GotGame's Reviews
It’s not very often you come across a game with a concept as unique as Sifu. The aging mechanic is an interesting take on roguelikes that provides some serious challenge. The difficulty may be a little high at times, but satisfaction of overcoming the challenge is worth it in the end. With its fast paced action and amazing environments, Sifu is an incredible game that all gamers should give a chance.
On top of the amazing gameplay and beautiful art style, Windjammers 2 really hits home with the classic arcade nostalgia. The second I started playing the game, I was excited to put it on the big screen and have a showdown with some friends. Even without people nearby, the online play and arcade mode is more than enough to grab your attention for hours on end. Windjammers 2 feels like one of those games that should come standard in any gamers library, even if it’s only to pull out when friends are over.
Rainbow Six Extraction is a bold move by Ubisoft. With the delve into sci-fi, Rainbow Six is heading in a new direction. Extraction is an interesting first step, full of both highs and lows. The framework laid out by Siege drives much of the game and moves it forward. But its so similar at times that it can feel like a large expansion instead of a full game. The random nature of the objectives keeps the replayability high for now. But how long it keeps your attention depends on the kind of support Ubisoft has planned. Fans of Siege should absolutely pick this one up, while newcomers to the series can find a safe entry point to some amazing gunplay.
Halo Infinite had a lot going against it due to a lot of behind the scenes issues. But against all odds this game manages to deliver. Not all of its ideas work, like the bloated open world, repetitive environments and especially the abysmal progression system in the multiplayer. But at the end of the day, the core mechanics are excellent. They are so excellent, in fact, that I enjoyed the action far more than nitpicking every issue I had.
Tunche tries many things to set itself apart from the other roguelites. While at first combat feels fast and exciting, it quickly becomes repetitive before even finishing the first run. A great art style helps but doesn’t make up for the other shortcomings. Fans of roguelites might find Tunche fun for a few runs, but others might want to pass on this one.
All in all, Call of Duty Vanguard is an amazing singleplayer experience, with a more than decent multiplayer component. It plays and feels better than its competitors, especially Battlefield. The only other hard-hitting title out there right now is Halo: Infinite, but that’s offered for free for anyone and it’s really hard to compete with that. I would recommend you get it just for the story and maybe wait for a few weeks before jumping into multiplayer if you want to get the Battle Pass too.
Overall, Greak: Memories of Azur looks and sounds great, but it doesn’t play great. Minor issues compile and compound as the game goes on, resulting in a lackluster finish. Hopefully, the developers can learn from the issues and mistakes of Greak for their next game, whether it’s within the same universe or another one.
In the end, Loop Hero is a good game that is held back from greatness by its repetitiveness. It doesn’t provide enough variety to try “one more run” like Slay the Spire or other great rogue-likes, despite its initial appeal. Ultimately, Loop Hero might be worth it for diehards, but not for casuals.
I had a good amount of fun with Chorus. I walked in looking for a take on the space combat genre that could finally get me invested. There was definitely a good amount of love and care put into this title. The team at Fishlabs has put together something flawed but ultimately really exciting. For years, games based on flying around in space and shooting other space ships just did not appeal. Chorus has changed that and I hope that it does well so the developers will capitalize and make it’s next chapter even better.
In the end though, Death’s Door is a fantastic game. Great visuals, controls, mechanics, and music make it a treat all the way around. With no filler or bloated content, Death’s Door perfectly paces along in its 10 or so hour journey. Theres even more to do and a secret ending for those wanting to extend gameplay.
Forza Horizon 5 is a delightful experience, no matter if you’re mainly playing offline or in online matches with your friends. It’s easy to pick up and love.
Rustler is an interesting callback to the classic Grand Theft Auto style. The weird modern twist on the medieval style carries it all the way to the end of the game. The many references and jokes throughout keep the tone light and the comedy high. While it’s not the most innovative combat, it’ll keep you going into the next main quest. For fans of open world games, Rustler warrants at least one play-through, but don’t expect much past that.
If you feel like you’ve exhausted whats on display in the prior installments, Age of Empires IV won’t disappoint in continuing the legacy, though it will leave you wanting more. I look forward to seeing how the game blooms, though I wish they gave this one another month in development time.
If you’re looking for a more complex and unique experience, look no further. While the basics are familiar, the depths to which the game can reach are surprising. No two playthroughs will ever be similar due to the countless variations that can change, with both dlc and modding support on the way to further it. You can put a lot into Humankind and find that it still has a lot to offer.
For a series with such a high pedigree, Dread hits all the high notes and leaves very little to be unsatisfied with. Even after experiencing its bombastic finale, it has many secrets to discover that warrant multiple playthroughs. Even if the additions are subtle, it’s the refined sheen of polish that makes Dread not just one of the best games in the franchise, but one of the best games in recent memory.
Riders Republic at first glance seems like something that’s too good to be true. An action sports game with real attention to detail that showcases the true, adrenaline filled spirit of the sports it features.
In the end, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is a serviceable action game elevated by its story and writing. While the gameplay isn't wholly original, it mixes the ideas in a way that keeps things entertaining and engaging. Yes, there's a few bugs here and there, but even the most frustrating moments were outweighed by the sheer fun. With a rock solid soundtrack, great threads and fantastic vocal performances, this is one adventure you won't want to miss. If you're a fan of the MCU films, this is a fresh new take that you'll settle into easily. For the comic book fans, it's even better.
In the end, I really enjoy playing Back 4 Blood’s campaigns. They’re just different enough from the Left 4 Dead formula and it offers a pretty satisfying challenge. The Swarm and solo modes could be a bit more rewarding, so hopefully Turtle Rock Studios addresses these soon. Overall, if you’re looking for a new co-op experience with some friends, you’ll likely have a good time with Back 4 Blood.
As someone who grew up with all of these characters, it’s beautiful to see them re-contextualized in a game that shows them the love and care they deserve. While it lacks content and a key component of Nickelodeon’s formula in the absence of voice acting, it is a fun, inviting fighting game. If you’re someone who holds Nickelodeon and it’s character’s close in any way at all, or if you’re just a fan of the Super Smash Bros. style fighters and need a break from them specifically, I would pick this one up.
Overall, the storyline is good enough to make you care, and the gameplay is amazing and full of variety. Whether that’s enough to make players come back to the Far Cry series, that’s really up to you and your preferences. I’ve been playing Far Cry 6 for almost forty hours, and it was one of the most enjoyable experiences I had in a sandbox game in a while. Surely, you can argue that Ubisoft could take a riskier step towards changing the game formula, but that might ruin the essence of the game. Either way, there’s enough to keep you busy for a long time here.