Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami
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Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami Media
Critic Reviews for Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami
Livestream is on the cusp of being something really special. It has the right setting, the right concept, the right character designs and the right themes to give players something special. Unfortunately, the execution's a little off, and while the game is a lot of fun, it doesn't say as much as some of the greats in the genre do. It is, ultimately, just an entertaining and fanservicey horror game with some enjoyable puzzles to throw at the player. There's nothing wrong with that, and I must emphasise that this game is hugely entertaining. It's just unfortunate that it's too shallow to be remembered as one of the greats.
Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami proclaims to be a horror game with interactive ecchi elements. While the latter is sorely lacking, it does live up to being a ghastly look into a classic setting. The technological approach offsets what would normally feel like cheap tricks of misleading angles and jumpscares.
Despite the presentation, we can’t really call this an ‘anime’ game since the focus isn’t really in the art style. But it also isn’t really a true horror game either since once you’re used to the killer’s patterns, it just feels like a platformer almost. But Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami kind of fuses both aspects to create a thriller atmosphere all while including investigation elements in the mix. Depending on the players’ decision, you can reach multiple different endings but because the game doesn’t have any auto-save features, players must be responsible for themselves if they lose a big chunk of their gameplay by accident. While it doesn’t present anything special to the horror game enthusiasts, for those who’re curious about selecting their first horro game, this would be the best bet.
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