Seulki Oh

27 games reviewed
72.2 average score
70 median score
48.1% of games recommended
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60 / 100 - Crystar
Mar 6, 2022

There’s some plots to be thickened around every corner, but the overwhelming combat system may discourage some players from picking up their Switch. UI isn’t the most convenient and the map is designed to intentionally drag to force more play hours. Combat feels too frequent and the depth of skills and item upgrade design is too much for an average gamer to handle, compared to the minimal changes in the end result. The game’s main plot has a concept of fairy tales falling into despair which may have its own niche fanbase. When the ending fades into the quote ‘Thank you for playing’, I felt like I didn’t leave anything behind which meant that the story was solid enough. If you started to play this game once, I'd recommend playing it until you see the true ending at the very end. Thankfully, the game devs have at least provided a small convenience in allowing skipping the entire first half of the story for multiple playthroughs attempts.

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Apr 25, 2022

If you’re into difficult puzzle solving, this may be the game for you. Just beware that the level design is still kind of bland which makes the main puzzle elements too simple than it should look, thus making it difficult to provide the actual sense of achievement. The supposed story was never clearly reminded of, which keeps you thinking even without playing the game. The entire 4 hours of gameplay wasn’t the best representation of the game’s pricing and the only thing you could remember was being under the deep seas with underwater structures.

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6 / 10.0 - TurnTack
May 1, 2022

TurnTack is a puzzle platformer is a game that shows what improvements may be required in the upcoming future. The technical discrepancies will be kept in the corner of your eyes during gameplay. While it seems like the game may have needed more development time and thoughts to actually become more of a complete product. Instead of just focusing on the technical side of things, it should have had an all rounder puzzle theme to be more appreciated than what its currently become.

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4 / 10.0 - Monster Harvest
Feb 27, 2022

Monster Harvest focuses on farming and leveling your monsters. While the idea is fresh, there wasn’t much content within the game and the two ideas didn’t really mix that well. Few glitches were found that proved some of the gameplay experience to be ruined, NPCs made me feel even lonelier and the festival feature was not the most comfortable event to enjoy either. Felt like I was playing an unfinished game.

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4 / 10.0 - Stonefly
Apr 2, 2022

We kind of expected the vast exploration of nature through the perspective of insects, but there were more faults than there should have been. While the color and graphics including the combat system were unique, questionable narratives, repeated actions within a narrow space seems to be more stressful than fun. Perhaps a little more thought process could have polished the motivations, which would allow players to sit through the gameplay more thoroughly.

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Feb 22, 2023

A long awaited sequel which also received a proper following number from the original. With traces of considerations from recent gaming vibes spotted, the not-so-friendly progression sequences and wasteful oversized maps are more of a distraction for the fans who expected enjoyment. The combat frequency was also low and slow which makes the action feel a bit lackluster. Story was also a endless chain of dialogues to make it even more slower than it could have been. Since the two main key factors for the game only felt like forceful events of consecutive slideshows only to add more playtime, it made us feel a bit unpleasant after the credit roll instead of the usual joy coming from completing what could have been a proper experience of a video game. The overall contents felt like it was being dragged under a blanket full of unnecessities.

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Mar 13, 2022

From the graphics and the main concept of the game, everything about this game was too simplistic. Although their objective was to spread awareness of protecting the environment, I’m curious whether if it delivered the message at all. The game doesn’t feel either as a simulator nor any adventure type of gameplay. Every activity felt repetitive and a mix of low polygon objects were breaking the atmosphere as if I was playing a video game or a budget cut motion picture. They have purposely slowed down all movements to mimic as if you’re underwater but instead of feeling like a scuba diver, it was just slowing down my gaming experience. The ending provided emptiness to reflect upon why I was even playing this game in the first place.

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