Mitch Vogel

437 games reviewed
72.4 average score
80 median score
70.6% of games recommended
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7 / 10 - Soundfall
May 16, 2022

Soundfall is interesting and original, but stumbles in its execution. The marriage of rhythm gameplay with a twin-stick shooter is a rocky one, and it's hard not to think this would be a stronger game overall if it were focused solely on either the shooting or the rhythm elements. It can work harmoniously, but also causes frustration when its two halves pull you in different directions. Yet despite its clumsy moments, we'd still give Soundfall a solid recommendation, as its diverse and catchy soundtrack, RPG-esque character progression, and high replayability make this one easy to love. It maybe could've used more practice, but Soundfall overall delivers a strong performance.

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May 9, 2022

We’d give Citizen Sleeper a strong recommendation to anybody who liked Disco Elysium or any general role playing games with a heavy emphasis on the role. A synthwave soundtrack, strong writing, and high-pressure gameplay make this a game that’ll be tough to put down once you get into it.

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May 5, 2022

Is Fragrant Story worth picking up? Sure, as a curiosity and conversation piece perhaps. Four bucks isn't much of an asking price, and the content on offer here is enjoyable and engaging for what it is. For the afternoon it'll take you to play Fragrant Story, you'll probably be satisfied with it - then you'll have seen everything it has to offer, move onto something else, and never boot it up again. If you decide to pass on this one, there's really not a whole lot that you're missing out on. Given its low price and goofy nature, though, it may be worth picking up just so you can say you grabbed the last game on the North American eShop before Nintendo locked the doors for good.

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Apr 26, 2022

Dungeons of Dreadrock is a well-designed puzzle game that cleverly builds on its formula throughout its brief run. Those of you looking for a good game to wind down with before bed may want to give this a look, though we would encourage investigating the smart device version if you're happy to play on mobile.

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Apr 23, 2022

Similarly to the many doggos it stars, it’s tough to find much to dislike about The Last Friend. Fast-paced tower defense action, a gorgeous art style, satisfying progression, and a goofy story make this one an easy recommendation. Plus, you can pet all the dogs! What more could you want?

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Apr 20, 2022

Is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed worth picking up? Eh… potentially. What we have here is a shallow, short, and rather mediocre action game that's relying awfully hard on nostalgia and the popularity of the Star Wars IP to draw in players. Based solely on its own merits, there's little here that's really worth your time. Simplistic level designs, weak combat, frequent quick time events, and low replay value make this one hard to recommend. It's got a decent story and soundtrack, but neither of these things are good enough to outweigh the negatives. If you're just looking for another Star Wars game to add to your collection, this certainly fits the bill; if you're looking for a high-quality hack 'n' slash, it doesn't. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is simply a passable game; not one we'd actively avoid, but you're not missing much if you choose to skip it.

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Apr 14, 2022

Nobody Saves the World is a thrillingly well-paced and enjoyable action adventure that Switch owners won't want to miss. An addictive quest system, surprisingly deep class system, attractive art style, and punchy combat all come together to make for a varied and engaging experience that oozes quality at every turn. If you're a fan of RPGs with a lot of customization, old-school Zelda games, or classic arcade beat 'em ups, Nobody Saves the World is absolutely a title you need to add to your library.

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Apr 5, 2022

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is a wonderful achievement for dynamic storytelling, as it puts forth a compelling and multifaceted narrative that'll keep you guessing right up until the very end. This excellent story, combined with enjoyable combat portions, a striking art style, and some top-notch voice acting make for an experience that you won't want to miss out on. It's the kind of game that'll have you wishing that you could play it again for the first time, just so all its best elements could be new again. We'd give 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim a strong recommendation, then, to anyone who has even a passing interest in visual novels. Even if that doesn't describe you, we'd still say to give it a shot; you might just be surprised at how well it grabs you.

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Mar 29, 2022

.hack//G.U. Last Recode isn't a bad game, it's just aggressively mediocre. These three games weren't fantastic when they were new and, surprise surprise, they still aren't great now. Repetitive dungeon design, extremely easy combat, and an often nonsensical narrative prove to be this release's greatest weaknesses, holding it back from fulfilling the interesting concept of its premise. Still, if you want the nostalgia trip or for some reason aren't satisfied with the near-bottomless list of more interesting RPGs on the Switch, it may be worth the punt. We'd give this one a light recommendation, then, but would say you're better off picking up the remasters of Final Fantasy XII or Shin Megami Tensei III if you're looking for a worthwhile sixth-generation RPG. If it's specifically the concept of a single player MMO that interests you, then either CrossCode or one of the Xenoblade releases will scratch that itch far better.

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Mar 22, 2022

Is Rune Factory 5 for you? Well, that depends. Do you like RPGs or farm sims? If you answered yes to either or both, then you're sure to find something you'll love in this release. Even so, it might be worth waiting for a modest sale before you take the plunge. The relaxing pace, RPG elements, and charming aesthetic make this a compelling experience, but issues with poor performance, disappointing visuals, and sometimes clunky gameplay hold Rune Factory 5 back from greatness. If 3D visuals aren't a dealbreaker for you, we'd recommend you pick up Rune Factory 4 Special first, as it's cheaper and oddly feels more modern in some respects. Despite flawed execution, we'd still give Rune Factory 5 a recommendation - if its precise and unique genre blend really clicks with you, you'll forgive many a flaw. Just know that it doesn't truly excel in any area.

