Killer Chambers Reviews

Killer Chambers is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2020

Killer Chambers contains plenty of interesting ideas, but ultimately it's punishing difficulty just leads to frustration.

6.5 / 10.0
Dec 21, 2020

There's definitely something a certain segment of the gaming public digs about challenging games...

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6 / 10.0
Jan 2, 2021

In the end, it’s clear that the Orlandi brothers have put in a lot of time and love into the creation of Killer Chambers, but the limited scope of the premise and the emphasis on difficulty over enjoyment ultimately left me feeling a little underwhelmed. It’s a game for the most dedicated of players, or those particularly keen on testing their patience with a series of punishing memory tests.

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