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Stephen Tailby


Favorite Games:
  • Burnout 3: Takedown
  • Sonic The Hedgehog 2
  • Portal 2

317 games reviewed
67.7 average score
70 median score
56.3% of games recommended

Stephen Tailby's Reviews

Having grown up alongside PlayStation, Stephen has developed a wide knowledge of video games, from AAA blockbusters to the smallest indie gems. With relentless enthusiasm, eclectic taste, and a passion for writing, he’s always on the lookout for the next big thing. He also has the Platinum for The Witness, so there’s that.
4 / 10 - Sonic Forces
Nov 11, 2017

Sonic Forces is a disappointing step back for the franchise. Uninteresting level design and subpar gameplay on all three playable characters make for a game that can be frustrating to get through. The nonsense story is poorly written and makes more tonal shifts than Mariah Carey with an ice cube down her back. The game is perfectly fine for the younger audience it's targeting, and we're sure they'll enjoy it for what it is, but in the wake of Sonic Mania's tremendous success, the problems 3D Sonic has always faced are becoming much harder to ignore.

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Nov 19, 2017

Somehow, de Blob still feels contemporary, and it'll cheer you up if this year's other 3D platformer efforts have left you feeling blue.

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Dec 11, 2017

Aside from some more inventive level design and a couple of new bells and whistles to keep you occupied, LocoRoco 2 Remastered is more of the same, which in our book is no bad thing. There's little here that will surprise you, but it does just as good a job as the first game in providing a simple, grin-inducing few hours. We've rather enjoyed revisiting both titles this year, and we think fans old and new will still get a lot of fun out of them. Games as jovial as this one don't come around very often these days, so if you're after something light, you'll have a ball.

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6 / 10 - Gang Beasts
Dec 17, 2017

What we're left with is a multiplayer game that still has the ability to delight and surprise, but perhaps lacks some finishing touches to make it truly great. With online play a bit of a mess and a limited number of modes, Gang Beasts isn't short of issues, but just about gets away with it due to a solid core idea that, with friends, can be uproariously entertaining. If you're after a new title for gaming nights with buddies, or indeed, the Christmas party, you can do far worse than this.

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8 / 10 - Iconoclasts
Jan 21, 2018

Iconoclasts blends a complex story with neat puzzle platforming, and does so in great style. The game's length occasionally works against it, and the boss fights aren't all winners, but the story is worth seeing through to the end thanks to a memorable cast of characters and plenty of variety along the way. It's just a very robust, unique game that you'd be a tool to miss.

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8 / 10 - Celeste
Jan 27, 2018

Celeste is a wonderful precision platformer that does far more than simply challenge your dexterity. While there's plenty of intense screen-hopping to enjoy, it's offset by a well-told, personal story that softens the hard edged gameplay with some great slower moments. What's more, you can enjoy the story even if you're struggling with the platforming using the Assist Mode to bend the game's difficulty to your liking. The action is super smooth (though we did have to battle with the dash on occasion), there are lots of secrets to uncover, and it looks and sounds great. Even with some rare bugs, fans of both a steep challenge and a heartfelt narrative will find a lot to like about Celeste.

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6 / 10 - Strikers Edge
Feb 8, 2018

Although Strikers Edge doesn't quite reach the lofty heights of its peers, it's still a decent multiplayer game with a good premise and fun action. The differences between the characters give the combat just enough nuance to keep things interesting, but a lack of stages or alternate modes may quickly diminish your interest. If you're on the hunt for a new multiplayer title to play with your buddies, this certainly will do the trick, if only for a limited amount of time.

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6 / 10 - Fe
Feb 22, 2018

Fe is a decent puzzle platformer with some nice ideas, but it all rings a bit hollow in the end. The various songs are a fun way to interact with the world, but some are barely used at all, while you'll rely on others almost constantly. It can also be surprisingly difficult to control, with a camera that isn't always cooperative and platforming that isn't as tight as it needs to be, especially in an environment as vertical as this. The story, which strives to be poignant, fails to leave an impact, and while the world is a nice place to explore, there isn't a whole lot in it. Ultimately, it's a fine game, but it struggles to leave a lasting impression.