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Mar 14, 2022

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax may not be the Persona game everyone's been clamoring for on the Switch, but we're certainly not complaining. P4AU offers up an approachable, yet incredibly deep 2D fighting combat system, a neat RPG-lite mode that guarantees solo players will have lots to do, and all this is presented in Arc System Works' signature and striking hand-drawn art style. While the story mode is a complete bore and there's no rollback netcode in this version, we think P4AU on Switch is still absolutely worth your time, although if you're going to be playing online, you'll likely want to investigate the game on other platforms first. For portable fans, however, we'd give it a recommendation whether you're a fighting game enthusiast or you're just looking to give the genre a shot; this is definitely one of the better fighting games on the Switch.

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8 / 10 - Young Souls
Mar 10, 2022

Those of you who were big fans of Castle Crashers or Streets of Rage 4 will find plenty to love here. Young Souls smartly mixes RPG-lite elements with a compelling story, non-linear structure, and some impressively satisfying beat 'em up combat to make for an experience that you won't want to miss. Despite some rare performance hiccups which tarnish the Switch version slightly compared to the more powerful platforms, Young Souls still proves itself to be one of the best beat 'em up titles on the system, and we'd give this one a high recommendation to anyone who enjoys a good brawler, co-op or solo.

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Atelier Sophie 2 stands as a wonderful achievement for Gust and the Atelier series. What we have here is an entry that feels like the perfect fusion of the old and the new. Sophie's new adventure may not have much to offer up in the story department, but it more than makes up for this with its streamlined design, thrilling combat, expansive world, and addictive alchemy system. This is a title we'd recommend to both longtime fans and newcomers-it's one of the best Atelier releases yet. If you're at all curious about this one, we'd strongly encourage you to give it a shot.

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Arriving mere months after its predecessor, we're happy to report that Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden proves itself to be a satisfying and endearing sequel. It's mechanically almost an exact copy of the first Voice of Cards, but things like the new setting and Mark Atherlay's narration help to make it feel like a distinctive entry that stands well on its own. We'd give Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden a high recommendation for anyone looking for another 'cozy' game to add to their collection or for players who want to try an engaging, but not overly demanding JRPG. For all its brevity and minimalism, Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden is an unforgettable experience.

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7 / 10 - Monark
Feb 16, 2022

Monark proves itself to be an interesting, low-budget take on an SRPG, combining its Persona influences with original ideas to make for a compelling experience. Risky, rewarding combat, a creepy atmosphere, and an interesting story make this one easy to recommend, but things like the low-quality graphics, repetitive environments, and nonexistent enemy variety keep it from ever approaching greatness. We'd recommend Monark to any SRPG enthusiasts (especially those that are sick of fighting on a grid) or fans of the old-school SMT and Persona games. It may not have nailed its execution, but Monark is an experience that we think is still worth your time.

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Feb 10, 2022

Don't be put off too much by its smart device origins - Egglia Rebirth is an enjoyable and charming RPG that's a delight to experience on Switch. The bite-sized levels make this one easy to pick up and play, while the ongoing barrage of new quests, friends, and levels keep giving you good reasons to come back for more. It must be said that the gameplay can feel a little shallow on extended sessions and the constant presence of timers can sometimes make it feel like a weird fit for a console. However, if you're a fan of Legend of Mana or are just looking for a light RPG that doesn't require too much mental investment, Egglia Rebirth is a solid title we can recommend.

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Feb 3, 2022

OlliOlli World takes Roll7's refined 2D skateboarding concept to cosmic heights. Tight and challenging gameplay, a high skill ceiling, dozens of hours of content, and a remarkably stylish sense of presentation combine to make this a release you absolutely don't want to miss. It's an easy recommendation to pretty much any Switch owner, especially those who are easily roped in by score-chasing releases or super hard platforming, OlliOlli World is a shining example of the distinct kind of innovation and quality that can come from inspired indie game studios.

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Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 is far from a groundbreaking game, but it certainly is an enjoyable one. The tightly designed levels and snappy controls make for a thoroughly enjoyable action side-scrolling experience, though this comes with the major caveat that the whole experience is really only a few hours long and it's very much more of the same. At any rate, we'd give this one a strong recommendation to any fans of the Gunvolt series or run-and-gun games in general; there may not be much of it, but Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 absolutely nails what it sets out to do.

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Jan 25, 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is an odd game to recommend. Those of you who have never played before may want to check it out-it's free after all-but even at that lowest of prices the barrier to entry is so great that it can feel like getting stuck into this one isn't really worth the effort it would take. Those of you who have a longer history with Yu-Gi-Oh! will have a much better time getting into it and climbing the ranks, but then you were probably going to play this game regardless of reviews. At any rate, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel has all the foundations of a potentially great online card-battler, and though it has its issues - at least at launch - it's definitely worth checking out if you've got the fortitude to stick with it.

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5 / 10 - Blackwind
Jan 21, 2022

Blackwind is as utilitarian as a bank statement and painfully middle-of-the-road. It's tough to recommend that you play this game because we can scarcely remember anything notable about it from our own playthrough. Yet at the same time, it doesn't actually do anything egregiously wrong to make it instantly destined for the garbage bin. If you're looking for an entirely unremarkable and unoriginal sci-fi themed hack 'n' slash, Blackwind certainly ticks those boxes. Unfortunately, if you're looking for a meaningful way to spend your limited time and hard-earned money, this ain't it. We won't go so far as to say that you should definitely give Blackwind a pass, but we'd understand entirely if you did.

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