Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - The Official Video Game Reviews
If you have friends to play with regularly, I think this Tokyo 2020 is a great option for you, despite inconsistent event quality. There are enough good ones to have a great time, and you can make your own playlists to avoid the bad. For others, though, this is a more difficult recommendation. The single-player modes can be plenty fun, but there’s a lot of sitting around to get to those bursts of enjoyment, and its simplistic nature likely won’t hold your attention for long. I wish I could be confident the online modes will provide a way to keep the fun going, but early signs aren’t favorable. This is the sort of game I once called a great rental. Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 may not win the gold, but at the right price, it could squeak out a bronze.
Some Olympic competitions are missing but it is a lot of fun to play in company
Review in Spanish | Read full review
It's clearly a simple, familiar and intuitive approach to the Olympic Games, being a perfect complement to follow our favorite athletes and sports. Don't expect nothing as complex as FIFA, PES or the NBA for example, but rather a title to be played in fast rounds with friends or family. And in that it's quite competent.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - The Official Video Game, like most titles focusing on so many completely different gameplay loops and styles, falls short on truly delivering in any of them. The sheer variety of the twenty different sports presented, the rush of adrenaline of some of the shorter modes, solid online performance, and good presentation makes it a pleasant enough title for fans of the world's most famous torch.
The official game to the biggest sports event in the world offers an interesting variety of events to compete in, both online and offline. The controls are surprisingly varied and easy to pick up. The cartoony style might not be to anyone's taste, but the many customizations and wild outfits are a fun note.
Review in Dutch | Read full review
An undoubtedly satisfying game, even if it is not free of flaws and, at times, can be too arcade-y. Many different and compelling disciplines are accompanied by some AI and control issues that somewhat undermine the playability of some of them. Nonetheless, SEGA's new Olympic game can provide many hours of healthy fun, especially if played with friends.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020: The Official Video Game is, in all honesty, quite fun. While there are a few depressing omissions, the disciplines featured are all fun and easy to play and enjoy. The game leaves enough space for more to be added in the future, while having just enough variation in gameplay to keep the included sports from feeling too similar. The stylised approach to the games aesthetic is quirky and fun, and it removes the pressure photorealistic designs often put on sports titles. The way it mimics the real-life Olympics, complete with roster and schedule, is a nice touch that will incentivise players to return to see if they can be the best in the world, while the solo modes ensure players have something to do while they wait. The game is by no means sophisticated and nuanced, and it is as far removed from a simulation title as the astronaut outfit you can wear while doing a Hammer Throw; but it is quite a bit of fun. The sheer accessibility in the title is a breath of fresh air among the dozens of sports games trying to simulate every facet of their focused disciplines; making the game a good experience for even the most inexperienced of players.
A pesar de incluir pocas modalidades y ser un juego ciertamente repetitivo sin alicientes, el juego oficial de las olimpiadas de Tokio 2020 logra divertir de buena manera, permitiendo al usuario personalizar como quiera a su personaje y tratar de obtener el máximo número de medallas para su país. Un título donde no hay crossplay y puede jugar una mala pasada a la hora de buscar partida pero que es muy divertido y ampliamente recomendable con una rebaja sustancial.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Ditching the simulation-heavy gameplay of previous Olympic games is a smart move that creates a more enjoyable experience, especially in multiplayer, but there's still a lack of lasting replay value.
Although it looks low budget and the events are about half of what they were in the last Official Video Game of the Olympics around a decade ago, this is still a fun experience specially in co-op.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020: The Official Video Game is a functional and serviceable sports video game at best. While it features various events, the play mechanics and controls are too basic, so there isn’t much long-term replay value. The biggest problem here is that the experience sits somewhere between a sports simulator and an arcade game, and it doesn’t succeed with either approach. If you own a Nintendo Switch, pick up Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 instead.