Spellbreak Reviews

Spellbreak is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Sep 12, 2020

The magic realism of the game is fascinating, it’s like Rambo meets Avatar! So, if you’re a battle royale aficionado, you’re definitely going to love Spellbreak!

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8 / 10.0
Sep 10, 2020

Spellbreak succeeds at being what it is. A magic based role-playing battle royale that’s just different enough to separate it from everything else. With cross-play and cross progression, not to mention being free-to-play, it’s definitely an easy one to get into. If you’ve been into the battle royale craze the last three years or any point leading up to now, please check this out.

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Sep 7, 2020

The combat and movement alone are still worth diving into. In many ways, it feels like you are playing a Battle Royal version of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Since it’s free, you lose nothing by trying it out.

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