Nikola Erlebachová

43 games reviewed
74.2 average score
75 median score
100.0% of games recommended
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Oct 7, 2021

Overcooked! All You Can Eat is, in my opinion, just a marketing ploy to extract even more money from the fans. The innovations that the developers are boasting about, which should supposedly be the main attraction for buying this edition, are not that dazzling. The online mode is almost unplayable, and the full price is rather discouraging even for owners of previous installments. On the other hand, the improved graphics are nice, as is the new content. If you don't already have a piece of this series in your library, then you won't go wrong with the All You Can Eat edition. On the other hand, it's not worth buying if the opposite is true.

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7 / 10.0 - CHUCHEL
Oct 6, 2021

The bottom line is that CHUCHEL is not for everyone, but fans of Amanita Design games will definitely enjoy it. During the wacky quest to capture a juicy cherry, you'll feel absurd and maybe a little confused, all compensated with a good dose of fun. However, the somewhat chaotic narrative of the not-quite-engaging story may present an insurmountable obstacle for some players, while keeping others on their toes. For the affordable price tag, perhaps the biggest problem is the actual play time, which hovers around two hours, and that's simply not enough.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Lake
Oct 3, 2021

Lake is an incredibly soothing play with well-written characters, dialogue, and even better dubbing. The characters do occasionally open their mouths and miss the dub, but along with the not-so-widespread repertoire of local radio, this can be considered a minor detail that doesn't explicitly interfere with the experience of the play. The small town of Providence Oaks is just the perfect setting for an interesting story with three endings. The job of a postman suddenly seems like a dream job, though then again not for everyone.

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Sep 30, 2021

ArtFormer: Ancient Stories offers a unique look at four historical periods of our history, provided by four unique chapters. The graphics based on real history is probably the biggest plus, add to which the different stories and varied game mechanics including logic puzzles. What still needs a lot of work is the technical state of the game, as its otherwise smooth progress is disrupted by several bugs and especially by the strange, almost skeletal controls that will cause you to lose a few nerves. In around five hours you'll get a refresher on art history and maybe learn something new.

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8 / 10.0 - Crown Trick
Sep 29, 2021

Crown Trick is, in a nutshell, a great roguelike title that won't bore you. Whether it's the visual identity, the amount of content, the variety of enemies and environments, or the turn-based combat system that will take some getting used to, this game is definitely a hit for anyone who isn't afraid of a challenge and is looking for exactly the thrill of exploring the unknown.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Creepy Tale 2
Sep 19, 2021

Creepy Tale 2 has plenty of references to our favourite classic Slavic fairy tales in exactly the eerily dark setting we would expect from a horror adventure game. Compared to the first installment, the developers decided to experiment a bit, and not everything is a completely welcome change. The unbalanced difficulty of the puzzles, along with certain passages of the game, will often make you wail or curse. Despite all this, it's still an interesting one-off that can keep you entertained for a couple of hours.

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7 / 10.0 - Cat Quest
Sep 12, 2021

Cat Quest is a great action RPG in a beautiful open cat world, where one villain, two squabbling Santas, countless cute enemies and a few bugs get in the way of the overall impression of the game, but still don't ruin it. Picturesque environments brimming with life, pleasant music, action-packed battles, lots of fun challenges, witty dialogue, and even more mysterious dungeons that directly invite exploration and discovery. If you are a cat lover, this game is a must-play.

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5 / 10.0 - Seed of Life
Sep 4, 2021

Seed of Life is a bit disappointing for me, as I've been following the game for a long time and was looking forward to turning it on for the first time. I understand that only two developers worked on the title and they really did a great job in terms of making the world look nice graphically. In my opinion, the game should have been released first at least in Early Access, during which time they could have tweaked all the details and existing issues. The price of 22,99 € doesn't seem adequate for the current state of the game. For my part, I can't recommend the title with a clear conscience, but I'm sure there will be those who will enjoy Seed of Life with all its features. The world of Lumia is impressive, but unfortunately that's not enough.

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8 / 10.0 - GRIME
Aug 27, 2021

GRIME really deserves its place between Metroidvania and Souls games, because it does what is so typical of them so well. The fights are fun and fresh, the bosses are often hard-shelled, the unique enemies will test your reflexes, and the organic, vibrant environment is so beautiful it's scary. The immersive atmosphere of the dangerous locations is complemented by a variety of sounds, and together with the soundtrack, they combine to add just the right amount of darkness. Unfortunately, the overall impression is spoiled by crucial details, but hopefully the developers at Clover Bite will learn from them and help them create better and better titles in the future, because I feel like they bet too much on interesting visuals this time around. In the review it seems more like I'm just bitching about the game, but the opposite is true. GRIME is a good game and I really enjoyed it from start to finish. The gameplay time of fifteen to thirty hours is solid.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Hell Architect
Aug 23, 2021

Hell Architect is a fun building simulator until you discover all the mechanics, go through the story missions and unlock all the buildings. After that, you don't have much to do in the game and you get bored. This, however, depends on each player individually. The gameplay time is around seventeen to easily thirty hours of your life, during which time you'll be entertained by the torture of mortals, the funny catchphrases of the inhabitants of hell, and have fun solving crisis and often bizarre situations. The full price of twenty-three euros is a bit exorbitant, though, so I recommend waiting for a discount. If you enjoy titles like this, you'll definitely have a blast as a hell engineer.

