Cities: Skylines - Airports
Cities: Skylines - Airports Media
Cities: Skylines Airports DLC | Coming January 25, 2022 | Official Announcement Trailer
Critic Reviews for Cities: Skylines - Airports
With each DLC released Cities Skylines gets a bigger and more impressive game, from an already epic starting point. Now there are many available it could be daunting to new players, though for fans having a new area to dive into is a great reason to get back into crafting cities. Having the new public transport options and the two terminal types gives plenty to get invested in, just make sure you have a large flat area planned out for your airport to properly take flight!
Cities: Skyline has been one of my favourite games since its release, which is why it’s firmly on my list of the Best City Building Games . With the Airport DLC, constructing a small airfield right up to large international hubs, cargo and transport hubs add much more to your city and tourism. Cities: Skylines – Airports DLC is my favourite DLC out of them all.