Despite being played sixty-seconds at a time, Minit's world presents players with both secrets and depth. While not for everyone, Minit's simplicity and charm make it a true indie gem.

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Critic Reviews for Minit
The death timer can feel like a gimmick sometimes, but it gives this fun, charming adventure a compelling edge.
A smart, witty adventure that makes a virtue of its self-imposed constraints.
Minit offers a compelling world, and its clever concept is tied to progression in satisfying ways
Minit might impose a daunting time limit on each of your lives, but its cleverly designed world and enriched puzzles make the cycle of exploration and death well worth investing into.
Minit is a truly creative gem, putting an inspired twist on the classic top-down adventures of our youth in order to craft something truly special.
Minit is a perfect example of a game that introduces a creative new concept, explores it thoroughly, and then ends before things get stale. This may be a short game, but you're almost assured to have a blast for every bit of it, with funny dialogue, creative puzzle design, and moderate amounts of replayability all being a plus. We'd recommend this to anyone looking for something a little different than the norm, along with anybody who's looking for a title that takes after the older Zelda games. We really enjoyed our time with Minit, and we'd encourage you to take the plunge on this one.
Minit is a game in the purest sense of the word, harkening to a time when solid gameplay and genuine joy were the sole cornerstones of design philosophy.