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9 / 10.0 - Omno
Aug 15, 2021

Omno is simply a beautiful adventure game full of colour, life and satisfaction. Even though it's a relatively short title, you won't be stuck with just one playthrough most of the time. Jonas Manke has done a great job over the five years of development, and all the effort, care and love put into this project is terribly evident.

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7 / 10.0 - Inmost
Aug 10, 2021

More than a logical adventure, INMOST is a kind of tool for communicating and interpreting topics that are not talked about much. The idea of the whole title left a powerful experience in me that sticks with me for days after finishing it. The pixelated visuals, along with the perfectly matched music and eerie atmosphere of the title, fit perfectly, and I can't imagine everything working so well together if even one component was a little different. Nothing distracts from the plot, quite the opposite. An average of four hours may not be enough for some, but for me it was completely enough.

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9 / 10.0 - Lost Ember
Aug 8, 2021

Lost Ember doesn't particularly excel in the field of fun and engaging gameplay, but its amazing story and enchanting world immediately draw you in. You'll want to know more, uncover new memories and piece the plot together to be rewarded with a heart-stopping finale that won't leave your eyes dry. The theme of reaching the afterlife is conceived in a simple but fascinating way against the backdrop of an almost fairytale-like world. The reincarnation mechanics add to the title's interest, it's just a shame about the controls and occasional glitches.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Dreamscaper
Aug 3, 2021

Dreamscaper has great gameplay mechanics, immersive and addictive gameplay, beautiful environments, enjoyable music, deep thought, and most importantly, passionate developers who give 200% to the title. The constant updates and listening to the community's feedback show how much time and love is put into this project. The affordable price is another plus that makes this engaging adventure almost a cinch to enjoy. Smaller details may still be tweaked by the developers before the full game is released, so I'm curious to see how far Dreamscaper will go in the future. However, I already find the title almost polished.

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7 / 10.0 - Fe
Jul 28, 2021

Fe charmed me with its graphic styling and the sound of the game. No written or spoken word is needed to experience a somewhat obscure but beautiful story, and that's something that indie games of a smaller format often do beautifully. Accompanied only by pleasant string music and animal sounds, you're in for a thrilling and adventurous journey of exploration to save an animal world. Perhaps every title is not without its flaws, and unfortunately Fe often puts quite a challenge in front of you, which personally doesn't fit well with the overall meditative concept of the game.

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Jul 14, 2021

Tick Tock: A Tale for Two offers a great escape game featuring a mysterious village, eerie environments with great atmosphere, varied puzzles and a somewhat bland open-ended story. Through various platforms, you and your co-op partner will be puzzling over how to unravel the escape from the eerie world for approximately two hours. However, if you don't have the coveted partner or don't speak much English, you won't be able to play the title, unfortunately.

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5 / 10.0 - Sakura Swim Club
Jul 10, 2021

Sakura Swim Club offers a well-written, but rather hackneyed cliché story that is quite predictable. Over the course of two hours, you'll chew through a lot of dialogue, with only two characters Mieko and Hiromi appearing depicted throughout the game, who are also the only ones to receive dubbing. It's a shame that the writers didn't go to the trouble of at least portraying the main protagonist or adding dubbing for the other characters to liven up the story. The overall rating is saved by the graphics and sometimes funny scenes with ecchi subtext. If you have a decent personal and sex life, there is no need to indulge in this title. On the contrary, I imagine that for some, Sakura Swim Club is a relaxing diversion for lonely long evenings.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Scarlet Nexus
Jul 9, 2021

Scarlet Nexus, despite a few minor flaws, is a great brain punk game that has everything that will make you drool with bliss - breathtaking graphics, a polished combat system with lots of effects, diverse locations full of amazing details, a perfectly fitting soundtrack, a heartfelt dubbing, and most importantly a well-written and narrated story. The style of the anime fits it perfectly, the characters are interesting, the cutscenes are action-packed despite the lack of animation, and the whole concept simply absorbs you. Technically, the game is almost flawlessly polished, and in sixty hours I never once felt the stereotype, but everyone may feel differently.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Pumpkin Jack
Jun 26, 2021

Pumpkin Jack is an intriguing Halloween one-hander that, even with a low-budget production, showcases incredible quality, fun and an unexpected challenge. From the workshop of one young developer came a great game boasting the mechanics and feel of those old titles from the nineties. The question is whether it will have the same positive resonance with the younger generation, for whom the title may be a little harder. As much as I enjoyed this quest to plunge the world into darkness, I probably won't repeat it again right away, especially due to some technical issues that made the gameplay experience slightly unpleasant. Even so, the negatives listed below are largely due to the fact that only one person worked on the game.

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Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead combined a post-apocalyptic world with logic, tactical planning and the laws of physics in practice. The forty levels will keep players entertained for several long hours, mainly due to their difficulty. It is the high difficulty bar that may soon discourage some players, as well as the need for timing and precision in not only building structures but also planning actions. Even so, this is a fun game at a friendly price, where the characters of The Walking Dead series are a nice change from similarly-themed titles.

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