar writing, twisting plots, and wonderful characters, The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero is a stand-out RPG. Narrowing the focus of its story to one state, and honing in on a smaller cast of characters, makes for a fantastic and engrossing adventure that is about both intimate relationships and huge, secretive scandals. The fact that this is just one half of a duology means that, while the story wraps up nicely here, we have tons of questions that we're itching to get answers to in Trails to Azure. If you haven't played Trails, it's time to overcome that barrier, because there's no better place to zero in on this fantastic series than in Crossbell.

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero is a sensational JRPG from top to bottom, and one that fans can't afford to miss.

Impressive efforts with a few noticeable problems holding them back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth your time and cash.

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Trails from Zero may have been outdated in some aspects, such as the technical plot or some design decisions, but it is still a small RPG gem to discover, thanks to its superb story and dialogues, which marry with a very interesting world. If you overcome its slow start and repetitive tasks, you will enjoy a great adventure.

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero puts together a politically engaging story, fun gameplay, and likable heroes into one epic RPG.

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A porting with some nice improvements to keep up with the times, but still dedicated to a nostalgic audience of classic JRPGs.

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