
Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator

Ultimate Games, MadGamesmith, Gaming Factory S.A.
Oct 30, 2020 - Nintendo Switch, PC
Gaming Nexus
5.5 / 10
Pure Nintendo
1 / 10
Nindie Spotlight
5.9 / 10
Gaming Professors
5 / 10
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Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator Trailers

Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator - Nintendo Switch Launch Trailer thumbnail

Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator - Nintendo Switch Launch Trailer

Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator - Launch Trailer thumbnail

Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator - Launch Trailer

Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator Screenshots

Critic Reviews for Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator

They say to shoot for the moon and if you miss you'll be among the stars. Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator shoots for the moon but you quickly realize you're not in a rocket ship but a bicycle with training wheels. Trying to fly a bicycle to the moon has a lot of issues, in this case it's the gameplay elements, the obscure camera angles, and the repetitiveness that has Gallic Wars landing in the grass five feet from takeoff.

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I find Gallic Wars: Battle Simulator more of a proof of concept than an actual game. There are so many far superior options in the tactics category that this game is even a waste of time for beginners.

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Budget games are always a bit of a gamble, as there are definitely titles that surpass expectations and then there also are those that you wonder whether they were ready for prime time in the first place...

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Gaming Professors

Pavol Kunca
5 / 10.0
Gaming Professors

Gallic wars: Battle Simulator is a game with nice, simple graphics, good controllability and a nice game environment. However, the game experience is short and the campaign ends after a few minutes. The game offers nothing else after that.

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