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Feb 28, 2018

Bridge Constructor Portal successfully combines Portal with a bridge building physics puzzler. There's a clear love for Valve's series on display, with great presentation that takes you back to Aperture Science from a different perspective. While not as funny as either of the main games, the levels themselves incorporate Portal's elements in clever ways. The controls can be fiddly, and the trial and error nature of the game isn't for everyone, but this remains an addictive, fun title that fans of both Portal and physics-based challenges will appreciate.

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Jettomero looks and sounds great, and entertains for a few hours, but it's a little too shallow for us to wholeheartedly recommend. Stomping around as a big, clumsy robot is fun, however, and we enjoy the game's relaxed atmosphere. The lack of content, some control issues, and performance problems hold back Jettomero from meeting its potential, and the result is an experience that's quite throwaway, despite its charms.

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Mar 12, 2018

Scribblenauts Showdown is an agreeable party game that applies the playful vocabulary-stretching gameplay well enough to entertain you and some friends for a while. Unfortunately, the numerous minigames are all pretty shallow, the Showdown mode can grow tiresome, and the appeal of the Sandbox levels only lasts for so long. This will certainly make for an amusing evening with family and friends, but it's not likely to be a title you'll come back to more than a couple of times.

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7 / 10 - Octahedron
Mar 18, 2018

Octahedron is an unconventional 2D platformer with clever level design centred around an innovative core idea. The controls are very simple but can take some adjusting, especially when your allowance of platforms changes from level to level. However, the stages introduce some great mechanics that make you use your platforms for more than just makeshift floors. If you're looking for a platformer with a difference, Octahedron offers up an accessible, intelligent, and challenging game with more ups than downs.

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7 / 10 - A Way Out
Mar 26, 2018

A Way Out is a successful experiment in co-operative play with some excellent presentation and varied gameplay. The story may be predictable, but you'll be surprised how attached you become to Leo and Vincent, and you'll be compelled to see their journey through to the end regardless.

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7 / 10 - Minit
Apr 3, 2018

Minit is a lighthearted and cleverly designed adventure that successfully builds a game around a peculiar premise. Playing in 60-second bursts can initially be frustrating, but once you wrap your head around the game's structure, it becomes an addictive and memorable little title that doesn't outstay its welcome. The abundance of secrets makes the game much deeper than it may seem, too.

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9 / 10 - Owlboy
Apr 8, 2018

All told, Owlboy is a delightful game full to bursting with character. Otus' bittersweet tale is engrossing, the supporting cast is consistently charming, and there's an admirable level of polish across the board. From its stunning visuals and soundtrack to its fun, responsive gameplay, Owlboy is rock solid from top to bottom. It took them 10 years, but D-Pad Studio has created one of the best 2D adventure titles in recent memory.

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6 / 10 - Trailblazers
May 7, 2018

Some performance issues aside, this remains an engaging, and rather different, racing game that just about overcomes its problems to offer some good old fashioned fun.

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8 / 10 - Laser League
May 13, 2018

When you find yourself in the zone, Laser League is a joy to play. Controls are as straightforward as they come and the game's rules are easy to follow, meaning anyone can pick up a pad and join in. However, the depth that comes with the various character classes, their abilities, and power ups is surprising. This is classic "easy to learn, difficult to master" territory, in other words, and whether you're playing online or offline, it can be excellent fun with a few friends. Ultimately, this is the sort of game that lives or dies on the strength of its player count, and we sincerely hope it remains healthy. Aside from the occasional bout of lag, fairly limited content, and one or two disappointing omissions, this is a unique multiplayer title that deserves your attention.

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May 15, 2018

If earning gold trophies isn't enough, there are collectable coins to find in each race of the surprisingly lengthy campaign. As you progress you'll unlock new cars with unique stats that you can enhance with permanent buffs. Additional modes give you slightly different ways to play, but this is where Horizon Chase Turbo begins to let off the gas. Screaming through its colourful courses at ludicrous speeds can be lots of fun either alone or in local multiplayer, but the repetitive nature of the game will hit you sooner rather than later. You won't be left wanting for more content, but it's arguably too much for such a simple title. If you're after a very different racing game on PS4, this certainly fits the bill -- but watch you don't fall asleep at the wheel during the long haul.

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May 25, 2018

SEGA Mega Drive Classics is a very generous package, offering over 50 16-bit titles for a very reasonable price.

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May 26, 2018

PixelJunk Monsters 2 is a brave sequel that attempts to fix something that isn't broken, and has ended up taking away more than it adds.

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